Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Nope, straight up city water, straight out of the tap.


I’ll bet I have the same thing going on. Ph of my city tap is high at 7.5-8, but I have to add cal mag or I’ll get deficiency symptoms every time at about the 30 day veg mark.


I was wondering why you hadn’t updated in forever… haha. Forgot you were having camera issues.

Re the water: is that from the tap? I use RO, so I always just assume it’s pretty, uh, “deficient” haha. But I don’t really ever add anything to it, either, and the plants seem to grow fine (knock on wood), pretty sure that’s because of the soil.

Knowing what you know now, what’s the plan moving forward?

Edit: sorry, I hadn’t read this

before I commented haha.


Not camera issues so much as laziness issues haha. I put a camera right near the plants, but if the battery is dead, I don’t touch it for a week or two. I’ll get there eventually haha.

I’m sure that is it, your soil recipe seems dialed.

I guess just start pouring cal mag on them haha. I always thought my water had some calcium:magnesium imbalance, not that it was all salt! Happy I finally got the water test done, worth the money to not have to guess anymore.


Yeah, difference between our situations is your plants look fucking boss haha.

I’m hopeful that things will start on the upswing now that I know what I need to give them. Fingers crossed haha.


Lol thanks bro.

I go pretty easy with the calmag, 1ml/gal in every watering once they are 3-5wks old. Bottle says 5ml/gal lol that’s gotta be too much at least for hempy buckets. Figure if they show deficiency I just go 2ml/gal.


Yeah, companies always recommend more than what’s necessary so that you go through it faster and buy more. I bought a liter bottle of BioAg fulvic acid nine years back and just finished it off two grows-ago haha.

When I thought I was gonna switch to no-till four years back, I bought all of the stuff I needed: the thirty gallon pots and a big 4x4 “hydro tray”to put them in etc etc. Also bought a gallon of that same fulvic from BioAg because I was gonna follow the watering regimen laid out on that no-till thread on grasscity, which recommends using it every twelve days or something like that.

Then I decided that I wanted to just keep growing the way I always have. Now I’m stuck with a gallon bottle of fulvic acid that’ll be around for the next thirty years haha!


So, as part of my journey here, I have tried to start low and ramp up with calmag, or gypsum and epsom, and often ended up with what I am now assuming was a calcium or magnesium deficiency. So this time I’m just going with the bottle recomendation of 5mls per gal. If they start to die in a new way, I will ease up haha.

Is it shelf stable? If it is, just look at it as the bulk discount haha.


So, since I have a piece of shit old phone that I cannot update the browser on, I am unable to access OG from my phone with the new forum software. As I have recently discussed, I do not use my computer very often. So, the amount of time I spend here is about to be drastically reduced. I am still out there, and will try to stop in weekly(ish). If you aren’t one of the threads I follow, I probably won’t see anything you post. So if you are someone who I follow, and you start a new log or something, tag me so I’m not totally out in the cold haha.
See you around!


And while I’m here, a couple pics.
A happy Hillbilly Fighter in a small octo, as well as the rest of the veg gang.

IDK what this fucker is, but it’s dead now

I don’t remember if this is the SSDD or the hashy hillbilly fighter, something I had in veg for eons though. This was the day I brought it up to the flower tent.

Fuck, I guess I really haven’t documented anything I’ve done this summer. That’s ok though, most of them have been brown by the end haha.

I chucked this out by the compost pile, mostly shade, I doubt it will ll finish, but it’s nice to see them growing outside. IDK if that is PM or bird shit, or some other grossness. I plucked the leaves and will mix up some DIY greencure (if I can find the recipe I had). Syrian V from Hoku.

Also, what a pain in the cock it is to use the desktop version of the site. Can only upload 1 pic at a time, idk how you all who do big photo dumps do it without going apeshit haha.


The one pic at a time thing is new with this update. I run a forum on the same software and don’t have that issue. Wonder if your phone would still hate it or not tho :thinking:


Since you’re getting ready to bounce and won’t be around, I’ll answer this question for anybody who may come across your thread in search of answers about the shelf-stability of fulvic acid haha.

