Beacher - some past grows and future

Damn @beacher the mother load of bud is upon you. Nice little stock pile of mystery seeds as well.

The C99 crosses are looking awesome. They are going to be $$

How long have you vegged those for?


While we’re gettin the questions in the GSC you’ve got is that cookies or crack? I’m runnin the Seedsman gs crack so if it’s same would love to hear what you’re smelling on her :+1:t2:


These are the original plants from seed. They were stuck in Solo cups for like 2 months getting topped every week or so. They’re gonna love having some legroom now.

@Explorer girl Scout cookies from from BC bud depot. I found one pheno that I’ll run again, but wasn’t particularly impressed with them.

@paintedfire420 that’s my face every time I open the tent lol


Guava 99s are filling in really nicely. I took cuttings of all 4 today. I think I’ll flip them tomorrow or the day after…they’re gonna be YUGE

They’re all very consistent except #7 in the back left, which is quite a bit bushier with some fatter leaves and stems.

Canopy is looking good. Those are my roasted chicken container runoff collectors under the buckets there lol


All 8 seedlings are happy. I had to do some surgery on the front right solo cup to get the shell husk off but its opening up fine now. I threw the fan on to toughen them up a bit.

G99 and other clones chilling down below.


Gonna have a nice big screen of buds man


Seedlings are all pretty happy. Will probably get their first watering tomorow…I think they’ve been up for close to a week now. Newly rooted JS and g99 extra plant in the front there, they both rooted in 8 days. The GSC I cut with them looks like it will go tomorrow.

This seedling is a bit odd. Its healthy and everything but it just grew its 2 first ‘true leaves’ and shows no sign of any new growth to come. No growth tip that I can see…WTF is that lol.

Has anyone seen this before? Its a dark spark X mystery male.


Guava 99s are a couple days into flower now and starting to blow. They’ll be a bit big but I’m OK with that, I’ll give them a good defoliation in about a week when I can see how they’re settling in. I don’t think they’ll stretch a ton.

Love this strain so vigorous and easy, and it REEKS in veg.


Self topper aye…


Sure seems like it haha. Have you seen this before?

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Oh yeah, if you pop enough beans you’re bound to see it some where


Cool, I’ve never come across it. Do you think it’ll keep growing or do they just die off or something?


I have seen many, usually they are not worth the effort to jack with if you have enough seeds of that strain.
It will grow, but will be “behind” and stay that way for a while. I had one like that a few months ago, took it down.


Good to know, thanks. I have plenty of these seeds laying around so I’ll put another one or two of these in when I start my next batch soon.


Poor fella 'e’s off 'is 'ead!


Looking good beacher. I’m excited for your crop thats coming. C99 is such amazing smoke. :v:


I checked my outdoor plants with the microscope today, and they’re alot further along than I would have guessed. About 10% or so amber trichs on both of them, so they’ll probably be nicely ripe in 1-2 weeks.

The GSC1 that was so stretchy and foxtaily indoors is a completely different plant outside. Dense, firm buds with a sweet smell. The difference is unreal…


The G99s are almost a week into flowering. Not stretching too much.

I cleared all the small stuff under the canopy out tonight. Damn that is a time consuming and back wrenching process lol. Here they are before and after their haircuts.


I did a little cleanup above the canopy too, but will do it a bit more aggressively in about a week.


Your outdoors plants looking really nice, at the stage they are, I think I would be chopping and let them finish off in the cure, I don’t think I could handle the anxiety, worrying too much about the frost now lol.