Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Old blabber mouth bmore. Yall are gonna shit bricks when I drop some sweetness. Long overdue creations and strains I absolutely love and want to share.

I’m going to self some strains and really get in these runs to have strains like GMO so I can drop a 100 pack on Cold Flame. He’s an awesome guy and I always keep his request and all of yalls love on my mind everyday.

It’s the family I didn’t have. I hope to attend or in some way make an OG reunion for future generations and the OG’s. I was 16 when I first posted here. I’ll be 40 August 9th a d I have the same passion for Marijuana. That’s right I said it. Haha :joy:

@DGCloud Gusher’s
-if there’s ever anything that becomes of this cut from this point it’s origins are at least known from here. I’d like to know where it came from. Is it a cross of Gelato (Barry Bonds) or 41 and where the TK cut came from. I need the TK.


Black Candyland (left) Gusher’s (right)
-saved both. Have a touch of sooty mold being smashed by Lost Coast. Gonna hold these as I can.

Here’s my outdoor. Going out to water them. It’s gonna be 98 today. I’m gardening too. :v:


I got a real nice cuts of some new stuff that I will send your way to try but still in quarantine and gotta make snips after they grow. You will prob flip out on the ICC if you wanna try.


You already know dude. Anything you can afford to spare or to share would be kept until He’ll or High Water. We don’t have clone houses here and are probably far from it. You’re getting straight petrol.

I have S1’s and R1’s of some amazing stuff but having a breeders cut for me is special. I’m so grateful to have a chance to run some of it. I’m coming to the end of the indo. I have no idea what to run.??

Speaking of cake strains. ICC is one of my favorites. Don’t see it much anymore. I have a few cake strains I’d like to mash together. BananaCake (running 1), Wedding Cake, and Captain’s Cake.

I’m glad to hear you’re at it after you had to back off for a sec. If you have a running grow log, shoot me a link please. I’d love to take a look at your meds. Be safe. :v:


Hey. If you’re stopping in and you have the time, please drop a link to your current grow log or your current project’s. I miss so many people that I need to gather links and start dropping in to spread the love.

@ReikoX my man. How the he’ll are you and what are you up to? Shoot me a link bro. I’m about to dunk a few of the FAM’s. I have the space to grow those large autos w/o them molding up on me now. Gonna drop a few outdoors as well. I figured with the days longer right now, I’d get a little bud. Stay safe. :v:


Hey bud, glad to hear you are keeping clean. I’ve been taking a break here for the heat of the summer. I’ll start back up again in August.

This is my current grow.


I know that’s right dude. It’s hot as frigging Haiti’s everywhere. I’m not gonna lie I can’t wait for this indoor run to be over. It’s barely holding on.

Thanks for the link. I’ll be sure to come through and check out your madness. I envy the no til beds man. You really kill shit consistently.


Big Cief Kush Mintz is like smoking honeysuckle juice and pollen. Man, I’m telling you, those fucking 510’s are some of the best. Got some Lemon Pound Cake. That shit tastes like Lemon Bars with the powdered sugar.

Been looking for strains that help with anxiety and my right leg from the knee down feels like someone hit it with a bat. I started lifting a little while back. I’m having to do everything seated and my left leg is suspect at best. I’m grateful to be alive no matter how much pain. It’s life.

My Aunt dropped of a shit load of plants in the middle of a heat wave. Tell you what my ass has been ouy at 6 every morning to beat the heat.

Feeling really good right now. Got my pollinating done and the plants are swelling. Got a nice bit of seed growing and bud to smoke. Where should I start with making seed? Preservation or personal aspirations? :v:


Personal aspirations, until you get the hang of it, then go all in on the preservation aspect. Don’t chance messing up on your valuable genetics right off the bat. But, you, I just KNOW you won’t have any major problems, go for it. Don’t doubt yourself, be positive. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That seems about right for real. There’s no point in pulling gear I’ll never get again until I make sure everything I make is sound.

Everything went pretty much as planned. I collected the pollen, then I stored it for a bit. I hit several nodal sites and when people say less is more w/pollen, they mean it. Lol.

I mean you sent me a couple strains that I promised I’d make more of. I don’t forget anything. You’re due for a return on beans to spread around. Thanks for always being so cool. Be safe. :v:


Damn it’s been a messed up couple days. A Kia Boy hit our car yesterday early morning. Karma swung my way and the fucker got caught before he could disable or try to disable the GPS. Were waiting got the police to release the car.

Other than that I have pics of my ladies. I managed to get all plants pollinated by the Romulan besides the Gushers. I’m sure I’ll get it done next round. I’m just in a rut. I can’t get a seed to pop. Idk here.




Hey man it’s hot af over here. It’s smells like shit in the streets. The power is on, so f it. Things are pretty rough around here right now. I’m waiting for the car to be processed and released this week. Bunch of fucking KIA Boys.

Hey, I pulled a seed. A tad green here. Lol. Looks a tad green. Maybe a few more huh? Thus plant anyways the seeds look nice. The Romulan is a little behind. I understand pulling a father from a large gene pool is the idea. We’ll see the results.

The first us a Romulan X Dracary’s

Romulan X Banana Cake.


gratz on those seeds! looking pretty good, nicely dark brown already.
My last were still very bright on harvest but germed just fine. i dont think green is a problem, might even just be a bit of skin. Your brown with tiger stripes looks proper mature however and eager for adventures in mud and dirt.


I know that’s right. I’ve been waiting my whole life for this. I threw them in paper towels like a proper head would. Lol. It’s just awesome to be able in my lifetime to do this.

Everything is coming to an end this week besides the Romulan. It’s still got a tad longer to go. I have a couple 4 footers and some smaller ones going going on. I’ll be back with some nice pics. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. Be safe. :v:


I figured out today why TST hasn’t contacted me in a while. I don’t even want to embarrass myself but I’m pretty sure I get the reason behind him bugging out. I don’t want to be suspended. I just feel bad. Mad S got me a while back and I never said anything based on what I thought was his standing in this community were. I felt I would be potentially kicked off based on his standing. It happened in the Tony Green RIL seed buy. I lost on that and that sucked. I’m bringing it up because we talked personally about things that I wish I wouldn’t have because his motives were other than that. I never imagined this. he got mad when I didn’t answer him right back, so I was like wtf happened. Idk???

Now let me take this paragraph to say, thank you to everyone for helping me on my journey and thanking the people who really run this site. I wouldn’t be where I’m at with my growing or my life if Over Grow wasn’t present throughout my life. I joined when I was 16 and I loved the way people moved and spoke about grass and it made me feel like home. Marijuana probably saved my life. I found that I needed it again in my life. I’m almost 8 months clean and I feel good. Once again good looking out. Please be safe out there. Have a good one

I have an unopened pack of Useful’s preservation run of BLSR. I’ll make sure that gets done soon. hopefully there’s still some others trying to preserve his work and others. I’m babbling now. Later


@blackcarp The heat makes them blow out. Constant Temps above normal can cause some wacky shit. I’ll probably go full led next year. Dropping my overall temps by 10°f is also a goal.

I was running an Eye Full spec 600 per 4x4 space. Those bulbs are the business. I’ve never pulled weight like that.

Mephisto has some high quality shyt. I’ve been running some crosses of Toof Decay and Sugar Black Rose. Dude the main buds on these plant’s were football sized.


Back during my time in the solo cup competition. I had some mean competition against me. I loved growing in cups. I didn’t know what was possible type shyt.

McDoper’s Cup

Here we have a beautiful MKage Plant traded by @Gaz29 or gifted to our late home @oleskool830 . I miss him and I think I’ll create something in his honor. :pray:

THseeds-MKage-13 weeks

Fin en auto de @Mr.Sparkle . I gave this plant to so.eone right after this picture. I won’t lie, I kept a side bud cola. Gotta at least try it. :wink:


Romulan Bx1 f4 are ready. Time for trim Jail. The only jail I love more is Baltimore city. :flushed:. Jk coming up on 10 years no charges 2025. Anyways. A blurry picture of a fine looking bean. Let’s s get it.


I got a little done last night. My Mom’s boyfriend is dieing of bone cancer and it’s killing me to watch this again. I know God doesn’t make mistakes, so I know I’ll see him again.

My mortality is absolutely getting to me. The thought of being ripped from this Earthly bond is terrifying for me.

Anyways make sure you spend time with the people you love. It goes in a flash.

Romulan Bx3f2

Katsu’s Dracary’s

I’ll make sure to get some closeup shots today. I’m about ready to flip another set after this is trimmed up. Gonna be more Banana Cake and Gushers. I gotta get some of Harry Palms Gear. I got a few Trop Cookie Beans from DG and some testers from Oni Sour Trop F1s im gonna get at. Yesss lord.


Hey @Shadey my dude. How’s it hanging up there? That beautiful piece of property you have is amazing. Your grows are epic. What’s cooking inside n out? I hope you are well. I should be ready for work around Christmas. Wound care and whatnot is going well.

I have burns on my legs. They put this fucking anesthetic xylazine in the F. It burns flesh away. You may have heard about Crocodil? Basically it can be described as 2 to 3° subdermal burns. I’ve been pushing myself a little too much in the heat. I had to back off too much walking right now.

I hope you and you’re family are well. Ttyl bro. :v:


Here’s a bit of Banana Cake n some Rom.

Always a great day when everything just about finished. They were all either a tad over or a tad under they’re estimated flowering length but the seed is mature, so let’s get it.

I think the Romulan Katsu cross may be quite interesting. All I can say is pull up a seat. It’s gonna be a great show.