BarefootAndBlazed 2024

“So you live in the streets?”


“Oh, I thought Jack just said…”

Shrugs shoulders. ”No.”


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If you want to watch Tom Cruise in a good but non-standard role that is much more suited for him, try out Collateral (2004).


I love that movie, watch it a couple times a year. That one seems to me to be Michael Mann’s “Ultimate Love Letter To LA,” even more than Heat. And I also love LA, so… haha.

Some of the scenes in both of those movies distract me a little bit, though, just because it’s like,”I know where they’re supposed to be, but that’s not actually where they are.” Like in Heat when Al Pacino’s going to the club to meet the chop shop guy, he walks around the corner and supposedly goes into a club. There’s no club there. I lived a block away from that strip mall in Koreatown, used to get sushi and BBQ there all the time. He’s actually walking directly to the back of the mall, where there’s just apartment buildings and stuff. No club haha.

But yeah, Collateral is a good movie haha.


Wow! Has it really been almost a month? I guess veg isn’t as exciting as flower. Fortunately the flower tent is now in week 5.

I’m loving the Apollo 11, though I’d probably veg 4 weeks instead of 5 next time, to keep the plant from growing into the lights.

Lights out

Lights on

Closer look

A couple shots of Saints Crossing

I’ve kept busy the past few weeks with non-weed-related things:

I went to a crawfish boil!

I saw Daniel Donato’s Cosmic Country in concert

I made a nice audio recording which you can stream HERE.

I saw an outdoor play, Agatha Christie’s ‘Mousetrap’, pre-show pic:

Obligatory cat pic:

I hope everyone is enjoying a great start to their summer!


That’s pretty interesting. This is the Brothers Grimm A11, correct? Bodhi’s A11 f4’s stayed really short (a little too short haha), even though I vegged them for eight weeks. The second time I ran them, I even grew one or two untopped and they still didn’t stretch very much.

Honestly, I like the way yours look better haha! I like taller plants.

Crawfish boil looks good!


I ordered the Brothers Grimm Apollo 11, but the vendor shipped the feminized version, Apollo XX, and I didn’t bother to correct them. I didn’t top this one, but it split itself a couple of times. I ended up with two overly tall colas that needed to be wrangled. I’m liking the structure aside from that. It has been easy to grow and the buds look and smell great. I’m excited to watch it mature and eventually provide a nice smoke.

Of the three Saints Crossing phenos, #3 is significantly smaller than 1 & 2. It has been since I planted the clone. I’m just waiting for 1 & 2 to differentiate so I can tell which is the Berry and which is the Frosty pheno.

Coming up in the veg tent, I have three Octopots: a pair with the two phenos of Pure Blueberry (Blueberry Muffin Edition) from JOTI, and one with Fugue State from Mephisto. I provide for someone who needs sativas to meet their needs. She loved the Walter White I grew. That is an auto-fem version of Krome’s The White from Mephisto. My stash ran dry so I planted my last seed… and it’s a dud:

It stands about 7" tall :rofl:

I couldn’t buy more Water White seeds, but I picked up Fugue State, which is Walter White crossed with Amnesia Haze. A perfect name if you’re familiar with Breaking Bad - and it should meet the patient’s needs.

Fugue State on the left, seed planted 3.5 weeks ago.
The two Blueberry went into the Octopots directly from the cloner two weeks ago today. They took a while to adjust, and were throwing single-fingered leaves for a while. The roots just hit the reservoir within the past 48 hours or so. We should see growth explode soon. They will get 2-3 weeks of veg before moving into the flower tent…


Couldn’t resist:


Hell ya. Vulfpeck is nasty!

Makes my face do this every time i hear them! Lol


The three in Octopots in the veg tent have grown a lot since the roots hit the reservoir. Compare this to the pic in my last post, taken 3 days apart!

A closer look at the single-bladed leaves the Blueberry was putting out

An Apollo 11 bud

A couple shots of Saints Crossing


Four more days of growth in the veg tent. That Fugue State wants to grow vertically! I trimmed the two Blueberries and gave all three short tomato cages. I’ll add on to those once they move to the flower tent - maybe this weekend.

In Saints Crossing news, the #3 pheno that my friend grew is significantly more mature than the other two. I asked her to check her records for how long she let it flower and was shocked when she replied it was only 50 days!!! The two I grew went 70 so it’s a huge variation. I’m calling the phenos: #1 Frosty, #2 Berry, and #3 Fast.

Full tent shot has the big Apollo 11 front left, #3 is the shorty front right, with 1 back left and 2 back right.


Saints Crossing pheno 3 (Fast finisher), day 48 - still not there:


Just took this pic. I haven’t filled my flower tent for a while.

The right side are the big Apollo and three Saints Crossing phenos.
Left side has a tall, spindly Fugue State (autofem from Mephisto, basically a cross of Amnesia Haze x The White)

I just moved in two Pure Blueberry (Blueberry Muffin Edition) from Jordan Of The Islands yesterday.


I’m still not seeing amber, so I won’t harvest this weekend.
Pics from this morning, Day 54 of flower:

Apollo 11

Saints Crossing 1 “Frosty”


Saints Crossing 2 “Berry”

Saints Crossing 3 “Fast”



The “Berry” and the “Fast” Saint’s Crossing don’t look any less frosty than the “Frosty” one haha! They all look great.

Do you ever make hash? Sorry if I’ve forgotten that you do. All three of those look like they’d be good hash makers.


Thanks. I haven’t made hash from a fresh harvest, but have used the dry ice method a couple of times with trim or older herb. I tried Frenchie’s warm wine bottle method recently to press 7g of loose dry ice kief into a hunk of old school hash. The plan is to age it 90 days so I haven’t tasted it yet. When I lived in France, 35 years ago, there was no flower to be found (until I went to Amsterdam) and all that was available was hash. It’ll be nice to revisit those experiences.


Yeah, I always enjoy a little hash, really oughta start making my own, too. I’m unfamiliar with Frenchie’s warm wine bottle method haha, but I’ve got the bags and all that stuff.

Anyway, yeah, those plants look like good hash candidates.

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Quick check on day 57 for Saints Crossing 3. Looking good but still no amber


I chopped Saints Crossing #3 five days ago. I should be able to start trimming it next week. Since I’ll have three more plants coming due in the extremely near future I chopped Saints Crossing #2 today (Day 68).

With a bit of room freed up you can get a better view of Saints Crossing #1

And here’s the big Apollo 11


Beautiful fading colours… beer3|nullxnull


Thanks! It’s looking a little used up since I’m not feeding anymore nutrients.
I think the peak color was two weeks ago: