Beacher - some past grows and future

I chopped my Mr Sparkle autos a few days ago at 9 weeks.

They’re not the biggest plants lol. I think this is partly due to not getting constant sunlight and over feeding. They have an incredible smell like grape perfume. The smoke tastes amazing too and is a nice mellow, pleasant buzz.

Also this:

They must have gotten knocked up pretty early in the sunroom with my mystery male, so I imagine they put alot of their energy into seed making instead of buds. These are the first seeds I’ve ever made, I can’t believe how many there are :+1:


You may have lost a bit of bud with them making seeds but you will have plenty to replace it, with the seeds. My guava 99 is still stretching, but the nodes are shorter than they were when growing in veg. It’s probably around 3 ft plus now.


Nice man everything is looking great. A lot of my dark devils stayed small. There are 1 or 2 phenom that grow bigger out of the bunch.

Just a suggestion for GSC hanging. Grab some large leaf bags and put them in that. That will slow the dry down and contain the smell somewhat. :v:


That’s funny mine are all pretty tight node spacing in veg. I took cuttings and put them in 12/12 for a bit to sex and I can see a couple will have big stretch but most pretty standard.

@Mongobongo good call I should slow the dry a bit. As far as smell, they’re in my bud room so no issues there. Sadly not much smell to this pheno anyways lol


Do you remember your amounts when you burned your plants with the Koolbloom?
How much you added and what was your base nute’s and strength …if you know.
Trying to put a number to it.


Maybe the smell will come Out more Once you slow it down and jar it. :v:

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Mega crop at full recommended strength (about 23g per 15 litres), and koolbloom around half strength…I think q/4tsp per 15 litres. I didn’t check ppm much then so I couldn’t say tbh.

@mongobongo hopefully, but I think it’s just a particularly lame pheno. It just smells like ‘weed’, I’m sure you know the type. Haven’t smoked it yet though so maybe it’s crazy good or something


Hate those kind of phenoms

Are you unhappy with it this round? :v:


The #1 pheno ya. Generic, stretchy, and threw a few herm flowers out. The #3 pheno is alot chunkier and has a great smell, kept the mother for now. The jungle spice is really dank and I kept a pheno of that as well.

Not the best round, but ok for summer heat and trying random new stuff.


Good shit @beacher . Those outdoor ladies are beast! :muscle:

I’m so happy you’re enjoying the Guava99’s so far and got some ladies. Are they from momma number 1 or 2?

I’ve got some interesting reports of veg smells so far. Tomato plant, spinach, pepper and now lime. :smiley: That’s awesome. Cheers bro.


A mix of some from both moms, mostly #2 I think.

I can detect tomato or pepper now that you say it lol, they have a very distinctive smell for sure


Oh that’s awesome A Couple good phenoms in the bunch.

I need to run some jungle spice.

After the server sale It’s getting hard to decide what to run haha :v:


Well I spent the last few days in trim jail and they’re all down now. A total of 9 plants- 5x GSC1, 1 x GSC3, 2 x Jungle Spice F2s (2 phenos), and 1 x Jungle Spice x Black Domina. They all came down just past 10 weeks.

First is the GSC 1. This plant stretched like crazy…huge buds but really fluffy and light. Literally smells like hay, a total dud. Good thing I ran 5 of them lol. I have so much of this now and it doesn’t appeal to me at all. Oh well, live and learn I guess…


Next up is the GSC3. This one was less stretchy and much more dense buds. It also has a nice fruity smell to it. I’ve kept the mother around for now I’ll run a small one this next round.

This is the Jungle Spice x Black Domina, the only female I got from starting a few of these. Nice enough plant, a bit small. It also didn’t like the (too) high levels of nutrients I gave them. It’s quite a bit smaller than the JS are and has a very similar smell.


This is the Jungle Spice pheno 2. A nice medium height chunky plant, and a really interesting sweet and pungent smell…hard to describe. I have the mother of this and will be running it again for sure.

And the Jungle Spice pheno 1. The heavyweight champ of the batch. A really chunky plant with a huge topper and great structure. It smells like pumpkin and butter if that makes any sense lol. Of course I lost the mother of this when I got mites, otherwise I would be keeping this around for sure.

Apologies for the crappy pics (as usual lol), and the extra classy garbage bag backdrops but you get the idea :sunglasses:

@lefthandseeds thanks again for these seeds, they are top notch! I’m really impressed at how consistent they were…I’ll definitely be digging through them going forward to find some more winners!


JS #1 looks like a nice plant. Good sized top bud for a plant that size. Pumpkin n butter sounds different, lol .
Are you glad trim is over :sunglasses:


Nice man. To bad about that one you didn’t like but ya got a bunch of deliciousness there anyways. The JS chunky and others look nice.

What’s up next?


Doem all, Mongo.


Love seeing the results you get with the HPS… even though I use cheapo SILs, I really like seeing HPS used for flowering… kind of the old school mentality hanging on…

Just started a JS Orange & JS Red out of several JS pheno’s that @Meesh was kind enough to send my way, and am looking forward to seeing how they turn out…

You are absolutely killing it…:+1: Pretty damn impressive…



Always glad when trimming is over, I’m sure you know how that goes lol

@Mongobongo guava 99s up next, I’ve got 5 females ready to go. Gonna run 4 under the scrog screen and one off to the side to pick a mom.

@anon95954822 thanks man, I’m still pretty old school. I’d actually really like to try some of the fancy new LEDs, but I have so much working equipment here I just can’t justify the expense. I do use SILs for some veg though and really like them! Good luck with the JS, killer genetics :+1: