Beacher - some past grows and future

So I had to spend a few hours today restaking and supporting these monsters because the gsc1s were falling all over the place. I had them leaning against the walls for the last while, no bueno for airflow and light distribution.

Here’s what I was dealing with…keep in mind that when I pulled the tall ones out they would literally tip right over, especially if at all dry.


Here’s 2 gsc1s (left and right), and a gsc2 (middle). They look better in person I swear lol. It’s pretty hot and I’ve been blasting them with koolbloom the last couple weeks, plus they’re so tall that some of the nugs are like 8" away from the 600.

Not my nicest round, but it’s fine by me for new genetics being tested in the dead of summer. Gsc1 stretched too much, is too airy and threw the odd herm flower so it gets chucked. #2 is much more dense and manageable height wise, it also is way more sticky and smelly (very lemony)


Jungle spice f2 #1. This is a really nice plant, very big dense colas and really frosty. It took the heavy nutes much better than the gscs, also because it didn’t stretch to be 8ft tall it avoided the crisping from the light.


Jungle spice f2 #1 on the left and #2 on the right. They’re quite similar in structure, but #1 is definitely quite a big chunkier. It has a nice sweet smell.

JS2 is a bit smaller, but branchier and it also has a stronger more interesting piney smell.


Everyone back in the room trained and anchored to eye hooks on the walls for further stability. There’s also a jungle spice x black domina in the middle spot. It’s a nice short plant, med sized really dense nugs with a sweet gassy kinda smell.

Sorry for the crappy pics, I still suck at photography lol. I’ll get some better pics as I chop them in the next 1-2 weeks.


Those are awesome! Really cool to see the pheno #1 grown. Your leaves look exactly the same as the mom. I think it’s more ghash leaning, compared to the others.


Room looks good, adding the hooks and supports made it better. What size pots are you using this round?

I feel your pain on the summer. It is alway tuff this time of year fighting off the heat.

Anything happening with the two outdoor? I’m Curious how they are doing . :v:


Ya they really are awesome :sunglasses: Thanks again for the killer beans, I plan on digging through them a few at a time going forward until I find that special champ. It’s nice to know they’ll be pretty consistent, I think I’ll keep #2 around for the time being.

@Mongobongo thanks. The really tall ones are in like 3/4 gallon pots. An ok size for the amount of plant, but terrible for the height of those. The rest are in 1 gallons.

The 2 outdoors have stretched like crazy and are really huge now, I’ll get a pic of them tomorrow.


Oh ya and these aren’t from the mom 1 and 2. They’re both from mom 7 if I remember right (the piney one). They’re my 1 and 2 pheno of that cross.

Has no one tried the #1 cross yet? If not I’ll pop a couple of those next time!


Yea that’s why I was asking, things have really taken off the last two weeks. I will anxiously await your morning pics :v:


Ya I can’t believe how much they blew up. They started stretching around 2 weeks ago but just kept going. Finally twisting up and starting to properly bud now. Good weather for us so far!


Ah I misunderstood. I thought you were growing pheno #1. Yeah nobody has tried #1 yet to my knowledge! It’s the weird one of the bunch, but had some nice qualities.


@Mongobongo heres my outdoor monsters. They kinda blend together, but there’s one pheno on the left (GSC#1 really stretchy) and GSC#2 on the right with med stretch. When I put the second layer of screen in I thought I had gone way too high with it, turns out I was wrong lol


Nice tree trunk on the big one :cactus: I’m gonna defoliate them a bit in the next few days


What size pots you use @beacher, I finish in 2’s


This look awesome man good work! Love the August explosion :boom::v:


For this round I have them in 1 gallons. There’s totally enough room for them even at this size in coco, but next round I’ll go back to my 2 gallon hempy buckets because it’s so much easier for watering etc.


Thanks man, gotta love watching them roid out like that haha


I chopped 2 of the budding plants (GSC1s) at week 9 a few days ago, they’re hanging in the left of the pic. They got nute burned pretty badly in the last couple weeks. I went a bit crazy with the koolbloom, and also it was pretty hot with them so close to the 600 watter. There may have been some laziness/neglect involved also lol

I flushed the hell out of all of them (some of them had runoff at 3000+ ppm), and replaced the 600W with a 400W HPS. I’ll give them one more week to relax under some less intense light and hopefully work some of the excess nutrients out.


Here are my Guava 99s ready to go for the next round. I got 5 out of 7 females after sexing them…sweet. They’re all happy and pretty consistent, some are a bit more lanky. They’re some of the smelliest plants I’ve had in veg. They have a fresh, limey scent.

There’s also a GSC3 in the back left. I’ve kept that to run again.

Here they are after a haircut and some cleanup. I’ve topped them a few times already. In a week when the buds are all down I’ll put these into that room under the screen. I’ll also put in a small GSC3 and a jungle spice 2.