Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Hola senor @Barefrog here’s the last small pile of the Romulan pollen I put away for the next run.

It was sifted and dried leaving no pieces of flower in any of it. I thank you for the help. Now I can wash my 2x2 and get to pollinating the next run.

Looks like a rail of Xanax. Jk. Lol. Done with that stuff. Anyways I think I have enough pollen to get the job done.


Im waiting for some more dirt tomorrow. We’ll be getting ready for some outdoor but first ima finish the Romulan project. I got a sweet couple females and some pollen.

Be crossing that RomulanX(GG4XBUBBA). Shit’s fire. There’s a lot to get to but please believe Tony Green has some smoking GG crosses. I had a lb of GB from MI after being turned onto some. I still bought a pack of GG4RIL after being shafted. All good.

I did pretty good this time but I’ve got a large clone of Banana Cake I’m gonna revisit. I’m not gonna lie, I was half stepping every plant.

I’m not gonna lie. My personal trimming tastes a d others are different. If that leaf is railed out, it gets grinded and fuckin smoked baby. That Gushers has some sexy lavender happening underneath. Dracary’s would do e way batter in a 3 gal Instead of a 1 gal. It’s in a 3 gaal pot now waiting on the flip n pollen.

Yall be safe out there.


Hola @Baltimore

That’s awesome man



Thank you very much. I’m snatching some Pro-Mix HP tomorrow. I have my fertilizers already. It’s warm enough that the outdoor is going in this week.

Exciting stuff going on here for sure. I’m gonna throw some OG member gear outback and get ready this summer to step my game up. I’m nervous and excited. I appreciate all the love and help. Anything anytime, just holler.

Here’s a nice Romulan female #2. I took care of the lower growth. It topped itself for the scrog. It’s crazy. They’ll all be ready to flip again soon.

Romulan #2


What’s going on out there? My Father came up a d spent some quality time with your boy. Everything is going great. I’m getting stronger and I feel pretty good. Other than that. I’ve acquired the new grow house. Yay! :wink:

The Gushers is struggling to make headway. I enjoy the GG4XBUBBA so much it stays. The In House Banana Cake is staying. Its sleeping potion. Dr’s tryna out me back on Ambien. Nope. I’m gonna need to flip these two soon or decide to out 2 more outdoors.

Banana Cake

Dracary’s (Katsu/Josey) GG x BK

Damn HPS lights never do justice. Lol. It’s all good. Here’s a Romulan clone that just started pulling fully from flower to veg. It’s not a big deal because I make sure to keep healthy clones now of each strain u til I’m through. You see how tight the node spacing was. Still may go outside as well.

Romulan (hacked up and flopped)

Other than that I’ve had my outdoor in the ground for a couple weeks now. They’re hardened and green. We’ll get some pics. It was 90°f here today. Nuts. Went from 40’s to 80’s quickly.


Breakfast consists of a Chai latte and bong hits yhroigh shaved ice. I’m gonna get another Eyce soon. So much smoking has it discolored from the rez. I clean this fucker out alot too. Anyways the outdo is looking great. I got it in early this year. Let’s gooo!


Hello Hello. Everything is going very well. Doing great w/my recovery. No F or C. I’m gonna grab some pics here in a second. Got some lovely little outdoor Gorilla Bubba’s (Dracary’s) and a couple Romulan out there.

OK this first Romulan was a clone that we t into flower too far and is now pulling out. I should’ve gotten a better pic but I’ll grab some further in summer. This girl finally is throwing normal flat serrated leaves. :+1:

This Romulan clone had some Lost Coast sprayed on it. Kinda sickly from the jump. The pot was still super heavy so im gonna flush it and see if its a bug or a shitty pot. These were all leftover clones that I planted when the nights were still in the 50’s. No bs.

Here’s the leftover Dracary’s. These plants have no fertilizer and were thrown on my lawn but tucked. Good dirt. Fat worms. Nothing but deciduous trees and most weed type trees here. Pines start just south of us. The Barrens anyways.

My main tent is 4 days into flower. Hey @Mr.Sparkle at which point should I apply the pollen to flowering plants?

In theory I’d like to cover everything but a fat branch from each plant and fertilize just maybe one from each plant. Can this be done in the dark cycle and kept there for just as long as it needs to take and then can it be washed/sprayed with water hopefully keeping the rest of the plant from pollination?

We chuckin over hea. Well that’s the hope. Some creamy mashups. Idk if the Gushers is gonna make it but the BlackCandyland is secured for good now.


Well depends on how many seeds you want, the more pistils and calyxs the more potential seeds so say 2-3 weeks into flower you’ll get alot, but if you just want a couple to play with you can hit early and only get seeds at those internode calyxs.

And to isolated just throw a bag over all the branches you don’t want to be hit, dust the branch you do and then blow it off in a safe space say out doors, and let sit for a day back in you tent with no fans un bagged or bagged, and spray it down with water after that and you’ll be fine.


Thank you very much. I figured about as much but that makes it much easier. Nothing is held in place at this point. The nets can easily be lifted off. They’re still stretching. Lol.

I understand what you’re saying about how many seeds can be produced if I throw pollen like Nicholson throws coke in the Departed. I wasn’t sure on the wait time as from them being pollinated to being able to wash the rest off.

This should be fun. I have my team of little helpers always ready. My Mom loves to just be around the plants for real. She knows aloe and can spot boof like an airport hound. She’s so cool. I’ll let you know how it’s going.

Thanks for the help. Can’t thank all of my friends on here enough. I don’t spend enough time here.


Hey what’s up? Been doing a ton of 3d printing. The plants are looking great and the outdoor is looking better. Lol. Everything is going great. Gonna be running my own stuff and the stuff from my friends here. Love you guys. Be safe out there. My box is always open for anyone. :+1:



I’ll have to grab some outdoor shots. Those are a couple weeks old. Be cool out there.


Garden looks good, what are you 3D printing?


I print mainly 2a stuff but honestly I’ve been doing this for a while so I can print anything really any material on the market. Check your :postbox: .

I took some pictures when the lights went off so everyone can see the green on these ladies. Now that I u derstand what I’m doing I’m going to focus on my own interests as well as preservation runs.

In this pic we have Romulan, Katsu GG4XBUBBA, and IH BananaCake.

I got these 2 strains from a frigging bud to back in action. Lol @DGCloud I swear these fuckers got themselves together in the last 2 weeks. Since last harvest they’ve been on life support. TG I pulled a save.

Left BlackCandyland
Right Gushers


Wow you’re better than I am I’m still battling my pest control. I should be good in the next couple weeks already cut a bunch of stuff down and ready to do my reset soon.


Glad to hear it dude. I wish you the best. Drop me a link so I can stay up when you get it together or if you have a current thread. Please lmk of you need anything I might be able to help with.

Lost Coast Plant Therapy is like leave in conditioner for plants. Saved my ass so I use it for my IPM. Be safe dude. Thanks for all the help for real.


No worries bro thanks I’ll let you know if I need anything but I’m good I still have plenty to play with. I’m glad you like the ones I sent you let me know if you have some room to play with more I can send you something new if you like.


Coming from you. Bro I have Hella room. Holler at me when you get a sec. We’ll figure something out. I’m almost 2 weeks in flower on another run and I still have enough I’m gonna start wholesaling so.e local til I can get a storefront.

I’m still hurting from not hooking g up all the previous stuff you sent me got my ass in gear to learn to really grow solid healthy plants ,mothers, the whole Shabhang.

Do you ever come across wild stuff like Mendo Breathe or OGKB? I have a bunch of stuff from some of the solid cheaper (compared to afficianado) gear from everywhere I just didn’t start seed whoring til like 2016. BTW how was the Pure Michigan?


Man there’s nothing like a 30 hr print to fail in the last hour of the shyt. Ugh. I moved the filament holder blocking the Z from going up any further not printing my threads.

Anyways we’re heading in the right direction Grass wise. All the plants have stopped stretching. Going in on lights on to clean the floor and floor fans. Prepping for pollination and whatnot. We have tons of Romulan pollen frigged.

Thank you to all of you who stop by and help. I will be here and remain clean from street drugs and somewhat sober. This life is beautiful. I decided to go back to my roots and drop some of @ReikoX 's beautiful autos. They’ll get the longest/strongest periods of light.

All right I’ll shut up.


I just goin’ to put it out there…YOU, MY FRIEND, HAS IT “GOIN’ ON”!!! Your work is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, a testament to your dedication to the Plant. Keep doin you, Bro, your efforts are paying BIG dividends. SUPER CONGRATS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you so much for the kind words. Your what a great you care about the members here and show it. I’m trying to be a better man like you. I appreciate you coming in and checking in on me.

I’m so glad I came back here and learn about the plant. I love this site. I don’t need to fake anything. We all learn from failure and that’s life. We learn what type of people we are by the way we handle adversity. Thank you again. Be safe.


My outdoor plants were moved into pots. I didn’t till the ground. It was more trial and error. I have an explosion of Mealy bugs as well in my Crepe Myrtle. Thinking they may have came in on ants. There’s a shit ton of Carpenter :ant: in the base of the tree.

This was a week ago. There are waaay less today.

I didn’t take the larger Romulan out because it’s dug and fully into veg now. It’s gonnna be a sweet plant come August.


This Romulan is suffering from something but is really healthy despite the crinkling. Idk. We’ll run it out as well. We’ll all see how goes. Haha.


Group Shots. The green pot has the auto beans in it.

Here’s the Dracary’s that came out of the ground rootbound. The furthest plant is shocked and looks to die. That happens I’ll up the gallon pot quickly.


Lasty some Cereal Milk. I still by a live resin cart and a eighth here and there. Man yall have a good one and be safe.