Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Ayyy. I know that there are tons of people who have remedies for pestilence and such but that Lost Coast. That stuff is like a plant conditioner. The leaves are more supple, green, and the main stems/branches from the soil up look great as well. I used 5 days straight with no ill effects other than killing the damaged areas and stopping reinfection.

Just cleaning the environment, leaf litter, and giving everything a once over like once a week is the ticket. I’ll definitely be ordering more LCPT. What do you use for IPM? How often and how has it worked for you? Effect yielded at all, pistil damage?

Everything is going good growing wise. I just need like 4 3.5cu ft. blocks of promix hp. I need 25 3gal pots of soil soon. Then pots, casters, and mater cages. Probably another 600w light. Idk. Never gone I ddor that large.


Hey hey. What can I say? Everything is setting up for some massive buddage. Lol. I just have a better grasp of what I’m doing today and how to take care of it. I owe everything to all the good dudes who put up with me. They shortened the learning curve for me and they all saved me. Just know I really do love all of yall. I just had to walk through hell to understand life. No cheap shots. Drama free. Anyways back to the show

We have 6 plants in flower. All have been cloned, they’re rooted, and gonna stay with me.
X2 Dracary’s -I just wanted to post the variation of the leaves on this particular strain. GG4XBUBBA 6 plants. x2 GG4XBUBBA, x2 Gushers, Black Candyland. Look at how dark the clones got. They go black for real.
Last but not least the Banan Cake from In House still lives in clone form. Yall have a good day. Bbe safe.


Great that you got things dialed in! Keep the magic happening.


Hey thank you so much dude. My reply didn’t go through yesterday. 403 error? Idk but I wanted to say I appreciate the love.

I’m still clean and all is well, besides the fact I’m out of medicine until this run is done. Everything is stacking like a gang member. I’m gonna hit everything I have clones with my Romulan male. It’ll be the first serious seed run I do.

The run is for more Romulan but all the crosses are to be hunted through. I have a cut of Black Candyland and Gushers from DG. I still have the Dracary’s (GG4xBubbaBx), In House Banana Cake. It’ll be fun to hunt my own work for sure.

Be safe bro bro. I’ll be running a bunch of BOG gear I’ve been hoarding asap. Lol. Have a hood one.


Romulan crossed with Black Candyland could be a stellar cross.

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Atta boy! Much respect keep up the great work!


My male has gone in to flower. Males as I’ve become to know them flower earlier than the ladies. Pretty sure that’s for early pollination for the ladies sake, so the seeds have time to fully develop? In the wild I mean. Lol.

So yeah dude. I happen to have an empty room and another 2x2x3 after my Aunt got kicked out. I got space for one epic run. Fuck I’m so all over the place now.

The Romulan male is getting swollen to the point of getting nervous. By the end of the day he’ll have his space to drop pollen. I’m not gonna lie. I’ve never painted plants with stored pollen. IF anything goes wrong… I snatched a clone from the male.

Black Rom? Sounds great. The BC has a taste of almost sour candy. As your rub the resin and it wears off the smell becomes sweeter. She goes pretty dark. The Rom male has some purplish on the balls. Not blue but a lovely light purple. :laughing:

Might as well hit em all and hunt.


Bro I feel do good you just don’t know. I’ll be getting a new Bambu 3d printer soon after years of using my Ender 3v2. I’m gonna shoot it out back 100 times. I’ve been a closet 3d printer for a minute now. Dad grabbed me a Predator laptop and a printer.

I have more hobbies than any normal person. R/C since birth. Dad flies gas engine jets n choppers. I’m stuck playing all the Fallout’s. I’m on Fallout 3 right now. I fucking love gaming as well. Lol. Thanks for coming through my dude. Be safe. You’re too important to the movement. :grin::v:…All yall are.

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Check how frosty the Gushers is this round @DGCloud . This fertilizer soil mix is fucking crushing. They got a bit to go still and they’re frosted.

Gushers ‘Twins’


Here’s my Romulan Male

I threw it back on 18/6 but he’s not gonna stop so it’s back in seg on 12/12. All good.

Here’s a weak shot of the plants dark.

I love growing. It saved my life. I’m so blessed to have this life and be alive. We gotta get a OG meet up sometime in the next few. Yall be safe. OG is church.


Looking great! Very nice! I’m a hobby fiend too lol, I fish HARD, since a child. Obviously growing/breeding, snowboarding and I’m not gonna lie I wanna get into 3d printing too, I love all the little life hacks you can make, it’s crazy I didn’t know you were into it , very cool! Proud of you homie, for real. It’s awesome to hear you feeling so great too! Keep it up

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Are you planning to put the male(s) in with the girls to pollen or are you going to apply pollen to the pistils? Once pollenated and pistils shrivel, six weeks later beans should be ready. Good luck with making babies!


That gushers is just straight snow when it’s done. Super frosty, your doing her good for sure.

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I couldn’t let you down after all the great stuff you’ve sent me. I can’t literally cry anymore for the cuttings I let go during my bad depression phase.

If nothing my dude, these are here for you if you want it back. Just give me a Lil heads up if you need that. The Gushers is the closest to straight Triangle that I can access right now. I hope you’re feeling well over there and your family. Be safe.


I’m not gonna lie I love fishing and I can’t wait to fish some of the major rivers with my Dad when he retires in a few. (Im on fishing planet online I fish so much.) He’s a plant engineer for a division of Honda/Acura/Hyundai. He messes with robots and shit. Pilot and R/C, gun guy jack of all. I love my Dad. I had to leave Georgia where he lives. Spent a lot of time in around ATL. West End. Scary times. Lol. Fuck that my zipcode is top murder rate. Jesus Christ there shooting everything here.

Yeah I’ve been on Fosscad since the early days. Anything further needs to go private. Hehe. I am not acting crazy or on that time. Let me repeat. I just am so 2a you already know. 🫡 Lacking on shit. Worst state ever here. Anyways I’m always blabbing. Be safe sir.


Unfortunately NY run now is too far I to to yield viable seeds w/o pushing these plants well past their finishing time. I’m gonna try to capture its pollen but I have a couple cuts in case it goes awry.

I am gonna hit them all. I wanna make some strains besides the auto regs I made using Reikos gear. Bubblegum is what they turned out like. Here’s a decent pic of the top of the BC clone female clone. She’s rezzy af dude. She hasnt gone purple yet but the xuttimgs are so cold they’re plum colored. A little too cold here. Ugh. They all are rezzy. Fertilizer is killing it.

The green gang. Hehe.

Damn branch almost sheered off. Hit it with some painters tape. That’s a couple grams. Lol. No fukin sir. Now I’ve gotta attempt to trap some pollen.


I have a question about pollen and have used the search function. I just need so.e help. I’m planning on using this pollen on my next run. If I store it in the fridge won’t the condensation kill the pollen off?

I’m hung up on that. Should I cut the plant and put in a cup of water then cup i side brown bag in the windowsill to capture the pollen? Pics attached. I’m eyeballing the plant. Looks close.

**The Male plant is isolated in a 2x2x3 tent with a couple sils portholes open. Could I just wrap the pot and place foil on the bottom of the tent? Or paper brown bag? I’m hoping to make some testers for anyone.


Hey Buddy

I usually bent my plant
over a plate glass and hold
the plant with 90 degres metal
angle for tablet
and just wait it usually shed
for up to 2 wk if you care for it.



Awesome. I have a tendency to overdo things or over think it. I have some of those large bread tie type silicone covered bending wire. The pot the plant is in is pretty small.

Would you recommend glass or a piece of clean 1/4" plastic. My family owns a plastics company. I have tons of plastic sheets around? Clean brown paper?

I appreciate the help. I just want to keep some viable pollen and start my journey on preserving strains amd creating them for anyone who cares to try some non herm seeds. Lol. Be safe and thanks again.


Hola @Baltimore

Glass or mirror
so you can use a blade to harvest
the pollen.
Do yourself some small coke pouch
and store the pollen in those. Do small
batch in each pouch so you waste not.
Then put the pouch in a metal container
with some rice and put that in the fridge.

This pollen should keep for about 2 yrs
in the fridge, the older it get the more male
you’ll get.