I wondered the same thing, just because I’d had that liter bottle for so long. On the BioAg website, they said that because it was derived from resources that were over two-million years old, it oughta be good to use for many years. I thought that was kind of amusing, but it makes sense. Shit was old as fuck to start with, so…

Anyway… Stop killing your plants, get your camera in order and come back soon haha.


Yeah what minitiger said :yum:

And before you go, this latest batch of ssdd f2 #1 came out really good despite the heavy feed.

Tastes like sour butter at day 57 :drooling_face:
I really appreciate you getting her back to me :heart:


So pretty much the day after I said this, I had cal mag deficiencies start showing up lol. (I think anyways.)

Going up to 2ml/gal and then probably 3.


IDK, when I try to view OG on my phone it says my browser is not supported because it is not the latest version, so if your forum has that same requirement, I’m still boned.

Nooooo, I will still be around, just less frequently. I have actually been thinking about how it may make me a “Better member” or less flaky anyway. There have been many instances where I have wanted to continue a conversation here, but didn’t think a quick reply would be sufficient, that I have said “I’ll write this out when I have more time”, then gotten distracted and just never circled back. The real fucker of it is, that tends to happen more with deeper and, in my opinion more important situations. Here’s to better replys on my part, if less frequent haha.

Working on it haha. Like I said above, I think fewer opportunities to engage here will make for more intentional, and better, engagment.

It really is a spectacular plant, thank you for getting her to me! As long as I have her, and I have no plans to let her go, consider my veg room a satelite backup. :+1:

The dangers of tempting fate! I’m sure you’ll get it figured out though.


That’s how it always starts… haha.


On the note of more intentional engagment, here are a couple pics from this week. Literally a couple haha.
Veg, both hempys are SSDD, as is the gold 1 gal pot, both Hillbilly Fighters are on the right side in the back, and the solo is a Santa Cruz Magic Haze. The popcorn bucket hempy will be coming upstairs probably this weekend, as will the gold pot, the folgers will be a mom, maybe. The hempys are both expanded shale being fed maxi and calmag, the gold pot is promix being fed megacrop 1 part and calmag. I also played around with the megacrop 2 part a bit this summer, but I’ve gotten busy recently and just gone back to the simpler way haha. I know, simplify, but run two different nutes for no reason, haha.

And, further evidence of my spasticity and random decision made this summer(and I think in line with what minitiger was saying between the lines with his comment on how his soil mix runs fine on RO water) a Saint Expeditious autoflower in Coast of Maine Stonington blend. When I’ve run autos in this before I though it was too hot and cooked them, but after seeing how heavily I needed to fertilize my outdoor garden plants in this same soil I said fuck it. I planted the seed into a little bit of straight promix in the middle of the 3 gal pot, and once it had true leaves gave it a tea made from Dr. Earth Home Grown, and topdressed with the remant sludge at the bottom of the bucket. Water only up till now, and totally fine with it haha. We’ll see how flower goes, I’m going to try to not do anything more than the same thing again, if needed. All of my flowers and veggies outside are gobbling this stuff up, I’ve been topdressing those every other week or so. I’m curious if I have been underfeeding my organic plants, and that is why I have always struggled with them. Time will tell I guess.
The powder stuff on the pot is cinnamon, which doesn’t seem to have helped with the gnats at all haha.


Clearly that Stonington blend is lacking in something haha.

I kid, but I really don’t understand how people’s soil mixes can’t sorta “power through” and work for the duration. I really, truly do not know what the fuck I’m doing, just fucking planting seeds and watching them grow, but I mixed up some soil years ago and it just keeps working (for the most part). Some grows I add stuff to the water, some grows I don’t, but the plants all seem to grow fine regardless.

I don’t get it… haha.

How can you tell? Whenever I topdress with stuff, once I finally chop and remove the mulch to recycle the soil, there’s still, like, caked-on MBP and shit on the top, doesn’t seem like the plants “ate” anything at all. I always wonder,”Why did I even do that…?” haha. “Did I have to do that at all?”

Gnatrol. Gnatrol for the win!!! haha.

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