Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

@HorseBadorites Possible the waste rate is influenced by incoming water quality? My tap is around 200ppm, I imagine well water might be quite a bit higher? Also, my tap water was 57*, so below their recommended specs, possible that had an influence too. And, I am seeing around 95% efficient, from 200ppm to 9ppm, not sure of that is because of the too cold tap water… If the tap was warmer, and as such less dense, maybe more would be picked up by the filter and my waste rate would get worse? Also, their was a question on the Amazon page that makes me think you can put another RO housing in line and reduce your waste even more? I haven’t looked into it, but it sounds appealing. On the Amazon page, there are pics of people letting them rest on the elbows, seems like a great way to flood your house haha. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for droopage.

Yeah, I took to clones in the beginning of December, good thing I have a robust tolerance for slow and goofy looking plants, or this experiment might have been stopped quite a while ago haha. But, learning!

@Gonzo So, I bought the system from Amazon, because I am impatient. It was around $60. Supposed to last around 1500 gal supply water, 3-400 gallons filtered water. That’ll probably be around a year for me, so I didn’t even check the cost of replacement filters. Even at $5 a month it’s worth it to me.
I got the 50 gal three stage.


I think my well water is about 120ppm (.05), and 10 when it’s been RO’d. I remember something about optimum temps, but what they are I’m not sure! Pressure also effects the system. I read ec for mine, and it got up to .05ec, when it’s usually .01 or .02. Changed the filters, and it was still the same.

Checked the in line, and it was clogged with sludge. Just a drip was coming through. We have a lot of manganese and iron. Cleaned the line, and it went down to .01.

The sediment and carbon filter are about 20 bucks, and mine last about a year.

The little thing after the last filter failed on my last Buddy after a couple of years. I couldn’t find a replacement, but a new unit was cheap enough not sweat it.

You already have droopage, I wanted to reach through the screen and give them a little boost!


New shoes. Got there just in time too.


You know what’s funny, my ppm pen only shows ec to one place after the decimal, which isn’t quite useless, but definitely feels too broad. There is room on the display for the extra digit, curious who made that decision haha.

I threw some zip ties around the housings to stop the clips from sliding. It’ll work, but is uuuugly haha.

Also, I guess I am in the acceptable temp range, goes down to 50*f. My pressure is right around 40 psi.

Edit :
In the manual for the RO buddie


I spy those lil chocolate Buddhas in the back :wink:


Won’t be lil for too much longer, me thinks haha.


Since I went strictly RO 7 years ago it’s made life so much easier . And for the piece of mind it’s worth every penny. I have hydrologic and tbh the filters last longer than I had expected especially the KDF .


Yeah, I put it off for a long time, but my water has been… strange lately, so it had to happen.


You shouldn’t have to change your filters but once every year or even year-and-a-half. I guess it’s system-dependent, but I definitely don’t change mine until ppm’s get up near 50 or so. And that usually takes a year minimum, if not longer.


Plants recovering from the transplant nicely.

Gonna be getting chucked into 11/13 this weekend, hope they handle that as well as they did the transplant haha.

The reveg plants are starting to boogy now. Cleaned a couple up pretty well the other day.


Getting ready for the voyage upstairs.

New home, different lights, from 24:0 to 11:13, good luck! You can also see my new cfm bars. Tents should just come with these haha.


From left to right, Blueberry x T1000, GTH x BS, Chocolate Buddha, DSD x SJ.
Hard to believe it is only 4 days since the last pic, and it feels good to say that and mean it in a good way haha.


Lookin strong, green, and healthy!


I know right?!
Now for that other shoe to drop… ha!


Looking great! Interesting to see the BB x T1000 are taking the lead, height-wise. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.


Just don’t hold footwear over those younguns, they’re looking great. It’s so nice looking at pretty plants that are yours. Go coco!


That was a surprise to me too! Yeah, they’re trying to rule the roost for sure. I’ll take it though haha.

I take my shoes off on the porch haha. It’s my first line of defense in IPM haha. And yeah, they certainly seem to be enjoying their new, bigger shoes. As soon as I started using the ro they started like, standing to attention. Also, I’ve only ever used dirt when using bags before, it’s really cool to see the coco dry out uniformly, not cracked and dry on the outside edge, and cakey wet in the middle.


So, let’s talk about the Hillbilly Fighters I just grew.

One of them was just like the one I grew before. Smell is mellow oil and hashy, trics are slippery and sandy at the same time. I only got like an eighth from it, but there is still a healthy amount of kif at the bottom of the jar. Nice mellow relaxing high. Way different from my normal choices, but I was excited to get some diversity in some jars and this hit just how I wanted it to.

The other, the runt, is blowing my socks off. It has a nice lemon cleaner smell, but not crazy strong. Definitely smelled more lemony things before, but I didn’t think it was really gonna anything special.
I was wrong. Takeing a nice bong rip your mouth is coated with oily lemon taste. Like, strong strong strong. Really coats your mouth. And sour like I’ve never experienced from weed before. As I exhaled my eyelids started to flutter, and a wave of sensation rushed though my body, again, never experienced this before. Whole body flush, like I got super embarrassed. The lemon taste continues to develop as it fades, over the course of minutes after you exhale. Really, really new experience for me. Honestly I don’t even recall how the high progressed because I was so taken with the flavor and start of the high. I’ve only taken a couple bong hits this far, gonna roll a doob and see where that gets me. I’m really, really happy this clone took. Can’t imagine what this will be like grown even remotely well haha.


Great report homie! Sounds like a winner!


I’m just curious: if the first plant you described only yielded an eighth, what’d the second one, the runt, yield? Haha.

Just fucking with you. The second one sounds real good, “mouth-coating sour” is what I’m always looking for. What’re the genetics of that Hillbilly Fighter again? I forgot.