Banquos Basement

Annnnnnd, she’s done. Chopped the Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2 female yesterday. Day 67 since flip, and day 36 since pollination. The seeds are starting to break open the calyx they sit inside of, so I figured it was as good a time as any. It does look like I’ll have more than a few undeveloped “whiteys”, but oh well. Still gonna see at least multiple hundreds of seeds, if not over 1,000.

It’s hard to describe how she smells at harvest. My hands smelled like 1986 after I was done trimming off some of the bigger leaves, and even after washing multiple times I could not get the smell to totally go away. The spot where I have my WeDryer, which is what her branches are in, smells like… I don’t know. I honestly can’t even describe it. Kinda skunky, but also kinda rubbery. Maybe a little bit floral, and also kinda sweet smelling. It’s so many things and not any 1 of them stands above the rest, to me. Hopefully it evens out and I’m able to pick something out when I smoke some.

Here’s a couple pics I took after getting rid of the bad looking leaves. For reference, the pot she’s in is a 7" tall 1 gallon pot.

She ended up being the most resinous of the 4 SSSDH females I have. Not that the other 3 are lacking, they just didn’t produce like she did. None of the others have those rails along the edges of the leaves. Hopefully whatever Dead Zone brings to the table, it doesn’t detract from resin production.

The other seed mom from the photo to auto project will be coming down very soon. She’s past ready and I’ve only let her keep going because I want to make sure the beans mature enough. I popped a couple out yesterday and they look good, but no stripes. So maybe they aren’t stripey seeds, or they’d need a few more days. Whatever the case, they have hard shells and good color with no green tint, so I think they’re good to go. I probably woulda chopped her yesterday, I just didn’t have the energy to keep working. :upside_down_face: