Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Looks like a crane fly!

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Hey Joe. What you doing with that there sun in your hand.

As i was typing it came to me. Jimi.

@JoeCrowe I was wondering your opinion on fade/senescence? Curious cuz ive had plants fade and not fade over the last 5 years or so. All others welcome to contribute. When i learned to grow with bottles not using em the last 2-3 weeks coincided with the fade. Now that its dry amendments I think my previous soil was N heavy.


Ok. Cleaned off brush with a dry paper towel. Misted water on all other plants. Covered subjects. Gently applied dust via brush. Resprayed all other plants. In a half hour the covers will be removed. Should’ve covered the branches i wanna seed and sprayed rest of plant🤦🏿. Couple of clouds seen while gently tap brushing were concerning. Gravity had em going up. Will repeat this process in a week.


Edit Dude said to dust again tomorrow so I will.


^^ Communion kinda fading. Can u c it?

^^Glitterbomb showing some color. Sexy sexy.


How many seeds do you want? I brushed my plant once and got more than enough seeds from it. More than I really wanted to be honest :laughing:. You probably don’t need to dust twice, especially if you seen a dust cloud. As long as they have time to finish you’ll be seeing seeds popping out of there in no time. @Bayarealivingsoil


^^ A better representation of the fade on Communion. See?

Chem D got 1g water with Silica and Microbial Mass. In my attempt to get her closer to the 91 in appearance I’ve overfed Cal Mag and noticed a few days ago. Not a major thing but whatever happens I know the D could’ve been better.

^^Chem D you can see all the new growth tip burn on the plant pic if u zoom in. That Kellogg was a bad decision.

^^ Chem 91 loving life in Happy Frog. She was sprayed a little less than the D. She took it much better.



I think so

Rn smells strong sweet. Was yours colorful? Imo the colas are small haha. Did you keep her? In pricey soil but seems like an easy peasy plant so far. Just growing.

Sour Diesel in different pricey soil has nice colas. A much smaller plant shes behind, out of pic, the last lady in the first Glitterbomb shot above.



Im really suprised the D is doing better than the 91 for you! Out here in the South Bay, the D is usually the bulletproof one. Where did you source them? Ive been having a hell of a time finding 91 cuts around here. Used to be so easy too

As for the fade, thats totally expected with organic amendments. When I ran greenies, if the crops didnt fade hard at the end the other growers would talk smack lol.

You can delay it a bit rockin out with ferments, or even a good guano like budswel thru flower. But Im all about embracing it. Of course some strains wont fade, but that seems to be genetics. Usually the chems are the ones that fade like crazy tho. And on the flip side, Ive taken a lot of ghanis and even hazes a week+ past when most people would harvest, and they wouldnt lose color at all.


@BackyardBoogie420 Yeah i would feel better about a consistent fade but my best fade since getting off bottles was like 7 years ago in new soil. So im pretty sure there was too much added. Hoping to see fading soon. This Communion is thickening.



Cuts from Farmer Joe 420


Fire bro! Yea our Glitterbombs look identical…mine is fully pollinated tho! :peace_symbol:


Pollinated, so you ran her b4?

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Pollinated with my male zero gravity cross…yea I’ve grown it before and smoked a bunch of it


So now that I haven’t Cal Magd in like 4-5 days the Chem D is looking a trip. Seems i really messed up. Again. Like her nutes were coming from the foliar and she forgot how to uptake. Or that muscle is weakened.

Ok never mind. She looks much better than yesterday. Have a great afternoon.

@mota bad news. SIP is gone. I placed it on top of the green trash can so itd be easier to take to car. Workers not only put it in a truck but they dumped the soil. I think the SIP is coming back though. My bad sir.


All good. :+1:

And we haven’t discussed what dinner would be! HA!

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Gypsum, Soil from my black bag( handful from the missing SIP woulda been better), Gaia Green bloom, Royal Gold bloom and Bokashi mixed up and top dressed Chem D.



Ok. Bear with me here please.

I need Ancestral help putting this sensory experience in text.

All but Chem D were watered today. The watering is different. Havent filled a res in weeks. Filled is 2 1g bottles for both Earthbox and City Picker ime. These have been getting a gallon or less for over a month it seems. Glitterbomb may get filled again. Anyway you know how the smell is strong when watering. Turning the corner to the green alley the familiar pleasent sweetness hits me. A combination of sweet n sour canna candy that comes from multiple modern strains in close proximity. Glitterbomb, Hella Jelly, Communion, plus a little Sour Diesel. But behind the familiarity was something bad. Rancid. Rotting. Wrong. Its not there at first whiff. Not like an aftertaste either. Ok if smelling was drinking this would be the last of the liquid going down. Not to be experienced again as hard as i sniffed. The 91 has entered the chat. Once i figured out she was the culprit i interrogated her but she stayed quiet. Like she only spoke when the ruckus of the others was so loud it all but covered her dark and death laden mutterings. So macabre that even quiet they immediately grab all attention. Before you ask yes my hygiene is on point. See my toes? I took my regular shower already this month.

Just look at her posing like she know she foine.

The smell could be a combination of the 2 Chem girls. But the D wasn’t watered. Btw the Chems definitely and the Glitterbomb kinda are the only plants not doing the weird whorlly leaves thing. Yea all the Clone conservatory cuts look kinda weird with Glitterbomb looking the best. Viral issues? But the 91 looks like a Cannabis plant from a book. Shout out Farmer Joe.




As long as it’s not root rot, you’re doing good!

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Havent experienced root rot in a SIP but i guess its possible. One more application of LABS in the res can’t hurt.


Pineapple FFJ with a lil Cal Mag given to Chem D and Sour Diesel. FFJ and other sugary ferments attract aphids. I usually mix with epsom but none on hand.
