Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

yeah that was in one the The Pot Cast episodes

Can tell the dude is knowledgeable too so it’s kinda disappointing with the way he goes about things. :sweat_smile:


Oh, shit. Really? Yeah, that’s kinda fucked up. Did anybody on that podcast call him out for it, like,”Wait, you do what?”

You know I’m not gonna listen to those, Holy haha.


Ah so it was towards the end of the 74.5 episode where he talks about it. I know you’re not gonna listen to it lmao but someone might :wink:

And no, no one said a single thing about it other than heavy dayze saying he might try it.


Oh, sweet. Snowhigh spreading the Good Word on new seed shucking techniques haha…


I also “never” listen to podcasts. I have only ever listened to a handful of podcasts with Bodhi, and I think one with DocD. That was more than enough haha. They both seemed liked they had their heads on straight, but it still just felt like I was listening to a couple stoners shoot the shit. Which is fine, just not worth hours and hours of my life.

Now if they were transcribed I would probably read all the weed related ones I could get my hands on. That was how I saw the dry ice thing, someone posted a partial transcript of the podcast on the snowhigh thread here.


Say no more fam


I don’t often listen to cannabis podcasts unless there’s a purpose. Maybe I’m looking for info on genetics that they “breed” with or I’m trying to get a feel for the seedmaker being interviewed and their process. Are they willing to admit the limit of their knowledge and experience? As indicated with the snowhigh example, often red flags pop up just as a result of them talking. It’s telling how much these guys want to talk about irrelevant stuff rather than the lines they’re supposedly working.

I think 99% of the podcast episodes and content within are boring and completely uninteresting. A lot strike me as people cosplaying as stoners for marketing purposes. Any time people flash Buddhist imagery, invoke the grateful dead, or “hippie” stuff I’m immediately suspect. Reminds me of that How do you do meme… I’ve interacted with growers for decades in the counter-culture and the only time I see that stuff is at headshops where they’re trying to extract money from phonies who are trying to project an image.

I remember listening to an interview (SKVA maybe?) where they said they use buildasoil products to grow. That is another serious red flag in my eyes. What real breeder is running hundreds of plants that they are potentially going to throw out and reject using overpriced products marketed at novice home growers who don’t know about feed stores? I’ve known black market growers decades ago that did use comically overpriced products from grow-stores, but they weren’t breeding. They could afford to throw money away.

So ya, if you’re planning on dropping a few hundred dollars on seeds it’s worth it to dig up as much info as you can in my eyes. Unless you’re rich of course haha…


I’ve listened to most if not all of the Pot Cast Episodes and a vast majority of riot’s breeder syndicate episodes. I don’t like the Future Cannabis Project and I can’t stand to listen to a single word Adam Dunn says. In fact, I don’t like most of the cannabis podcasts/shows as the host’s usually just suck at it and either make it uninteresting themselves or they talk over the guests.

But the reason I bother at all is everything Syzygy just said. I can usually get a good read off listening to someone talk for 5 minutes. Riot has me on the fence still :joy: Some of the breeders drop random tidbits of info that are or could be useful. Even one’s I wouldn’t buy seeds from or never heard of. There are definitely a good portion though that make it obvious they have no business breeding plants but do so anyways. Had I not listened to them talk I might’ve bought into their bullshit at some point. But others can give you a greater appreciation for them and their work, like Bodhi, BOG, or Caleb. Listen to them talk and you can tell they hold vast amounts of knowledge on the plant.



My first exposure to riot was when I was lurking ICMAG and seeing a bunch of established community members make posts about how he’s a fraud and other shady dealings detailed around 2009-2012. I don’t remember or know much about that but I know he was at least around pre-legalization. Not sure if that has to do with a charity or something else (I think I heard Bodhi address that in one of the podcasts). I’m not interested in his work at all but did find a few of his episodes with notso refreshing in that they were clearly actually around when they say they were. Is he actually doing real breeding work with sufficient plant counts? I don’t get that impression but I could be wrong.

Ya, I like how Bodhi is up front about what he’s doing and isn’t trying to be all things to everyone. The Adam Dunn interview was shaping up to be pretty decent until the host sabotaged it. Bodhi clearly outlined what the plan is for his seed companies and so you know what you’re getting with him. Also seems to be a genuinely good person, as opposed to the Buddhist / Grateful Dead pretenders who plaster their cars with Be Kind stickers but act like MattRiot.

I respect that Caleb actually grows out his crosses and can speak about what you might expect to find in the lines. Wish the podcasts would get more into those types of details but I won’t hold my breath.


Yeah there’s a bunch of drama and hate around Riot from back in the day. People mad he was making and selling S1’s and fem’s. I don’t have interest in his work but, he definitely knows some shit, so he at least keeps me half way interested in listening to what he says or who he might talk to. The fact Bodhi and Notsodog and some others I DO respect actually call him a friend, keeps me on the fence about how I feel about him lol. I love Notsodog. I feel like if we met in person we’d be fast friends lol. He also comes from my current stomping ground so I feel we might know some of the same people :thinking:


Yeah, those are the two that I’ve listened to. I didn’t really glean any new information from them, though.

I just feel like, you know, if it’s that important, write it down. I’m not sure if it’s just me or what, but I have a really hard time retaining information that isn’t written. Listening to people talk, it’s like,”Whatever…” haha. I think that’s one of the reasons why I love DJ Short, even though I’ve never grown any of his gear. He’s a good writer. The podcasts and shit… Gimme a break.

Yeah, maybe. I feel like charging an exorbitant amount of money for seeds is red flag enough, though. Especially if the genetics they’re “working” aren’t even very interesting to begin with. I don’t need to listen to a podcast with the “breeder” to know that somebody charging hundreds of dollars for five seeds is probably full of shit.

Snowhigh and Aficionado should join forces and corner the Extremely Overpriced Seeds market haha. And maybe Berner could invest, too…

Yeah, it’s all a sorta,”We’ll prop you up if you prop us up,”-type of thing. “Be sure to mention us! And hit the ‘like’ button!”

Really annoying and very suspect.

Bodhi likes him. That’s good enough for me haha.

Just kidding, but I do kind of think sometimes,”Well, if everybody hates Matt Riot so much, he sounds like my kind of guy…” haha!

I’ve never been interested in his gear, never gonna buy any, but all that shit that I’ve read really does sound like Drama with a capital D. Junior high-type bullshit. Just let it go. Move on.

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: So. Fucking. True.


Ah thats probably a big part of it. Sounds like you have more of a photographic memory, whereas I have really good echoic(auditory) memory. If I hear something, just once, I can usually remember it * exactly * years later. I hear ya on DJ Short’s writing tho!



Not really. I listen to music constantly, remember every good song I hear, can listen to it once and sit down and figure out the entire song in two minutes.

I think what it is, why I don’t retain the information, is that what they’re talking about just isn’t very interesting haha. They’re kind of boring people haha.

Unlike you, Holy! I love you! Haha.


It’s finding that happy medium I think I’ve packed wY too many plants into a tent that’s too small and in that are I stripped every single fan mean at day 20. By the next week they were think again and I did another strip. But if you have the space and the light is hitting the leaves without much shading leave them. In that case I like to loly pop the plants and then let them rip


Yeah, I really don’t worry about it or do any kind of defoliation at all. The plants naturally thin themselves out as flower progresses, leaves start falling off or come off with the gentlest of tugs. I definitely don’t do any lollipopping or anything like that.


Agreed! I can read so much faster than they talked. It also makes it easier to skim the B.S. a lot quicker. The option to read should always be an option but it leads to missed promotional content :rofl:.


Turns out I’m too lazy to read the transcripts too haha.

But really, I’ve been too busy to do much weed related other than try to keep them alive.


Yeah that’s what I’d do if I had enough room. There’s just been times when I waited too long to flower and was more worried about airflow causing pm. Plus I’ve been playing around with more having canopy penetration of light rather than a flat surface.


Long time no updaty. Phone camera still not working, still too lazy to use my real camera most of the time, definitely too lazy to upload pics. Not much to see anyway, veg is cranking, flower is crashing, as per the usual.

But this is new, and worth discussing. I finally got a water test, turns out it is just salt haha. Or at least not enough calcium and magnesium to matter at all.


Hmm do you have a water softener in the house somewhere or something? That’d explain the salt and chloride levels while having basically zero of everything else :thinking: need ALL the calmag! :partying_face: