Beacher - some past grows and future

Ya I still have one light out of three off down there, lots of room still. I still keep stuff in the smaller veg because it’s warmer and better air so I baby seedlings up there.


The Guava 99s have really taken hold in the new big pots now. They got their first watering since transplant (it was around 10 days), and they all have lots of roots showing at the bottoms of the pots. They’ve really responded to the defol and training as well

I’m gonna need to flip these pretty soon, I’m in the process of finishing up the new flowering box where they’ll go.


I harvested the solo cup FAM auto. Not the biggest plant, but its very resinous and has a really strong pine smell to it. Should be some nice holiday cheer :evergreen_tree:

I found this cool looking variegation on a GSC seeding


Such nice rich green foliage.
Great work.


wow looks awesome, the g99 a auto?

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Nope, they’re photos…a member here (paintedfire) made them. Really nice cross for sure!


I finally finished the new room. Its very time consuming and annoying to build these custom boxes, but I feel its the best design given the conditions in my basement. Now that all 3 are done I shouldn’t really need to do anything other than maintenance type stuff.

This box is a bit bigger than my first flowering room…i wanted to have extra space for sexing and testing new strains off to one side. It should be on 12/12 always with plants constantly getting swapped in and out.

The g99s were getting huge in the veg room

TONS of room in the new box for them. They got defoled pretty hard and will get flipped tonight.


Autos are coming along well. I’ve definitely been underfeeding them, they’re showing minor N and mag deficiencies (i think lol). The ones I had been doing in my veg room were mostly showing N excess, but I guess getting blasted by a 600 is a bit more intense than ‘off to the side in veg room’ and calls for heavier feeding.

I’ve hit them with a strong (950ppm) mega crop feeding and will start introducing high PK fish fert next watering. Still seeing spots of PM, but I’m keeping it at bay with h2o2 for now.


The FAM auto that lives in my veg room is almost done, its at 9 weeks. Great xmas tree shape, very frosty and a sweet perfumey bubble gum smell. I’ll take her down in about a week.


Nice new grow box to play in!!
That FAM is picture perfect!!


Thanks, it was very easy to grow!

I got these from Amazon. They’re huge and I’d like to cut them into smaller squares to spread around my rooms. How do I ‘mount’ them? Anyone use these?


I have probably that exact same thing in different packaging. Using some to control an outbreak right now. I do all kinds of things with them…

Some propped against the side, others just stuck to something on one end. If I get lucky and have the hole, I might hang it like in the picture.

In general, I think they work a little better at pot level, where the gnats are.


I used painters tape to put them where needed.

After learning to use those mosquito dunk donut dealios, almost zero adults on the sticky paper.

I get them from Home Depot.
(No breathing the dust!)
Grind them up in a blender, sprinkle the dry powdery goodness onto the top of my coco pots.
Every time I feed, the bacteria is washed down into the coco. Killing them biatches.
As designed, can also toss dunks into your resevoir to release the bacteria as they float around.


Thanks guys. Fungus gnats are getting a bit outta hand for my tastes here. I’m going to get either those dunks or ‘Bacillus thuringiensis’ and blast em out. Apparently I’ve been overwatering…

That’s really clever topdressing them like that btw!


New rooms are looking great, it’s nice to have a perpetual flower room, you can sling plants in whenever there is enough room and timing is not so critical.

I have tried the dunks, they didn’t help much, I got my gnat infestation under control with predatory mites, they are still in my soil 8 months on munching gnat larvae, but if you’re running coco and chucking it after every grow, they won’t help much. The yellow stickers should have sticks to attach the stickers to in the pots, if you want to cut them up and make them smaller. I have them dangling around the outside edge of my room, from the light cords, if they hang in the middle, they usually end up stuck in my hair or face :dizzy_face:


Good to know, thanks. They came with long twist ties, not sticks so I was wondering wtf to do with them. And yes my concern was them sticking to my face, hair, or the plants which would not be pretty!


For fungus gnats you want the sticky traps at or around the soil level.


New room is looking clean and crisp my friend :ok_hand:


Gotta get em where they hang out, makes sense!

@paintedfire420 ya clean for now, we’ll see in a couple months lol


I put all my untested mothers into the new flowering room in solo cups. I chopped them down to one small branch each to keep them small SOG style. I’m just trying to see how they are and what I might keep…the g99s are the main focus still for this round

The small ones are 2 x Cackleberry, 2 mystery male X jungle spice, 1 orange sunshine (hungriest plant ever I can’t feed it strong enough lol), and 3 Monster Genetics Girl Scout Cookies that I won on here. Should be an interesting variety!

So everything in here is on more or less day 1 of 12/12. Lots of room in here for now, lets see in about a week :frowning: