Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I knoooow haha. Luckily, I don’t think I’ll need to totally tear down, I am legal, I just don’t want grow smells and sounds to make people too curious, or find myself too tired to take care of a bunch of flowering plants. But yeah, I’m hoping for a smooth pause rather than tear down haha. Only time will tell…


I’m excited for you!


That’s that cross of moka’s, right? I’m following his thread, it sounds (and looks) like a pretty sweet-ass hybrid.


Yeah, they are from Moka. It sounds like really good summer weed, I’m imagining burning one down at the beach and getting lost in the horizon.


I didn’t find the chocolate Buddha to have any special needs. Did have stem purpling but I anticipate that was genetic. The original mother plant displayed the same traits.


That’s the goal haha… Every day, I try haha! Doesn’t always work out…

You think that’s really that big of a deal, though? I feel like that happens constantly, no matter what I’m growing. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even notice it anymore. Like, when I read that just now, I thought,”I should look at my plants to see if any of them have purple stems when I water tonight…” haha. Probably some of the plants do, I dunno.

Maybe I’m just a bad grower… haha. For real, though, purple stems aren’t something that makes me freak out. It used to, but the plants always seemed to turn out fine regardless, so I just quit paying attention to that.


I don’t super care if stems are purple or not, but other growers have told me it’s a sign of a deficiency. But imo, the weed seems fine to me so I don’t sweat it so much


Purple stems is technically deficiency in most cultivars. I’d imagine there are few where it’s genetic, but this is actually a thing in most plants, not just cannabis.

If the flower still comes out fire tho despite the stems… :man_shrugging:
I don’t generally worry about it either.


Yeah, I don’t sweat the purple stems. I know they are supposed to be a symptom of deficiency, but my concern is usually closer to “why is it crispy af” to worry about dialing out something like purple stems.

Also, I have seen purple stems in other plants that seemed to not be directly related to what I’m feeding it. I have grown dozens of different varieties of pepper over the years, all started inside. Some under t8s, and a bunch of different led setups. A huge %of them have purple stems inside, regardless of the light, that greens up under the sun. Some are just purple forever, and some are just green, but seriously like 85% of them are purple indoors.

You could argue that the spectrum of light impacts nutrient take up, but again, that’s kind of splitting hairs for me. If they’re drinking happily, I don’t worry haha.


Haha, yeah, exactly. “Purple stems, shmurple stems!” Or however you spell “shmurple” haha…


Took long enough! Hillbilly Fighter

End of the road for plants in the tent today. They’re hardly drinking anything, and it’ll give me a week or two to dry them in the tent before I bring the seedlings upstairs to start flowering.


Some new additions. Have x2 Ghost Train Haze x Blue Sunshine (1 has just barely cracked the surface) from @VAhomegrown and x2 Blueberry x T1000 from @iamyou_youareme. Bigs thanks to both of them, and @Moka(Chocolate Buddha) and @LouDog420(DSDf2 x SJ)seeds for this round, I promise I will be trying not to fuck them up haha.

Not gonna get a lot of veg time, but I don’t have much height upstairs either so that’s fine with me. Won’t be able to taper down the light hours like I normally do, gonna go from 24/0 to 11/13. Will be 1 gal fabric bags of coco and perlite 3:1.




Cruisin along.

Some sexy roots too, these pics were a few days ago.

Still time to fuck them all up, but have normal new growth on 3 of 4 clones. One of the Hillbilly Fighters is still being complainy, but I still have hope for her.


I think this with all my young plants :crazy_face::rofl::sweat_smile::bear:
Looking good brother!


Until it’s dry in jars, the possibility of failure lurks lol.
And thanks! :+1:


Little reveg update. Encouraging progress. I’ll be able to take some clones from these soon, I hope.

This Hillbilly Fighter is an odd duck. Practically no growth since I took the cutting, and seemed to skipped the awkward regrowth stage, going right into normalish, if crumpled shape. Also, a bitch to root compared to the others haha.

Mexican Widow

Maui Wowie

The Hillbilly fighter runt. Can you tell I took these in flower lol?

On a side note, my wife and I have been on the fence about getting an RO filter for a while, whether we want to deal with the waste and expense, remineralizing the water blah blah blah. We finally decided we aren’t going to decide haha, which freed me up to buy an RO Buddie for the plants. My tap water has been nuts lately, ph really high and needing tons of ph down. Going to ro I need 1/2 drop for a gallon of nutes, before was 10 drops! Plants seem happier since I got it last weekend. Also, at least brand new, the waste rate is around 2.5:1 waste:clean, better than a lot of more expensive systems. And the ppm of the waste is low enough I won’t feel bad chucking it on the flower bed.


Everybody wants bigger shoes, that’ll happen this weekend. Unless it doesn’t haha.


Hay RO budee! Good to hear the 2.5 for 1 rate. I might to measure mine again, I was getting 4-5 for 1!

I put some supports (truss head screws) under the ells for both those clip on filters. The clips slide slowly downward, and I didn’t like the sag. I do that enough.

Reveggers are just weird, I have one going now, I keep telling it to get over it!

You kids are looking nice :slight_smile:


Cool man! How much was the filter system & how much is your projected monthly or quarterly costs for filter replacement? Trying to find out if I can afford it.

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