BC Strains of Yesteryear

Amazing! Will def place an order before the spring :slight_smile: excited for the warp!

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How about that xmas bud that came around yearly for a few years.

There was aways the most potent bc bud or like 10 years i wanna say 98-2010 had a spicy taste sometimes coffee like. You burned one and the room reeked like you were burning tires . Aways the strongest shit around. It was just bc bud or the Mudge. I’ve heard hash plant but I’ve tried 10 h.p. and never got a smidgen 9f the flavor im after. Anyone help? I’ve been told Bubba but I don’t think that was it

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Wow thanks for that knowledge, I never experienced the xmas bud, do you know what the lineage is from that.

Also curious around the coffee like spicy bud you are talking about. All that we got was usually commercial freeze or m and then occasionally got blessed with some packs with bc tags. When I moved from Ontario further out east it was always M and occasionally some jack and what people would call bc chemo. Didn’t start to see packs with bc purple kush tags until around 2011, and then somehow the floodgates opened and it was all bubba, hindu, royal purple, and rockstar.

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Have not flowered out the romulan yet. Here it is at 3 weeks veg


thats some beautiful leaf structure!


Indeed, they are pretty.

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The xmas bud is/was a pretty famous clone only . crazy skunk pine only came around in December only down side was it was fresh sticky type u got 4 joints outta .25oz

My man, the freezeland and the Chinese “Molson” that’s all there was for couple years.

I’m in windsor and the Chinese stuff was so shit… we def got the worst of it ,because I got some in Toronto once and it was half decent and smelled like weed
This " stuff" was around at the same time man I wish I could grow a hint of the Mudge I really miss that stuff. Nice 2 hour high and you couldn’t build immunity to it like other weeds . (Hempstar) by the end of a half oz it didnt have any effect.


i remember a nice bc grapefruit we used to get and some nice outdoor blueberry… then early 2000s it was purple kush that took over in my circles,


I remember outdoor beaster buds. Cream sodica and mighty mite. Timewarp, blueberry, Jamaican.


I also remember the Jamaican, is there any info on the genetics behind it. I remember it having a much different bud structure and very tropical flavour, but also could have been relative to all of the commercial I was smoking at the time. I find that it is difficult to put my finger on the tastes, because I was quite young, and anything different than freeze or m39 was very exotic at the time. I also remember stealing some bud from a friend’s mother who was a member of the church of the universe in Toronto, and being blown away by how different it was.


I know this has been dormant for a bit, but I think the cold weather has got me spending alot of time looking for genetics history, and I was wondering if anyone could shed light on or has experienced the following strains.

More recently, in my area there was quite abit of blackwater going around, it was a really heavy smoke with amazing berry flavour. I see there is blackwater OG, but wondering if the blackwater is the same as the blackwater OG.

Also, I remember a time where my friend was getting packs that were
Berry White
Lemon Hashplant
anyone have any info on those?

In the mix at that point there was alot of jack coming around, and when compared to the mids we were getting, it tasted so exotic.


I remember my first run in with purple pine berry…I had a friend who’s mom spends alot of time on cortes and he gave me some from her stash…that shit fucked me up. It didnt look special, but the effect…hooooooly! He also gave me a dub of acid from her stash :exploding_head:

I’ve heard rumor that the original godbud cut is still alive and well, now in salmon arm. But held extremely tightly. I believe it was the one entered in the cup under the bcbd banner, but it wasn’t theirs and isn’t what they have today. Dave van pot or something along those lines.

I reached out to a friend in Port Albert hoping he would have a lead on the pine bud but he’s never run across it or heard of it. But like stated above, I would reach out to Professor Sprout at lucky13 and inquire about his romulan, he seems to have some interesting BC cuts in his stable. Great prices and very generous on the freebies.

Growing up and made a good connection and flooded my town with “pine bud”. No idea the background on it but it was consistent, very piney, bright orange hairs on light green buds. Never found any seeds though, wish I had…and I went through alot of it.

I’ve read that the texada timewarp isn’t the original, the family lost the parents and what is still grown today is progeny. I’ve got texada Skunk from Peak, only tried it once indoor but early in my growing so I didn’t do well. It was a huge plant though, I should try it again outdoor but I don’t think it’ll finish where I’m at now unless we have a long dry summer.

Was anybody around van in 2003/2004 and come across catpiss? It was coming out of Maple Ridge, I got it through a friend in Ladner. It wasnt catpissy, more fruity, but I got some seeds and it was the first I’ve ever grown. I have one seed left that I need to reverse so I can play around with it more. I have fond memories. The ones I’ve grown ranged from fruity to piney to bubblegum…tried to reverse it once before my first ever attempt. I didn’t harvest and save it very well though, I’ve tried it on a couple things and only got a couple seeds…not sure if it worked or was cross pollination. I popped one recently so we shall see if it’s fem or something else. I hit the catpiss with some skunkberry and northernberry but haven’t dug into those yet.

I wouldn’t mind trying a different Sweet skunk than the peak one, I think his is different. And he says he bred in a true Skunk from bc seed company. There’s a guy in sask that offered me the sweet skunk cut a few years back, haven’t taken him up on the offer yet.

Oh and I had a connection through my old man to the person growing the clones for the HA in the valley, had Lui and something else. I wasn’t set up then though so didn’t take the offer. I wish things were different and I had been able to.

A few years back on VSC there were some old federation strains. But the logo used links to AMS so uim unsure if it’s legitimate. The website is still up, federationseeds

One more thing! Dr. Atomic is still around apparently but I’m not sure if he’s still breeding. His name popped up I think during the Chem episode with riot and notsodog


Wow thank you so much for this. It really ticks all the boxes on stuff that interests me about Canadian cannabis. Took a spin over to Lucky13 for Romulan but appears out of stock, I will keep an eye on it, as I really am interested in finding these genetics with such rich Canadian history and stories!

I have a sweet skunk, but unsure as to if it is the Peak seeds version. It was really pleasant to grow outdoors, but was not overly skunky.


It shouldn’t have any skunkiness really, if it’s the breeder steve version the story goes that it was a labeling mix up and was actually a nl5haze and if I remember correctly he crossed it with Sweet pink grapefruit possibly. I’d have to go back and look through the threads. Mikes (Peak) on the other hand was sourced from a different line I believe, but either way he said he bred a true Skunk from bc seed co into it. Peaks goes about 12 weeks, stretches alot and has the tendency to turn purple.


The peak one sounds a little bit like the one I grew. Got quite purple towards the end, and took quite awhile to finish.


So does anyone know where we can still get reputable BC cuts?

Unfortunately the scene in BC has always been so tight and secretive that it’s pretty hard to source and verify some of the older BC cuts. Also the big mom/clone operations that used to sell clones by the thousands to the bigger players have all pretty much shut down or used thier cash to transition to the legal cannabis sector. Now I don’t know everything so take my comments as one man’s opinion.
Truly your best bet for going back in time is to source seed from reputable long standing BC breeders like jordan of the islands… and I would say peak seeds but he has transitioned to the legal market. It may be possible to buy from “peak” still but you will need a referral with your cannabis business or medical grow license.
I grew from 89 to 2005 and then back to growing full time at the tail end of 2015 , all in BC lowermainland/fraser valley back then and since 2015 in the BC interior.
I have not managed to track down a single clone from the 95 to 2005 years that was legit.
Still hunting for the original Chemo , biker blueberry , biker hashplant , champagne , juicy fruit, God bud ect
I have Champagne seeds going right now from a reproduction seed run I was fortunate enough to be able to buy from. I also have Chemo going right now from seed as well so I will see what’s what with those plants. I think I lost 2 o the Champagne seeds to dampening off or something but they never grew after sprouting which is a bummer. Still have 5 more of those seeds so will pop them near the end of the year.


It has been a very long time since I have seen or heard of this one.


Still looking for some bcbd sweet god beans if anyone is looking to trade. That was some of the most relaxing and euphoric weed ive ever had the privilege of tokin on. The buds were caked in frost and literally tasted like they were dipped in honey.