Bayarealivingsoil making mistakes to build better buds

Sending you the best vibes and all the healing love. R & R cuz.


Went too heavy with the pyrethrin. Unhappy leaves on the 3. Glitterbomb got it the worst.

They’ll be OK. Been spraying water last 2 days.

Microbial Mass in Communion. She smells like sweet candy og anise. Wonderful. Gonna use the MM on the other 2 when they’re empty.

Smaller plants took less damage. Gonna take cuts from the Chems cuz they’re both hella branchy. Here’s the 91

The Vitality soil for Walkensteins

Bless up


Apparently the Chems are calcium hogs. Added 2-3 tablespoons gypsum to all Sips. Sprayed both Chems and Sour Diesel with Cal Mag.

^^ Chem 91 is big enough to flip. Branchy as hell, both of em. Gonna move her soon. The D is smaller. The goal is sensi. Tasting the Chems.

Will spray BT cuz funk the caterpillars.



Took 4 branches from each Chem. 6 cubes and 2 in the Aloe plant. Cubes all died other 2 hanging on.

Lotsa water sprayed on em all after the pyrethrin fiasco. Too much oil. Cal Mag foliar on the littles and SD.

The 91 and the Walkensteins were moved a coupla days ago and the D will be moved tomorrow.
Little concern for the Walkensteins they only had 1 Sulfur spray and they were tiny. Pretty sure the Sulfur + Pyrethrin is what fd things up. Feels like next week will be 3 weeks since P. Will hit the 4 littles with a light Sulfur.

LABS in the littles Microbial Mass/Mega Phos in the other 4. Communion is drinking fastest. Filling up 2x a week. Looking good. She and Glitterbomb got 1/4 cup of Craft Blend. Hella Jelly looks pretty leafy. Gonna get rid of all S+P damage. She didnt like it at all. Will also strip one branch. Glitterbomb is finished stretching, i think, shes tallest at like 5’7". Will be drinking 2x a week probably this week. Shes getting happier and will finish strong. That BAS 3.0 is impressive.

Added rinsed rice, frass and Bokashi to last 2 mixes. Most recent for Walkensteins soon and Chems in a week.




^^ Walkensteins Calling the one on the left (bottom) Frankie and the right Luke. Loved the Frankenstein in a big pot last year. I think these are fems but will watch. Top dressed today with mix.

^^ Chem D flipping today. Variegated a little bit. Happier by the day.

^^ Chem 91 skva. She likes the Cal Mag foliar.

^^Sour Diesel. Top dressed.

^^ Hella Jelly. Top dressed. Leafy.

^^ Glitterbomb. Pretty sure she was filled yesterday with 2g and Microbial Mass. Shes close to empty. Will refill tomorrow or Monday. Stack n pack.

^^ Communion. Great plant. Drinking pretty regular 2x a week. Frosty.

EWC, Malibus compost and the Frass prolly done for this grow. Craft Blend, Gaia Green bloom and Royal Gold bloom will be enough. Considering 1/4 cup frass for the littles. That was quick. Haha.

^^ Aloe with a D on the right and a 91 on the left.

Bless up.

Edit: Made a mix with Malibus, EWC, Royal Gold, Frass, Rice, Bokashi and Craft Blend for Glitterbomb top dressed her. Her size and how fast shes drinking changed my mind.


Good shit! :fire: What kind of material are you using to cover the pots? :peace_symbol:

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Thanks @WeTokeChronic Pretty sure 1 bag covers 4 CPs. Weak CP cover over plastic. Thanks again for the beans you sent. I have Bodhi packs that should be grown out maybe even F2d. DLA 6 Cherry Trance Shakedown Street Time Bender and others. Hmu if you have time and space. Peace


Forgot I sent you some :beans: you didn’t grow them yet? I may have room for one female next run…I’ll be doing a GDP hunt with Authentic Genetics GDP and these rare King Klone - Kens GDP seeds that probably went on the shelves in 2005 during the medical market days lol it’s the Bay Area Grandaddy Purps.

I’d rather you send a cut of a one you hunted down and I’d cross it for you wirh GDP and send you a bunch of :beans:


The 3 littles and Sour Diesel got a light Sulfur spray this morning. SD wasn’t part of the plan but it felt right.

Topped the Frankie Walkenstein, hoping to slow her down. In flower.:person_shrugging:t6:

Top watered 1g with Silica in Glitterbomb yesterday. Some of that is in res. Wasn’t dry enough.

Hella Jelly is the funkiest nose rn or the least sweet. Her growth style reminds me of a Bogbubble from last year, she had botrytis pretty bad. Watching and stripping.

Communion has slowed down the vigorous thirst and is chugging along. Looking good.

Used all of the EWC and Malibus top dressing plants yesterday. Trying to listen. Listening while practicing LITFA is challenging. All should be cool with just water+ from here on. With 1/4 cup Royal Gold or Gaia Green sprinkled here or there😉.

By height. This is going well. All of these white pistils. 6/8 plants are cuts someone kept. 5 years of semilla buds. Tahoe Og is the only cut we experienced outside here. Nothing is seeded. Gotta get these girls across the finish line. Ramble ramble.


Making mistakes building better butch beach buds…

Apparently the mistake was not ‘realized’. With 10g-15g of soil the only time filling the res (2 gallons) makes sense is when a big plant says so. Glitterbomb has been getting like a gallon every day and a half. She is at her thirstiest. Communion has slowed down drinking. Long story longer lotsa sitting water. If in pots theyd be overwatered. We will not put more than 1g in res until plants say so. These plants aren’t big. Should be dry a day after we see no sitting water.

Luckily SIP power saved the plants from overwatering. Learning.

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Found this in the freezer. Shoutout @JohnnyPotseed @Slammedsonoma420

Gonna dust the lowest branch on Glitterbomb and Sour Diesel after covering the plants in a bag. Please send positive vibes. This will be a first attempt at making seeds on purpose.

Found a little paintbrush. Yes Universe yes. Will do this in the am. Glitterbomb x Frankenstein= Oppenhammer. Fun stuff.


Sounds like a nice cross! I’m setting this to watch, lol


Hey cuz, how are you feeling? Hope you and the Missus are chilling like villains. These Walkensteins look great btw. Frankie and Luke haha. Wondering if you have any pollen for sale?
Thinking bout these Chem clones thatll be ready in a coupla weeks. Thanks for stopping by.


Rose is keeping me in good shape.
Actually, I don’t brother. I try to accumulate that magic dust, rather than get rid of it! I have so many strains I wanna cross, and just never seem to have enough dust, lol


I get it @JohnnyPotseed. Many thanks. Rest and heal cuz.

Ok. Covered both plants. Dusted branches with paintbrush. Sprayed bags with water. Sprayed littles with Cal Mag and 2 bigs with water. Dipped brush in water. 20 minutes later I thought there was pollen still on the brush so i redusted each branch :person_facepalming:t6:Hoping that didn’t neutralize my efforts. 45 minutes later bags were removed. Misted both plants from the back.
Fingers crossed. Sour Diesel x Frankenstein fem and Glitterbomb x Frankenstein fem. Good vibes yall.
Can @HeadyBearAdventures @Rogue
please say some words of encouragement for these creations🙏🏿

Thank yous 2s



Ok. So after my 1st attempt at pollinating yesterday. All plants back in there spaces. I noticed something. Seemed like an underdeveloped seed in a stem seed bract on Communion. Further inspection and another stem seed bract produced a dark seed. There aren’t emojis for this feeling. Crestfallen. The worst part is that i see troubling pistils on all 4 flowering plants. Looks like semilla again. I have never identified a nanner. Male flowers in the past yes. But no nanners. If one of the plants I have hermed i like to think i would see something. The dark seed was developing for some time. Pistils look like they were recently violated. @#%& I believe there are boys in the hood. No way to protect the littles. Have a hookup for some Dla 5.3 pollen. Was gonna try to pollinate the Chems. Seems pointless if theres unknown pollen in the air.


That seed and the many possibilities shook me. Over it. So a day after finding the seed while inspecting Sour Diesel I saw a pistil that kinda looked funny. Then it moved. Smallest caterpillar Ive seen yet. Then found 1 on Glitterbomb. Dont know if they’re babies or what. Small and thin. BT! Gonna use BT 2x this week. Don’t like caterpillars. Evil little foocks.

Been pretty consistent with the Cal Mag foliar on the littles. They’ll probably get Spinosad 1-2 more times.

^^Glitterbomb pollinated branch.:crossed_fingers:t6:

^^ Sour Diesel pollinated branch.:crossed_fingers:t6:



Those hairs dont look pollinated to me. It looks like only the ends turned brown which usually happens after brushing up against something.


^^ Chem 91 stretched out more than up. Seems like a happy plant but shes only like a week in flower. Cal Mag bought specifically for her and Chem D. The goal was to fatten her up like a contestant on Alone, in preparation for the cannibalism I’ve read about in flower. Pic doesn’t really show how dark green she is.



You like that glitterbomb? I was always wondering if it lived up to the hype. Love how you all on the ferments and living soil bro. That’s my shit. I’ve grown some fire outdoor in the east bay.