Beacher - some past grows and future

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it… the quality of bud you are producing with HPS really is a testament to the longevity of a lighting “trend” if you get what I mean… Even though tech has changed, quality from HPS seems pretty consistent it seems…



I like that, already reserving a mom space for the Guava


Ya I have a really good feeling about that one too.

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As well both of you should. He did a great job on those, the run he did was spectacular…I have a few of his going outside, was full up inside when I got the seeds. I shall do a inside run with them also.

I keep looking at leds too…but my Gavita DE just kills it and afraid to waste$$ and a grow or two finding out dont fix what aint broken. They sure look nice, lower heat less watts for same power(supposedly) get really close to the canopy level…BUT…not one single commercial warehouse grow uses 'em. They ALL use 1000 watt Gavita DE’s . You would think if they grow equal or superior bud, why would a 100 or 300 light warehouse grow NOT USE THEM???


Ya I got a spot reserved for one or maybe two. My c99xDH and c99xGH are about ready for the flower room. I can’t wait.


That looks like a killer harvest. Glad to see everything went well. :+1::+1:


Even those double enders are too high tech for me haha. The last time I used 1000 watters the new cool thing was those bulbs that had a 600hps and a 400mh together in one giant bulb. They were pretty freaking awesome too lol


I finally finished building my new veg room in the basement. It’s 3’x6’ and about 5 ft tall. I used 3 x 7 bulb sockets with 15W consumer LEDs (6 cool white and 1 warm in each fixture)…105W x 3 for 315W total with a nice spread coverage. I’ve got a mountain air scrubber in there with an inline fan pulling about 180 cfm.

The guava 99s have been rammed in a small closet for so long and loving it. I’ve topped them at least 8-10 times. I couldn’t believe how big they were when I finally took them out yesterday. They really thrived in these tiny pots under only 45W of SILs.

These 4 will go under the screen in my main room shortly - #1, 3, 7 and 9. I have one more female that I’ll do off to the side with them(it was really stretchy when I sexed them).

Here they are moved into hempy buckets and enjoying the new room. There’s one more light fixture behind the camera in the room. In the foreground are the other Guava 99, and my GSC and Jungle Spice moms. I’m going to clone these and put them as SOG sized plants along the side of the flowering room.

Now that my small closet area is free i started some seeds in there: Earth Lover and Dragon Tongue (CBD autos from Sebring seeds), a Dark Spark and The Fuzz autos from Mr Sparkle. I also started 4 of the Dark Spark x Mystery Male seeds that I accidentally made. I’m really curious to see what the heck comes out of them lol


Those look bigger than I thought!
Do you run coco hempies? I’ve only done hempies a few times in perilite but I really liked them and they worked great.


Ya they looked deceptively small in that little closet for sure. Using coco mixed with about 10% chunky croutons, and clay pebbles in the bottom. This will be my 2nd hempy run they’re so easy and effective.


So you’re flowering out with those same cool white bulbs? I’m just asking cause I’m trying to make a small stealth grow and I’m taking little gems of knowledge from here, there and everywhere to build it lol.
I’m gonna use a 21" x 21" x 48" tent for sexing and hopefully seed runs.


No I flower in a different box with a 600 HPS. I haven’t tried budding under LEDs yet. I’ll be leaving some autoflowers in here for their life though so we’ll see how they do.


Here’s my seed haul from the mystery male father. The Dark Spark and Fuzz were impregnated while sitting in the sunporch with the male, unbeknownst to me. The GSC and Jungle Spice were hand pollinated by paintbrushing a bit of pollen onto one small lower branch each. They sure make alot!


Can’t wait to see you test some out!!!


A few updates. I put the G99s under the screen in my flowering room a couple days ago…still 24 hrs light. They were so big I had to add some 2x4 feet to my screen and still could just barely ram them under there. It was a bit violent but they didn’t mind at all lol

Here they are just after getting shoved under the screen 2 days ago, and today loving life under the 400MH

@paintedfire420, think I should flip these now? I’m not sure about their stretch, I was thinking a few more days to let the middles catch up a bit then flip them over


Outdoor is really happy and coming along well. They were loaded with aphids a few weeks ago, I just blasted them with the hose a couple times and I don’t really see any now. Crisis averted :sunglasses:

On the left is GSC1, the stretchy POS I just chopped indoors. This one actually has a hint of a sweet smell to it, not so haylike as the indoor was. Hopefully it will be a bit better with the sun helping.

The right plant is the GSC2. Its really nice, didn’t stretch alot, is pretty phat, and seems like it will finish a week or so faster than the other one. It has a really nice ‘root beer’ smell that reminds me of some old school strains back in the day.

I threw my JSxBD mom outside. A nice strain but I’m not going to keep it so I figured why not. It’s way behind and just starting to twist up now, but I think I can limp it home in the sunroom when it gets colder.


In my little closet upstairs I now have germination on all 8 seeds I planted 3 days ago. I also have clones of my JS2, GSC3 and the 5th guava 99 in there. I’ll put these into small pots in the back of the room behind the screen for some extra fun.


Mine didnt stretch too bad. I flipped them early. Maybe a third of stretch


Shit man, lots going on in your neck of the woods


WOOOOOOO! :smile: Killin it with these bro :muscle:

Yeah I think you should prob go ahead and flip them pretty soon. Looks like a perfect time and they will stretch out to till up the screen.