BarefootAndBlazed 2024

Is that a Great Dan? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Do you have more pics? This is my 4th one … beer3|nullxnull


Well you don’t see (or hear) that too often!


Yes! Lola is a 9 year old Harlequin Dane.

She’s small for a Dane at 120lbs, but she’s not a small dog! We call her a “tea cup Dane” :smiley:


She is beautiful :kissing_heart: and lucky living so long, my previous one (Karla) was 176 lbs … :sweat_smile:


The musician is Ruth Acuff. She plays in multiple bands but I believe her main musical income is as a harpist - lots of wedding gigs. I guess harp skills translate well to the theremin!


That’s a fine looking dog!!!

I’ve never had a Dane before this one. She’s a rescue and has some behavioral issues - mostly with other dogs when there is a barrier or leash involved (she’s great at the off leash dog park once she’s free) - but she’s a wonderful companion around the house.


It has been over a year since I spent money on seeds(!) but I couldn’t resist picking up a few new packs during the 4/20 sales. I’ve had requests to grow sativas and my strain stash was a little lacking in those…

AK Bean Brains Durban Thai Highflyer F4
High Lonesome Hellbender (TK x Mango Haze)
KOS C99 F4 (Brothers Grimm)
Mephisto Alien vs Triangle (auto fem)
Mephisto Fugue State (auto fem, Amnesia Haze Bx1 (Archive Seeds) x Walter White F5)

I ordered from JBC seeds who did a spectacular job, as always. They included these freebies:
AKBB G13-HP/PHK-Lemon Tree (6 seeds)
Bodhi More Cowbell (minty dub: thin mint GSC x 88G13HP)
High Lonesome Mountain Mix (mixed Appalachia F3 crosses).

I hadn’t purchased auto fems for several years. I worked through most of the ones I had so I grabbed a couple more packs. Those are labeled as 3 packs, but there will be 5 seeds in each.

In other news, I have COVID!!! I tested positive yesterday after avoiding it for 4 years! Instead of spending my Sunday picking up ProMix and filling a few more Octopots, I’m taking it easy at home.


Sorry to hear that :pray:, take care, lots of seeds to play with icon_e_surprised|nullxnull but health must be your priority … beer3|nullxnull


Oh, that’ll be awesome. Hopefully… haha. I’m gonna have to look into that one (not that I’m in the market, I just wanna read about it). I grew a Durban Thai Highflyer hybrid like six or seven years ago, very good smoke. Coincidentally, it was from KOS.

I don’t understand. Brothers Grimm f4’d KOS’ (KOS is Kingdom Organic Seeds, which is really just that guy The Rev from Skunk magazine) C99? Or something? Haha. He always spoke very highly of that C99, so if that’s the case, that one should turn out awesome, too.

Oh, dude, that blows. Hopefully it won’t last too long.

I don’t understand how all of y’all are getting COVID haha, not sure how I’ve been able to avoid it for so long, but… Fingers crossed! Haha. Sometimes I do wonder if I’ve had it and just not known it, like when I’ll occasionally feel kind of “run down” or whatever. I’ve always attributed that feeling to just my constant drinking, but who knows…? Maybe I have had COVID… haha.


COVID was no fun, but I got through it… I gave it to my partner, which sucks. I missed a couple of days at work, then worked from home a couple more days when I still tested positive. I’m clean now, not coughing much but I’m still giving my lungs a break. I’ve been sticking to edibles since I got sick, though tonight I vaped a bag from the Volcano of the Chem91 x Sour Bubble. My senses are still a bit deadened from the virus but this herb is very pungent in the nose. I couldn’t discern tastes while vaping, but the effects are strong! I feel it physically in my sinuses. I’m not tempted to get out of my chair but that doesn’t bother me at all. I started a movie but wasn’t following along well - my brain kept getting distracted. I turned it off and made some dinner. I’ll give the film another try in a bit.

I flipped the flower tent to 12/12 this week (finally!!). I vegged three Saints Crossing ladies (one of each pheno) and the Apollo XX that had a head start on them. Normally I’d let them get a bit larger, but my cupboards are bare. The Apollo 11 should finish quicker than average, but I took Saints Crossing to 10 weeks last time…

The pic below was taken 4 days after the pic above

Check this out! It’s the Walter White autofem that didn’t want to grow up. I’m letting her finish out in the veg tent under 18/6 just to see what she’ll look like in full bloom. Last time I grew this strain I got 5-6 oz from the plant.

Reminder that it is Mother’s Day this weekend. Celebrate the moms in your life!


Ugh, that sucks about the COVID after-affects, dude. Did you get vaxxed or no? Just curious, I’m not like,”Hang those fucking anti-vaxxers!” Or mostly I’m not, anyway haha…

What were you watching?

Plants look good!


I had been keeping current with the vaccine, and was due for a booster at my annual doc visit. That didn’t get booked until I realized I was out of prescription refills and at that point it was 8 weeks until I could get an appointment. The visit was scheduled for three days after I got sick!!! I couldn’t go in while testing positive so it’s now rebooked for another 8 weeks out!!!

The movie was Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise. I know I saw it when it came out but had forgotten all about it. I watched the series, which is great, and decided to revisit the movie. A lot of people talk shit about miscasting the lead role, and they’re goddamn right! The character in the books has a huge physical presence - his size is a significant part of who he is. Cruise just isn’t that. Alan Ritchson from the series is exactly that. Cruise has the martial arts moves but for me he doesn’t embody the character to the fullest extent. The movie itself is an entertaining diversion. Former Bond girl Rosamund Pike is easy on the eyes, and Robert Duvall is always good to see. That one came out in 2012 and there was a 2016 sequel I’m pretty sure I never saw. Might watch it tomorrow night. Then I can rewatch the two seasons of the series before season three drops this summer.

I watched the recent Bob Marley film last night. It was fine. I have a huge collection of his albums, outtakes, remixes, and live shows plus I’ve read a few biographies. The film didn’t surprise me with anything new, but they did a good job of presenting his story.

The Blue Jays are playing poorly and my gf is out of town so I’ve been watching the condensed games.
She loves to watch them in their entirety, which I’m usually up for, but with her being away, the poor offensive performance, and having the worst bullpen in the league (the starters are good though - Berrios has the lowest ERA in MLB) I’d rather catch the highlights and watch a movie…


Ah, okay. I actually haven’t gotten any boosters, just got the initial one back in March of… when was that? 2021? Whenever it first came out. That was kind of funny, because when they were saying, like,”A vaccine’s on the way!” I was thinking,”Wellllll, I dunno, I may wait and see how it goes for everybody before I get mine, make sure it doesn’t turn people into zombies a la I Am Legend or something…” But the second it was available, I was like,”Yes! Yes! Fuck yes! I’m so gawddamn sick of quarantining! Give it to me!” haha. A friend of mine does homeless outreach and they were vaxing all of them ASAP, so she was able to get me in there early. I just had to pretend like I was homeless haha.

Anyway, yeah, that blows that you got it. At least with the vax, though, the symptoms are relatively mild, right?

Oh, I haven’t seen those Jack Reacher things. I’m aware of them haha, just haven’t watched any.

Yeahhhhhh, I dunno haha. I love Bob (who doesn’t?), but I saw the previews for that flick and was like,”Okay, yeah, I can tell that movie’s not gonna be very good…” haha. I doubt I’ll ever watch it. I’d rather watch any of the documentaries about him.

I got the impression that that movie was made for people who have never even heard of him or something haha. Plus, like… Those music biopics… I dunno. I read an oral history of Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (love that movie) and they were talking about those music biopics and how ridiculously difficult it is to condense somebody’s life into a two hour film. The article’s actually pretty funny and very interesting, just the whole process that went into it, here it is if you wanna read it:

Yeah, sorry, I don’t know what that’s like haha! Because I’m a Dodgers fan and our team looks fucking incredible… Every game is a joy to watch haha!


Wow, looks like I missed a few BIG updates! Glad that you’re healthy and recovered (-ing?) from COVID. My wife & I both went through some Covid-like symptoms recently but we tested negative. Somehow neither of us has tested positive for it yet but I know it’s just a waiting game for when it will happen. Heck, I think we may have already had it in the past but just didn’t know it at the time. Both of us are caught up on vaccines & boosters as of a few months ago.

Excellent picks for your 420 sale choices :+1: JBC really hooked you up on those freebies! I also have a pack of that More Cowbell v2 “Minty Dub” and it sounds really interesting.

“Fugue State” is such a perfect name for combining Walter White with Amnesia Haze :rofl:

Dude I was the exact same way! I had some worries at the start but when I voiced my concerns I sounded a lot like the anti-vax crowd :laughing: Luckily everything has been smooth as far as the shots go. One round made me feel sick for a day, and after another booster I had a migraine. But all of that is easier than dealing with Covid itself :man_shrugging:

I’m gonna check out this article, been meaning to rewatch that movie :cowboy_hat_face: My wife has never seen Walk the Line which is the main parody inspiration so we’re going to watch that one soon and then Walk Hard sometime after.

You guys might be interested in this video. It’s from a YouTuber named Patrick H Willems who is great at analyzing film, he always leaves me with a new way of looking at things. I like to take breaks from my workday and watch stuff like this.

Right on! Thank you for reminding us! Luckily I already have family plans but I do still need to find a gift for Mom.

Hopefully you’re feeling back to 100% soon! Have a great weekend guys :peace_symbol: :frog:


Haha, yeah, I was just more concerned with how rushed the process was, but it really was like,”Oh, that’s available now? Shoot me up!” It’s stupid to even worry about it, just because, like, I do all kinds of drugs, cocaine that was probably smuggled up people butts and stuff, mushrooms that look… well, like mushrooms haha, but they still look gross.

I’m for sure glad I got it, not too sure why anybody wouldn’t, other than to prove their Right-Wing Bona Fides or something haha. “I’m not vaxxed! I’m a REAL right-winger! A True Believer!”

My girl felt like shit for a day after she got the initial shot, like really laid up, I had to feed her soup and stuff haha, but I didn’t feel anything at all after I got mine.

I kinda feel like the boosters aren’t necessary. Or they shouldn’t be necessary, anyway. Maybe they are, I dunno… haha. I haven’t gotten one yet, doubt I will.

Yeah, that would be the best way to do it, as far just helping her get the jokes. I actually love a lot of those biopics, Bird, that Charlie Parker one’s a fav. I even like Oliver Stone’s Door’s one. And I fucking HATE the Doors haha, but that movie’s good.

The things they talk about in that article that I posted a link to, though… They’re not wrong. Like when they mention,”Every scene in those movies, it’s like a door opens and it’s a new wife or their new manager or whatever,” haha. I mean, really, how can you condense an entire lifetime into two hours?

It can’t be done! Haha…

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For what it’s worth, the boosters are usually targeted to handle more recent variants that the original vaccine isn’t as good at handling. Stuff like the Omicron variant, etc. You’re still covered from having the first vaccine but it will work more effectively if the boosters are also there to help against the newer forms of the virus after it mutates throughout the population.

Hell yeah! Just because it’s often formulaic doesn’t make it bad. Was just talking about Jamie Foxx in Ray the other day. I really liked The Doors as well (I am a fan of their music :laughing: ), that might actually be one of Val Kilmer’s best roles.


I just re-read that Dewey Cox oral history and when John C Reilly’s talking about how it flopped and he says,”This movie really needed to be explained to people that ‘It’s not a real person. It’s a satire.’” And all I can think about is,”Who? Who needed it explained to them?” I mean, I don’t think he’s wrong, probably a lot of people didn’t understand the ad campaign, didn’t get the joke at all, but still… This is why I hate everybody haha.

I remember seeing the billboards and the bus stop ads here, with Reilly doing the Jim Morrison “arms spread out” thing and instantly understood,”Oh my gawd, that movie’s gonna be fucking hilarious…” It’s totally depressing to me that barely anybody got the joke haha, that they needed it explained to them.

People suuuuuuuck haha…


I love that movie because there are so many references to music history, especially the ‘60 & ‘70s. And a lot of the jokes rely on the viewer’s knowledge of that stuff. Definitely more of a “cult movie” in the sense that it did okay and some people like it, while a small group of people really really love it.


Yeah, I guess. It seems like, you know, the “Jim Morrison” thing with the arms spread out and the beads and shit was pretty obvious, not too sure why anybody would need that explained to them, although I’m sure there are tons of people out there who didn’t get the reference. Which is sad… haha.

I just remember seeing the billboards and being like,”Holy shit, it’s the Boogie Nights dude making fun of Jim Morrison. That’s definitely gonna be funny…” haha. Reilly’s performance in Boogie Nights made me a fan for life.


Dude, same! Reilly is fantastic and Boogie Nights is his role that made me a fan. I won’t go to see something just for him but if he’s in a movie I usually know I’ll enjoy it (except that awful Sherlock Holmes movie that I won’t bother to see).

I get what you mean about the Jim Morrison photo parody. It should be fairly well known, at least to an older crowd.