Beacher - some past grows and future

I thought I had got rid of the powdery mildew in my veg room. I sprayed with 4:1 water:h2o2 for a while and didn’t see any for weeks after, but now again I’m seeing a couple small spots. I also found some on one auto in the flowering room, I’ve never had any in there before.

Humidity is low, temps are low-mid 70s, so much air flow in both rooms that the plants are swaying 24/7…what the hell am i doing wrong here?

This basement is very old and kinda musty. To combat this I installed a cold air return and some fans to keep things moving, I also have a dehumidifier goin. Generally it stays pretty dry down there now, except for a couple trouble spots.

Someone made concrete channels around the basement that move the water to the sump pump, except a couple of them aren’t sloped right so water can stagnate in them. The air in the room is clean and seems fine when standing up, but when crouching by one of these wet channels I get a distinctive mould smell from the standing water. I think I have found the cause of my PM issues…

Does anyone have any suggestions for these? As I said I do have a dehumidifier down there (humidity is usually around 50-60%), and quite a bit of ambient airflow, but a couple spots like this stay wet with gross water.

I figure my options are either:

  1. Manually remove the water as it comes…maybe with a small pump or something? I really don’t want to touch this stuff, but maybe a towel or something might work

  2. EVEN MORE airflow in the room?

I need to nip this PM in the bud before my autos get bigger and before I flip my big g99s…what a pain in the ass


My goto for PM.

Procidic2 (or equivalent)

Foliar or upside down dunk when small. Then again in 5 to 7 days.

I’ve learned the PM gets in, under the skin so to speak, of the plant tissues. If properly killed it should not return.
New growth will not be infected via systemic.

But from there, the environment temp/ humidity management are key to not having another outbreak.

Thats just my 2c after 2yrs experience. I have techno references.

For that concrete and other surfaces, vinegar. Not necessary, but they have cleaning strength vinegar too. I get it at homey depot.


You might not like my suggestion but I had Mold along the corners of my room and I filled a spray bottle with pure bleach and hit it all. Next day it was dry and it was like no Mold was ever there.

Your new room is looking great man. Can’t wait to see the finished product. If you want cheep doors use black and white Mylar.


Thanks for the tips, I’ve been thinking about bleach alot today lol. I have feeling it will be one weapon in my arsenal for sure.

@GramTorino what do you think are optimal conditions to avoid PM? There’s alot of conflicting info online, some says it’s caused by high humidity some low …


Temp and/or humidity swings.
Big changes over short periods of time. Especially lights off/on.

My Ecowitt dealio gives me a face full of history graphs. So I know whazzup.


I definitely have swings in temp and humidity, although my veg room is on 24/7 and stays around 72. Time for some stoner HVAC engineering here :drooling_face:


That wetness around the edge shouldnt really be an issue, especially if you’re running a dehum. The most it will do is add some moisture to your ambient air. I get some seepage too in my basement. I have sprayed Concrobium around these areas to protect it and I havent seen any signs of mildew or anything.


Ya that’s what I’ve always thought too, but when I got a whiff of the gross air it made me think these areas might be spore factories for powdery mildew etc. Who knows, it’s freaking nasty either way!


Spores dont tend to form on concrete/cement but if its porous enough and/or there is existing organic residue on the surface it can develop some surface biology, for sure.

Bleach it then hit it with Concrobium. Should stay sporeless for 3-6mos from just a few squirts. If you want the peace of mind, that is.

Edit: Something else to consider if the air smells bad in that area is a possible leak or run back from sewage/septic or even uncleaned gutters which can cause this. Not to alarm you but something to consider.


Thanks man, I’ve read about concrobium before…good to know it works. Nothing that could smell in that area except old stagnant water, it’s like a frigging swamp.


I currently have 2 of these in flower and 2 in veg. week 5 of flower. I got them from a long time friend and very avid member of this community.


I have also noticed signs of moisture on my leaves when the lights come on. I run at 64% humidity, that kees me right in the sweet spot for my vpd. I defoliate a bit daily and have enough fans that I don’t worry.


Two of which?

That sounds like a perfect level, I sometimes think my humidity can be too low. It’s pretty much always below 60.

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I like 50-55 in flower and 60-70 in veg above 60 in flower and I get bad smells


The autos are doing great. Still on light megacrop w calmag (~650ppm) and no complaints. I left the light at its original height and they’re now about 18" from it.

No more PM on the FAM since spraying it with diluted h2o2 (80ml:420ml water). I’m finding it keeps the PM at bay pretty well for the time being until I ultimately get rid of it.

For my records these were sprouted Nov 28, and the smaller replacement Fuzz in the hempy was sprouted dec 7. The more advanced FAM and Dark Spark sprouted Nov 15.

This all auto round is such a breeze, I’m really enjoying watching them sail along.


Here’s a FAM auto that was planted Oct 26 that has lived its whole life in my new downstairs veg room. Its been pretty trouble free but showed some deficiencies as I was feeding it half strength. Its got a really nice sweet bubblegum type smell to it. Really great natural shape to it, short and nice branching.


Another FAM that lives in my small veg closet. It was started Sept 24 and is now showing some amber trichs. I accidentally started it in a solo and decided to just roll with it. Its pretty chunky and quite dense, especially considering its been under 45W of light its whole life.

Its super frosty (almost looks like moss or carpet lol) and smells crazy, like a rotting fruit or something? Very dank. I’m going to chop it once it dries out again, I’m looking forward to smoking it over the holidays :sunglasses:


My small 2 storey veg closet got pretty overgrown. The mothers in there (cackleberry, orange sunshine and my own cross) really blew up the last while and took over the place. I also have 3 x Girl Scout Cookies fems from Monster Genetics and 2 Dark Spark seedlings in 1 gallon pots.

I hacked all the moms back to one small branch and took clones of them all which gave me lots more room up top. Lots more airflow now and room for the clone dome on the bottom shelf. When these clones root they’ll get put into my new bud room which I’ll be finishing today (hopefully lol)


The g99s are doing well in the veg room downstairs. I moved the lights way up but they’re still growing really bushy…I definitely had the lights too close before. I still haven’t had to water them in their new big pots yet, but I now see a couple roots peeking out the bottoms so i know these are gonna explode soon.

I did some pretty heavy defoliation and a bit of tying in anticipation of their upcoming growth spurt. I also gave everything down here an h2o2 spray to ward off further PM.

The poor dark spark in the back is still pretty unhappy. I’m not sure whats up with it, I’ve flushed it and its showing what looks like mild deficiencies AND clawing with dark green leaves which leads me to think excess. I’ll just keep feeding it lightly and let it do what it has to…


That new grow box helped you get some space. Things are looking very happy. It’s nice when you have some elbow room to work.

That little auto in the solo cup looks serious. Very nice looking buds on that one.