Banquos Basement

Maaaaaan it feels like these seeds are taking forever to cook. Today makes exactly 21 days since pollen went on, and I don’t think any of them look ready yet. Usually by now I’ve got a few trying to jump out of their calyx, but not with these. They’re also very tiny, which I kinda expected, so retrieving them all will be a job and a half.

I started using the Mammoth P about 3 days ago. I think I waited a little bit too long to order it though. My plants are starting to get light or yellowish leaves, and some of the lower, older leaves are dying. Not many, and not even on all the plants. But I’m thinking it gets too dang cold in there after lights out, and they’ve been having issues taking in phosphorus. I hope that’s what it is, since it’s pretty easy to fix, and I’ve got the stuff to fix it already.

I’ll see about some pics tonight when I have them out to water. That Wedding Cake from PEV seeds is starting to look alright. Definitely starting to take on some familiar Cookies smells too. Hopefully its finished and ready for the jar by the middle of June. I’d love to smoke some Wedding Cake on my actual wedding day, after eating some of our wedding cake. :sweat_smile:

Pure Michigan 2.0 S1 will be here in the next day or so. Really looking forward to getting one going right away.


Today is day 30 since Dead Zone pollen was applied to Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2 female. Seeds are looking good, but not all the way there yet. I’m gonna let her get to 35 days post pollen, then pluck out a couple more and see if they still have a green tint to their color. I’d rather let them stay in “too long” than pull the plant now and end up with a bunch of seeds that aren’t quite ready.

If you’ve been watching and waiting, now is a good time to send me a DM so we can figure out how many you need. There should be PLENTY, so don’t feel weird asking for more than a couple. Just keep in mind that these are F1 hybrids, so they might get large due to hybrid vigor, so be prepared for that. None of my SSSDH females are exceptionally large, but they’re all in 1 gallon pots too. Maybe they need room to stretch their legs before they get huge. :man_shrugging:


Quick update while I enjoy this 4:20 early morning bowl.

Started soaking 5 seeds a couple days ago. 3x Blackstrap S1 from @hollyho were the first to pop up in their Root Riot plugs, followed by a Lemon Carver (Black Lemon Cake x Peanut Butter Breath), and last up was Pure Michigan 2.0 S1. Both of the last 2 are photo fems, and both are by J_A_T from Brothers In Farms Genetics, aka BIF. I’ve run PBB S1 from J_A_T and loved it, plus a couple other BIF strains.

This run is for smoke, and the 2 photo plants will be in the Auto3 tray, I think. If not the tray, for sure in 5 gallon fabric pots. I want them to get big because I’ll be popping my new F1 creation after these, looking for the parents of the F2 generation. I’m still undecided what I’m gonna do with the Blackstrap ladies, but I don’t think it’ll be anything crazy. I do want to see how big they’ll get, so I might plunk 1 down into a 5 gallon and see how she does under 12/12 with the photo girls, like I was going to do with the 1 that my dummy cat ate.

Just a few more days for the SSSDH seed mother. She has all but stopped completely, so I don’t think I want to water her again. The auto Mazar x 9# seed mom needs at least 2 more weeks, I think. I popped out a seed yesterday and it’s still almost white color, no stripes, and didn’t feel “right”, if you know what I mean. I know the no stripes thing, and even being white color doesn’t mean much, but they just aren’t there yet. 10-12 more days I think. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


I love this journal! You should update more! :rofl: said with love of course! I can’t wait to see those PM!

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Annnnnnd, she’s done. Chopped the Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2 female yesterday. Day 67 since flip, and day 36 since pollination. The seeds are starting to break open the calyx they sit inside of, so I figured it was as good a time as any. It does look like I’ll have more than a few undeveloped “whiteys”, but oh well. Still gonna see at least multiple hundreds of seeds, if not over 1,000.

It’s hard to describe how she smells at harvest. My hands smelled like 1986 after I was done trimming off some of the bigger leaves, and even after washing multiple times I could not get the smell to totally go away. The spot where I have my WeDryer, which is what her branches are in, smells like… I don’t know. I honestly can’t even describe it. Kinda skunky, but also kinda rubbery. Maybe a little bit floral, and also kinda sweet smelling. It’s so many things and not any 1 of them stands above the rest, to me. Hopefully it evens out and I’m able to pick something out when I smoke some.

Here’s a couple pics I took after getting rid of the bad looking leaves. For reference, the pot she’s in is a 7" tall 1 gallon pot.

She ended up being the most resinous of the 4 SSSDH females I have. Not that the other 3 are lacking, they just didn’t produce like she did. None of the others have those rails along the edges of the leaves. Hopefully whatever Dead Zone brings to the table, it doesn’t detract from resin production.

The other seed mom from the photo to auto project will be coming down very soon. She’s past ready and I’ve only let her keep going because I want to make sure the beans mature enough. I popped a couple out yesterday and they look good, but no stripes. So maybe they aren’t stripey seeds, or they’d need a few more days. Whatever the case, they have hard shells and good color with no green tint, so I think they’re good to go. I probably woulda chopped her yesterday, I just didn’t have the energy to keep working. :upside_down_face:


Great job bud!


So exciting to take one down and get ready for seed shucking! Just as exciting as harvesting for bud if not more (for me anyway). Congratulations buddy!!


I’m totally into seed shucking. The only part of the process where I get antsy is when I’m picking out the bad ones. It becomes incredibly tedious and I start to feel like I get RLS (restless leg syndrome), except in my wrists and hands. I get that feeling after doing anything that requires dexterity and goes on for any length of time. Even packing more than 1 cone at a time, I get that feeling and need to shake out the jitters, so to speak.

I am so excited to be at this point again. It’s been awhile and I totally miss it. The photo to auto project plant won’t have as many seeds, but she will have some, so I’m looking forward to that one as well. Gotta sit on my hands after that and NOT pop any more beans til later in the summer. My partner, who I refer to as my wife, are getting actual married soon, and we’re planning a little trip afterwards. So to avoid coming home to dead plants, or having to ask my mother in law to water them, I’ll wait til we get back to start anything new.



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Thank you!!! :hugs:

I just got done clipping fan leaves off the photo to auto project seed mother, so she’s drying now too. Gonna be a super seedy weekend at my house next week :crazy_face:


I’m excited for you! Mine just got pollinated. The very beginning of the process and I’m already excited about them :joy:

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Man! Finally someone put this feeling into words! I’ve gotten like this for a long time and could never describe it. Even as a kid playing with Tech-Decks (finger skateboards) to now having to do those tiny little movements that require agility and precision and repetition . I can’t think of anything at the moment, duh, luckily it’s not with trimming , I can do that for a couple hours before I get frustrated with it

Congratulations also on plans with wife to be!


Dun dun dunnnnn- er, congratulations!

Also, great looking SSSDHF2. I wish I got those sorts of results in a 1 gallon, for seed or otherwise.


Thank you! I’m happy with her as a plant, and as a representative of the cultivar. Her sister plants are a bit more colorful, but she definitely out paced them with resin.


All valid reasons to get married. I used to feel the same way about my wife.


I credit my mother with being the first person to compare that sensation to something that made any sense at all, to me. She did the roll your own cigarettes thing with the filter tubes, tobacco, and roller machine, and would have to take breaks every 5 or so cigarettes that she rolled, to shake out her hands and wrists for a moment before she could continue. I never fully understood what it was about until much later in my life, but when I did I was taken back to that day when I was like “Ma, what in the world are you doing?” and she broke it down for me. Crazy shit.

And thank you for the kind words. We’ve lived together for almost a decade, and have a couple kids together, so at this point it’s mostly about having all of our family share a surname. :sweat_smile:

All jokes aside, she’s an amazing woman and she tolerates a whole bunch of BS from me, just to be with me. I couldn’t design a better life partner, mother to my children, and best friend all in one, if that was possible, if I tried my hardest. She isn’t perfect, but she’s perfect for me.

Maybe it’s time for a defol to let some light in? OMG can you imagine? I’m guessing it would have to go down while she was sleeping, otherwise you’re bringing trimming shears to a gun fight. She wakes up, snatches said trimmers from you, then proceeds to trim off every single hair from your shins and forearms, one by one, until they’re so smooth they shine. Yikes. How did I get here? WTF is missing in my life? :face_exhaling:

I’ll have some pics of purple buds later on today, and maybe I’ll show off the other 3 SSSDH ladies. They are all well into fade and look gorgeous. I wish I could share the smells from each. They smell very unique and I can’t really describe it in a way that translates well in words. I’ll try though, since they’re from a line I’m using in a project.


1x magnification

3x magnification

10x magnification

All 3 pictures are the same spot on the same plant. She is the shortest of the Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1s. To me she looks like a straight up Afghani cultivar, and smells like one too. Probably gonna chop her today.


Been waiting on this trade package for some time now. She always, ALWAYS, goes above and beyond when we trade. No @ or tagging, since she isn’t an OG member, or not that I’m aware of. You should see what I send to her compared to what she sends me. It’s like this every single time. I’ve never completed a trade with her and felt like I was shorted. Quite the opposite, actually.

The unlabeled vial with 4x seeds is Peanut Butter & Jealous, photo fems. I thought I knew who the breeder was on that, but after hitting Google I’m not so sure. Not that it matters, I guess. Not like I’m gonna go reactivate my IG account so I can tag them.

The (Platinum OG x MAC1) x Lemon Tree by BW Genetics is destined for a seed run. I’ll make sure I’m set up for cloning when I pop them, just in case I find a very special female that needs to be sprayed and reversed.

The baggie of Forbidden Runtz x3 is a tester pack from FastBuds. She is an official tester for them and let’s me pick a pack when they send her the new stuff. When these dropped, her package was sent from Spain and ended up getting seized. Thankfully they sent her replacements for the last drop when they sent the newest drop stuff, so she stuck these in to surprise me since the first batch never made it to her to get forwarded to me. What a friend. :hugs:

That pack of WhoOody F4 might also be headed for a seed run. I had to Google that one because I don’t remember ever seeing it pop up anywhere. I like that it’s fast (<60 days), and that it’s been stabilized through being worked to F4. I’ll probably pop half of what’s in there and see what I get, when the time comes.

That brown pack of FbombZ x Vanilla Bay… Anyone know anything about that, or perhaps the breeder Z_Strainz? The other side of the pack says 22/25, so I’m assuming it’s a limited run thing, or maybe a tester pack. Might need to see what’s up there.

The 2x Orange Cookies x Nicole doesn’t really excite me. If you’re drooling over them, let me know. I’d love to see them find a good home.

The Aprium pack are testers by a dude called Dr. Dendro. I can get his proper social media username if anyone wants to check out his work. He’s based in Illinois, and does solid work. I actually asked her for these testers, if that tells you anything. Her run with them was good enough she asked for a second pack to run more. What I have are the leftovers from that second pack.

That Sherbert Shortcake x Banana Trop Zkittlez from Tiki Madman is a sealed pack. I don’t know if she bought them or if they came as a freebie with her 4/20 order. However she got them, sending me the whole sealed pack is one of the nicest things anyone has done for me in a very long time, and I still can’t believe I have a whole pack to hunt. I’m so excited to crack that open and see what turns up. You can believe I will be doing things with that pack. Big big things.

And then there’s some autos. I mentioned the Forbidden Runtz. I’m excited to see how their version turns out, but I already have a vial with like 25 Forbidden Runtz S1 from my buddy out in Oklahoma. So maybe I’ll run them side by side and see how they compare.

The Tangerine Diesel is by Wicked Pissah!, and I’m surprised she sent those. There was a whole story involved with her getting them, and it almost didn’t happen. Then when she ran it, she totally loved it. So I’m kinda shocked she sent me both that she had left. Maybe I’ll reverse one and make more. :thinking:

And lastly, some Orange Diesel by Mephisto. Don’t need to say much about this one, I think. I will say that after receiving this pack, I now have enough Meph gear to do an entire run of nothing but Mephisto gear. It’ll be Orange Diesel, Northern Cheese Haze, Skywalker, CDLC, and Purple Nuggets or Strawberry Nuggets. I’ve run P. Nuggets, but not S. Nuggets, so maybe I’ll do both and kick out Skywalker or CDLC.

Probably won’t be any updates over here til I’ve got seeds shucked. I might be able to begin that process tonight, but I’m thinking it’ll still be another day or so. I’m NOT rushing it this time. Shucking beans out of material that isn’t all the way dry yet fuggin S-U-C-K-S. Been there and done that. I did end up chopping the auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1 from the pics in my last update. Happy to report that I did not find anything that looks like mold when I cut her main cola down to smaller buds. I was kinda worried, since she’s pretty leafy and stacked tight. When I was doing that, I really got a face full of her stink. What an unusual smell. I thought I was getting rotten protein and maybe floral behind that. Nope. It’s rotten protein and SOAP. This plant legit smells like some kinda flowery hand soap from my grandma’s bathroom. Totally unique from anything I’ve ever smoked, so I really hope it stays. :pray:


I keep forgetting to do tester sign-ups. If you’d be interested in running some SSSDH x Dead Zone F1 photo regs, please send me a DM. I’d need any testers to pop at least 1 seed as soon as possible, but other than that I’m only looking for some pics during flower. There is less than 0% chance this project stays at F1, I’m just extremely limited on how many plants I can run at one time. So I’m looking to extend my viewing capability by asking everyone to please take a vial and pop some for me.

NGL, this will probably be a 10-12 week cycle cultivar. I have 3 SSSDH starting week 11 right now that all look like they could go another week or 2. So if that isn’t something you can commit to, please don’t sign up as a tester. If you just want some of the seeds to have them, that’s fine too. I’ll hook you up. Just please don’t tell me you’ll test and then sit on the vial for weeks or months. That’s all I’m asking.


That orange diesel looks good! I’m getting ready to cross my marathon og or kerosene krash to some stuff :thinking::joy:

Also the peanut butter and jealous :drooling_face: I love “the interview” too :laughing: