Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Hit em heavy with Dr. Zymes, 2 bottles.

^^Sour Diesel. I thought she’d be happy by now. Almost looks overwatered.

Last ditch effort to save Banana Jelly. Fwiw I can’t definitively say Kellogg soil is the culprit. I can say that I will never use it like this again. Considering adding a bunch of castings and planting cover crop in Kellogg if BJ doesn’t make it. Or getting another bag of better soil and starting over for the Lil Walkenstein seedlings.



Off the last 2 days ( Tuesday and Wednesday) soo…

Tuesday : 3 healthy SIPs all were empty so put a gallon of water in each. Communion in Earthbox was given a tablespoon of Gaia Green with castings on top. Glitterbomb got 2-3 cups of the fert mix and Hella Jelly got the rest of the fert mix bag. All top dress was sprayed to better acclimate🤷🏿. Gonna ride out the rest of the month and see if anything is needed come September. Hit all 3 with 2 bottles of Sulfur a few hours apart.
Wednesday put a gallon of Banana Tea plus Microbial Mass in each res. Considering this the first time they were filled.

Tuesday put a hose in the Banana Jelly and Sour Diesel water tube and sucked water out the res.

Wednesday was the last day for Banana Jelly. Frustrated with her lack of progress I pulled her. Didn’t see any roots more than an inch from the rockwool cube=No growth.

Well that lasted a day. Once the BJ was pulled the Chem D was put in her place. In the Kellogg. She brought soil with her during the transplant but she will be watched. Have a bottle of Neptunes Harvest that I’m considering using on the Sour Diesel and the D. Afraid SD roots are as stunted as BJ were and that liquid nutes might help. D doesn’t need it but I worry about that Kellogg.

Rinsed rice on Wednesday


Last photo of Banana Jelly. R.i.p.


Hit Sour Diesel and Chem D with some recharge. Top watered. SD looks the best since we got her. Not feeling great about putting the D in the Kellogg. Shoulda left her in the Happy Frog with the 91 skva. That would’ve given 2 weeks to improve the Kellogg. Now I gotta find a home for the Walkenstein seedlings.

^^Communion loving life



Happy plants! I just got done running a couple communion myself. Really great smoke. The one I kept hits like 3x stretch, but makes up for it with lots of awesome stacks. Pulling up a chair :call_me_hand:


Happy to know that someone has grown it and enjoyed it. Thanks for adding. Did you find any herms amongst yours? Sounds like you grew it from seed, is that correct?


From seed, the S1 pack. I ran 3 seeds just to hunt a little. No herms. Had a runty bushy waxy mutant with the duckfoot leaf expression. Great grapey profile and a total resin machine, but the yield and trim job were abysmal. I kept a cut of the mutant to potentially hit with some pollen but I’m on the fence about preserving those traits.


Cool weird plant but this one put out 3x as much flower and equally awesome smoke


Beautiful indeed


LABS added to 3 gallon jug plus molasses. 2g for Communion 1g for Sour Diesel. SD has light green leaves that make me wanna top water some liquid nutes.

Sprayed BT yesterday. Probably gonna hit em with Spinosad in a few days. The 3 elder girls are looking great. Got a nice smell from Glitterbomb stem rub, remembered that these are all clones and felt hope.

91skva seems to be SIPPIN fingers crossed for the D.
Walkenstein seedlings may get a fresh SIP. Cheaper to use a fabric pot 10g with a catch tray. I’ve experienced the difference between pots and SIPs so…


^^ Sour Diesel

^^ Walkenstein x2

^^ Chem 91skva

^^ Chem D


^^ Communion

^^Hella Jelly

^^Free IPM


careful with the spinosad, it’s translaminar.


Hit em with a bottle of Monterey spinosad this morning. Thanks Joe Crowe. 2g of LABS+molasses in Hella Jelly, Glitterbomb and 91. Happy plants.

Got another SIP and soil. Watered in cover crop with 1g of Recharge. Will get worms tomorrow. No Bokashi or Gnarly Barley. Plan is to chop n drop add Craft Blend, EWC and cover. Then transplant those nice Walkenstein seedlings. Tomorrow is 8/14! Time.


Pulled the D out. Took more than 3/4 of the Kellogg out of SIP. Replaced with Malibus potting soil. Top dressed with the mix added a lil bokashi and put the D back where she was.

Added like 40 worms to the Vitality plus some of the used Kellogg in a bag to bring level closer to top. Added more cover crop. Prepping for Walkenstein.

Bokashi, Insect Frass and Malibu compost added to mix. Mix shared with 91.


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Is this BTK as mentioned in Protocol 0?



yep, it wipes out caterpillars in one go!

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Sprayed BT heavy yesterday. Broke out the scope, 1st time, and saw aphids, mites and a green translucent ant looking critter. Scary.

^^ Will use this new weapon Monday. Then Spinosad. Then BT. Then Zymes and repeat.

Walkenstein were planted 2 days ago. Sour Diesel is looking much better. Every SIP has LABS in the res. Will use plain water next 2x.

L to R: Chem D, Chem 91skva and Walkenstein. Thinking about moving these away from light (flipping) 9/15.



OK. Sprayed 2 bottles of the new pyrethrin today. 2g water for Communion and Glitterbomb 1g for Sour Diesel.

@JohnnyPotseed I really enjoyed Frankenstein last year. Big, easy and good. Reminded me of Trainwreck. Do you have any information on these Walkenstein? Thank you sir.


Broken hip in bad fall Thursday, hospitalized, then heart attack Friday morning early, operation this morning, shot full of all kinds of dope all i can barely remember at the moment is that’s a cross I did with Frankenstein and SkyWalker