Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Things are looking good inside. I manage to keep these girls in line with the Lost Coast. Here’s several after their watering today.

@Barefrog Que Paso? Everything is cooking along. I’ve done enough reading on pollination times. I’m good on allowing seeds to mature. I’m wondering with different finish times. I’m pretty sure they should be a little further along, maybe another week? I’m getting frost on my Banana Cake as it’s a fast finisher. Little less than 60 sometimes.

Banana Cake

Here’s the rest

Been outside a ton. Figured I’d show one of my Tiger Lilly patches.

My spellchecker is non existent. If a whole paragraph seems off that’s me working off my phone not my laptop. Yall be safe. :+1:


My new 3x3 with it’s first clones. Left BlackCandyland. Right hand side is the Gushers. Got some clones joining them tomorrow. About to run like 25 before 50.

Don’t wanna put too much on my plate too fast honestly. I’ll get there. There’s no point rushing anything especially breeding if you don’t have the basics down consistently. So im gonna chuck til I can really understand breeding totally. I never wanna give trash out. Right?


The $20 bag had me…but an eighth of Platinum and a 500mg for $20 was the deal of the day. Got up early af to get it but I love grass. Be safe stay cheap (unless it’s for growing). :v:


White Ash Gang

With a breeze…this mofo had hang time on it. Tailored by the master. Lol. This should be a OG competition. We all know we can pull an oz from a solo. Best hand rolled ash color and hang time…off to clip the nails. Sorry.

Glad ro report the transfers from the ground to pot were all successful. One plant was almost a goner. She’s cool. :v:


Hey now. What’s going on? Today I’m at like 3 weeks of flower. Exactly 23 days, so I’m a tad over. I’m planning on smoking everything. I’m going to attempt to pollinate a large branch from each plant.

That being said, there’s only 3 of the 4 getting a branch hit because there’s 2 Romulan females. Here’s my problem. There’s 2 nets the plants are being held by. I’ve read enough on timing. I’m good there.

I just wanna know a better approach then covering the top of the plants as best with bags, turn off all fans at the start of dark tonight. Paint the couple branches, let the plant sit in dark with fans off and pollen on for 24hrs. Spray them off with water and be glad if I get a ton or a few? Either way we win. @Mr.Sparkle any thoughts? I guess I could slowly start removing the nets when the lights come on to cover each plant better?

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the nets will make it more challenging, you could do it in reverse in a sense as in bag only the branches that you want to pollinate and dust within those bags but i maybe see some potential mishaps and coverage could be sporadic but ive never done it that way so honestly dont know and the branches that arent being pollinated could be sprayed down with water before pollination just to lessen any errant stray pollen only issue is stagnant water sitting around for a bit with no fans and such and through a dark period but that shouldn’t be an issue when early into flower, then obviously spray down again and within said bags after that day or so.

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am curious how to do it properly in a tent too.

Only did it with freestanding plants and natural wind issues but simply sprinkling pollen onto a nice thick branch was so far good enough not to contaminate other plants or even just other branches.

-doing it inside a bag over that branch sounds good,
-turning off fans sounds vital, but id prefer to turn them back on right or soonish after,
-water sounds smart too, but its of course moisture which might have its own effects. (does it affect pollen potency?)
-possibly a vacuum cleaner on lowest setting to suck up anything that didnt stick, or an air cleaner placed right next to that branch
-somin like a nylon sock or mesh instead of a bag to keep on the pollinated branch for a few days so it still gets air
-only dropping a few pollens with a brush so as to only use minimal amounts and reduce free flying pollen
-moving the whole plant out of the tent while it pollinates, or just sticking that branch through a hole… silly but hey…


That’s how I’m gonna go about it. I have some of those nice bags from the vegetable/fruit section in Walmart and a ton of bread ties and tape so we’re good there. I’m gonna be as careful as possible with no air movement until the pollen takes. At that point when I’m about to take it off I’ll spray it down a bit.

I do need some grass to smoke but I want to get some of my own work and testing going on so if I get a bunch of seeds it’s ok. I’m about to get prepping. Lights out at 10pm. What does it take to pollinate time wise? A full 24hrs?

I don’t take anything I do as silly. The prep time and time I have just in these crosses isn’t something that I just wanna wing shit on. The genetics as well. I usually check after research w/someone who really does this shit. I learned how to grow and flower solid and consistently I decided to start learning to breed.

Idk bout crazy stuff. Flowering isn’t gonna be screwed to let them sit a day or even 2 left in the dark. Only reason for that is the fans are gonna blow it and off they’ll fry. Sorry for the diary. This is exciting for me. :+1:. Thanks for the help.


You know what. I got a small paint brush and everything is off screw the bags. I’m going in on a very light pollination expedition. Godspeed gentlemen. We’ll watch this shite show together.

We’re going Bob Ross…happy little mistakes. Lol. Sheesh my anxiety is bad.


paint happy little seeds here and there, gently stroke these flowers, let a little passion guide your hand and you will see beautiful seeds emerge in no time at all. it happens all by itself. Thats the beauty of painting.

sounds joyful :smiley:

i only did it a few times so not a skilled breeder by any means, i really just sprinkled it on generously lol, and that would worry me in a tent.
But if you carefully paint it on, wait a few hours in offline (maybe just do it at the start of night), it should stick and start getting absorbed already.

On second thought i dont believe that you need to wet the branches, they are oh so sticky anyway.

if you have multiple males, maybe mark the branches you pollinate with a little tag and what genes they got so you dont forget while waiting half a year, drying, curing, storing it.

good luck!


Hey man. All kidding aside thanks for the good advice. I found a small water coloring brush and lightly just touched internodal spots. Lol. I realized right away what you said. My Banana Cake is a quick finisher so she was very sticky already.

The Romulan females both got hit as well and I tagged the spots where I hit and where I stopped. I should’ve been honest and said I’m trying to make seed and I do t mine picking through each bud really. Mom gets stoned as a bat off Reggie Bush. Hehe.

Hey man weed aside I love fishing. I’m a larger type guy and I love a fighting fish. Never been carp fishing but I’ve seen some monster’s. I was fishing Cat’s from the Cape Fear River in Wilmington. Frigging whoppers man. Lived there for a couple. Be safe.

Thanks again to Mr Sparkle as well. That man has been killing it here forever.


weed is sooo sticky lol.
its like super glue… i remember curing my first tree and meticulously removing even the small bud leaves… never again!
But its my main reason why i moved from chill windowboard grow to sophisticated tent setup. You just get so many debris flying into the buds and it wont come off. it will grow in and the smoke will be harsh, scratchy and unhealthy. Worst offender imo are micro fibers from washing mashines and the like, tire abbrasion and artifical grass (according to my environmental ministry). i had hail that had formed around tiny plastic pebbles ffs. But these micro fibers are terrible especially in cities. we tried doing a balcony run once and every bud you grabbed from the jar, had every other bud dangling from it via near invisible fibers. Nice to see it works for pollen too at least :slight_smile:

But nah, tried to fish a carp once and it was really strong but also kinda boring, theyre just so slow and rely on being massive i think. Not really my taste either lol, gotta keep em in your tub for a week or they taste like mud. And explain that to your family… “hun i need a shower! since tuesday!” “just dont step on the fish! and no soap! well get through this!”
Never tried catfish but ive seen “river monsters” :stuck_out_tongue:
i guess my fav would be trouts and bass/perch of all kinds for fishing. Those guys really fight and dont even need to be big to be ferocious.


lol. The Carp behind my house never bite on anything. They’re slow and you have to keep them in a bucket to get the mud taste out? Yeah, I’m good. Mark that off my fishing expeditions. maybe

I have the same tents from like 6 years ago and I never have had problems with light leaks. I can make the dark cycle during the day, and it doesn’t matter they’re fine. I just daisy chain them together with and lots of fans blowing. I love tent growing. I learned to use a lot of LITFA and that helped as well. hahaha

I live in a duplex in the city in private “Homes” community, but my yard backs up to a protected watershed. I have a ton of area to outdoor but they gotta be in good soil or buckets. I’m gonna dig several nice holes to fill properly with good soil next year for sure. It’s all-hard ass clay back here. I guess I’d balcony grow or try if it was ok to do so. I’ll put plants wherever for a little bud. I’d just make sure they’re all fire strains. I have no shame. I have some autos that finish in like 55 days. They’re perfect for the long hours right now outdoors. Gonna pop a couple now. lol. Thanks for the conversation and helpful info.

I did hit the one plant last night that I wasn’t sure it got pollinated. The pistils have reacted, so it looks promising this morning.


Took some of the calyx off Romulan female that went into flower too far. She’s back into veg but I cleaned the thick larfy buds that were growing off do she doesn’t mold up.

First thoughts about Romulan…vvery impressed by the potency. Went cerebral at first but this is very underdeveloped bud/sugar leaf. Looks like there’s gonna be some large cola’s on these plant’s. I’m high af off some sugar larf. Haha.

These hybrids are gonna fucking rock.


show more romulan butt plis :slight_smile: what makes them special apart from the strength?

Carps make pretty good pets thou, can keep em in a pond or somin and they eat mosquitos for you. Thats why you find them in basicially all canals in Japan for example. Cpt Cook, who didnt loose a single dude while discovering Australia, lost half his crew during a stop over in Indonesia where they the Dutch didnt use carps in their canals and mosquitos spread malaria and such. Feed the carp, dont eat the carp. i might be biased.

Pretty nice to have a little garden to play with :). i miss mine soooo much. windowboard and tent are neat but nowhere equal.
Digging a proper plantbed really did it for me back then.
i shovelled a 3-4 feet deep trench, threw in some compost and whatever organic waste i found in the garden, branches, leaves, whatever, mixed it, removed all the weird shit i found, and it was beautiful, chillis, tomatos, potatos, corn and whatnot… an afternoon of hard labour, for baskets of free food all year.
And ya, mostly litfa all the way :stuck_out_tongue: just some LST here and there.

id say pots have the downside, or upside, of limiting the plant growth. Simply planting weed in the ground allows it theoreticially to stretch its roots as far as it can and to become as large as it can. Pots stop at some point. But many strains easily turn into massive 7ft+ bushes or trees in the open wild. If thats suitable is another question…met a guy whose tree was bent sideways so as not to grow over the fence, like 10ft of hedgerow. He had serious trouble to restrain it somehow.

cheers and good luck with the romulanians o/


Thank you for the kind words. Im not gonna lie to you. I have a bucket list of strains that I always wanted to grow. From strains like Skunk, Purple Haze, Maui, Panama, Columbian Gold, White Widow/Rhino, Romulan. From what I’ve smoked off a clone, the stuff is dynamite. Tastes, piney, minty, bubblegum. I’m sure as they mature the scents will as well.

Can I just say to anyone pollinating. Lol. Less is more. I got what I asked for. The plants are decently seeded. I should have plenty to test and go from there. I still have 2 more strains to pollinate using the Rom pollen. Then I’ll be back at acquiring cuts and working the stuff I want to.

It’s just been so frigging hot out. I got a ton of plants and herbs and tomatoes strains I have to plant tomorrow. Speaking of mosquitoes, we have them bad. For where I live I have a big yard that backs up to the woods and creek. As soon as it the sun dips they get vicious. Need some carp here.

It’s very cool to have a garden of more than just grass. It keeps my head straight.


My back yard is the hardest earth next to Texas hardscrabble. I had to put the sprinklers on after another 95° day. I got one Tomato plant in yesterday, after weeding my flower beds for my new flower/herb garden. I love Snapdragons. Some beautiful stuff out there. I’m worried about the aquirrels on my Mater’s. I can’t rip a .22lr for to long before the SWAT team shows up. Keep it on the hush mode but the neighbors once again would call if they saw. Lol.

Some night shots. I’ll get some when the lights go on. I bought a bunch of sterile gloves for the seed picking. Putting Mom to work. Haha. She’s the worst smoker…“when are you gonna grow some of Bhodi’s gear?”. Jesus Cripps, now she’s giving me the blue’s.

A little too much N. The Romulan is eating it all up. :v:


cant You coexist with adorable furry squirrels? people love squirrels. especially if they are in other peoples garden. grandpa used the trusty airgun from before the great war, the first one… but that was mean and grandma told him off, so no more squirrel murdering for him. dude, they are so cute!

And so are those Romulans awww, might have to add them to my list now…

i can totally join the hate for mosquitos thou, got a stream, a canal and some pointless overflow thing around the house… yay… i developed a genetic mutation to recognize those fucks by movement and even their shadow by now… my kids will inherit it… and hopefully my skill to slay them midair with a swift karate slash… but you can only karate slash so many… i was thinking geckos… a flock or whatever you call it, a herd, a pack of geckos…
The carps here seem to always get fished out by what i can only assume are carp haters intimidated by their prowess, or possibly naive first timers who didnt experience the mud issue yet.


I used paintball and sling shot

I just don’t shoot at them
just a few inch away.



I’ve been meaning to pick an Ol wrist rocket up. They sell them at the knife booth at the flea market along with num-chuk’s, switchblades and blowguns. I 3d print stuff. I can print anything then gather the fasteners and whatnot to complete it. I mean make anything. Yep. I’ve always been a McGyver dude even before I did 10 years in the penitentiary here and 5 in the GA chain gang. Learned how to tattoo using guitar string and cd player motors. I’m a tattooist, my brother is a real tattoo artist. Unfortunately, he’s in supermax right now. lol. Ahhh those were the days.

I’ve got to make a scarecrow out of something and maybe hang some chimes or some tin cans? idk. I won’t have a dog until I decide to go to the shelter. That’s coming. I didn’t want to pick a furry one up until I could afford its care. Anyways I was going through beans Bare and I was looking at the Tuscadero’s Strain. what are its genetics, if you have a second for me. I want to organize everything and was wondering. i have all the stuff you sent me ina page in my huge binder. one of a million. haha.

Do you know of anyone who has connections to De Sageman’s White Widow? from I understand he still sells clones out of his spot in Holland? My father’s side are from Holland. If you know anything about WW, does he have seed or does Arjann have seed of De Sagemann’s work/WW? Thanks for all the help with everything as well bud.

I finally grabbed some Gumbo up. Its good stuff. Muy Caliente! Breakfast.