BarefootAndBlazed 2024



She looks really cool, though, with those pointy flowers. Doesn’t look like there’s a whole lot of 88G influence, at least as far as flower structure is concerned. I mean, I’ve grown a few of those hybrids and I can’t remember any of them having such “angular” flowers, anyway.


Great photography.


Gorgeous plants buddy! Most excellent! Nice fade on those. I always like the fall colors.

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Harvest and trimming are in full swing. I’ll hopefully have room in my drying tent to take down Saints Crossing #1 tonight (day 73).

Full tent shot. L to R: two Blueberries, Fugue State (autofem Amnesia Haze x The White - got so tall the apical cola is bent waaaay over), and the Saints Crossing #1.

Two Pure Blueberry phenos. The one on the left is full of spindly branches. There are loads of bud sites but they can’t support much weight. The flowers get caked with trichomes! The one on the right has significantly better structure and will produce nice colas that aren’t quite as caked as the first. This grow will determine which I keep as the sole mother

Cavity Crush will move to the flower tent as soon as there is room


Looks like everything stretched quite a bit, huh? Not just the Fugue State? Those Blueberries weren’t huge or anything when you flipped, right?


I like those saints crossing but man… that Apollo 11 looks fckn glorious! :star_struck:


Indeed! It has been a while since I grew the Blueberries and I had no recollection of an extensive stretch. I seem to recall they didn’t get very big, so I’m guessing I vegged longer this round. I’ll need to check my spreadsheet when I’m at home.

The Fugue State would have hit the tent ceiling had I not bent and lashed it down. First time growing this strain. I’ve never seen an auto grow so crazy tall!

Edit to add info after checking the spreadsheet:
I really thought I had grown Pure Blueberry (Blueberry Muffin Edition) from JOTI more than once before but apparently that is incorrect. I grew it from seed, starting in mid-June, 2022. They spent 2 weeks in a Solo cup, 1 month in a 1 gallon pot, got topped, moved to a 3 gallon pot, then put into 12/12 on 10/1. Can that be right? 14 weeks in veg but they stayed small? They must have spent time under a smaller light (I have a handful of SpiderFarmer SF2000 = 200 watts each). Maybe it’s using regular fabric pots that did it?

This time I went directly from the cloner into an Octopot. They received 3 days shy of a full month of veg. There was a lot of stretch this time…


Or maybe it’s just the Octopots? Aren’t they supposed to be, like, ”Best of Both Worlds,” hydro-type vigorous growth in soil? Or whatever? Haha. I know every Octo grow I’ve followed on here, the plants always get huge.


Starting my Saturday morning with a double shot of espresso (and a bag of Saints Crossing #3 from the Volcano!) before settling in to trim some Apollo 11.


Looks like she’ll be a pretty easy trim. That’s good haha.

It’s crazy how much differently your Apollo looks compared to the Bodhi f4’s I’ve grown. I’ll post some pics of those here to compare and contrast when I get home from work tonight, if you don’t mind.


Please feel free to post!

I’ve been trimming pretty much all day - over 6oz of Apollo 11 so far. I found some botrytis in the biggest tops so a 12oz harvest is probably out of the question.


Nice job @BarefootAndBlazed

Stellar looking nuggets :wink:

Have you sampled yet?

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Not yet. I’ll give it a bit to mellow. I’ve got the 2 & 3 Saints Crossing I trimmed first to sample. The Volcano bag I had this morning was from an early tester - a small branch that broke off.

I’m excited to give it a try. It has a great smell of caryophyllene with a touch of rotting citrus


Wow, those are some better looking nugs - you do a nice job on the trimming.

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I don’t know how the fuck I haven’t been watching this thread. Happy Sunday @BarefootAndBlazed !


Man apollo 11 is crazy nowdays . I still like it, but it’s not what I remember really . Seeing more pics of modern apollo 11 confuses me even more . From what I remember, the stuff I saw in stores too , was lemon lime Jack haze main profile. So I’m sure these flavors are still in it. But the stuff I remember and also the more original apollo11 plant I had myself from old stock, was just gasser, frontier, even better looking. I really like Apollo 11 but I want the old version more. I have a new modern apollo 11 pheno that is exceptionally good tho. It grows, clones, flowers amazingly . It’s old-school tasting, but not hazey or lemon lime. It’s just this exotic kinda afghan pure kush green fire . Got a lot of dank green flavor and kinda kushy . Absolutely no lemon lime in it tho. I really like this plant but it’s nothing like the old pheno I had 5 hrs ago from old apollo 11 stock I got from some guy Ron who got it all from B Grimm. Seems there’s a lot of variations now which are all still good but different

I’m glad I got a dope apollo 11 plant that was like what I described , and a strong female plant,because it was strong males and the other females were more on the male side showing all the Cindy flavors more . I did use a male on a few plants and I did get some amazing beans tho


It looks great what’s the flavor profile like? Is it lemon limey haze ? Or more of a sativa green tea green and tropical perfume maybe? Theres some cool flavors in Apollo 11 no doubt. I do like these variations bc the lemon lime haze jack herer flavors are pretty common and not as hard to find . But the pheno I wish I still had was so good . Extremely icy, but was slow vegging. Duckfooted 3 finger leaves , gassy lime extremely dank lol

i do have a few cindy phenos that are very sensitive to humidity and rain, its mostly the rain or a dead bug stuck in it, so not really botryitis condition, but delicate plant material that can rot possibly a bit. botrytis is really bad it will take over super fast and nothing left. so i dont think its bottryitis just hates rain and moisture a bit maybe lol


So here are some random pics of the first time I grew Bodhi’s A11 f4’s, Barefoot (sorry for the shitty pic quality, had to download these from the grow report I posted on thcfarmer):

A11’s are the front left, middle in the second row and back left in the third row.

You can see how short they stayed, especially in that first and last pic. Those were only three-gallon pots and four-foot stakes.

Here’s one of the Apollo 11’s I grew the second time I planted those seeds:

Even though she’s obviously untopped, I thought she still grew pretty weirdly, always thought that maybe she was a C99 leaner or something. And I don’t know why I don’t have pics of the other A11 that I grew that round haha.

Anyway, yeah, I think they look very, very different from yours. It must just be what Bodhi selected for or something, I dunno. I will say that as far as the smells were concerned, they turned out exactly like B described them, with that rotting pineapple/Cheetos thing. I didn’t think that they were “Sativa mind fire,” though haha. Good weed, just not quite as “mind fire-ish” as B described.


@minitiger Thanks for sharing those pics! The A11s definitely look different in size. The flowers both have a lot of orange hair. I still haven’t sampled my harvest yet. Maybe this week when I’ve got concerts to attend with friends…

Full tent shot. L to R: Blueberry #2, Blueberry #3, Fugue State, and Cavity Crush (new to the flower tent)

Blueberry #2 has lots of bud sites scattered across a bunch of skinny branches. This is the one that gets extra frosty, but the branches struggle to support the weight of the flowers

Blueberry #3 has significantly improved structure. The buds are still great but the trichome coverage isn’t as good as #2

Fugue State’s main cola that had to be redirected due to height.

I just snapped macro pics of the Fugue State on the 73rd day since the autoflower seed was planted. Mephisto says 65-80 days from sprout for this sativa. Lots of cloudy trichomes but no amber so we’ll let it ride for a while.