Beacher - some past grows and future

I’ve moved all my mothers down to the big veg room. For the first time in months I don’t have anything in my small closet area (well except for some rooting clones lol). Back down to just one light and I still have tons of room, I really underestimated these LEDs, I now have them hanging pretty much at the ceiling and get great coverage and intensity still.

All my moms and 4 autos and I still haven’t maxed out the ‘HOT ZONE’ lol


Beautiful structure.
Good job…

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Autos are doing great. Still showing some deficiencies, but I think mostly nitrogen which I’m ok with. Feeding them mega crop with a bit of 0-10-10 morbloom fish fert and calmag for a total of ~1050ppm. Soon I’ll dial back the MC more and bump the PK.

The FAMs seem a bit behind the dark sparks, but most of them also are quite a bit taller so they might turn out to be bigger with the extra stretching time.

Crappy pics, but there are a couple really nice purple DS in there. They’re nice and chunky too!


The G99s (and friends) are at 1 week now. I was worried they would stretch a ton, but so far they’re staying nice and short under the MH. They’re already twisting up nicely too.

I’m still seeing the odd spot of powdery mildew in all my rooms. Every few days I hit everything with a hydrogen peroxide and dish soap mix. Its definitely helped to really slow it down, but its tedious to keep on top of. Oh well, its cheap and non toxic so its nice to know I can always keep it at a manageable level for now.

Next I plan on trying a baking soda, vegetable oil and dish soap mix that I’ve read about in many places online. I’d kill to just get rid of this shit permanently, its super annoying.


ive used that recipe on my squash and the likes in my gardens of the past, it works for PM.


When you say 9 weeks… with autos does that mean total or 9 weeks flowering. Some seed banks I’ve seen list the time as “9-10 weeks germ to harvest” others just say “flowering time 9-10 weeks”

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Good to know, it sounded almost too easy to be true. I’ll start hitting them with this instead of the h2o2 next time I spray.

@Grease_Monkey that’s 9 weeks from sprouting. Most of the autos I’ve tried so far have finished in about that range.

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They look great. On some stuff I had burnt leaf tips at 900 ppm total. But that was just MC. I backed off to about 750 ppm. Just one strain though.

I read somewhere a while back that PM requires an alkaline substrate to grow on so I took to spraying our basement walls with white vinegar and water. Later I got a compost tumbler and put down there. After the tumbler had been there a bit I noticed no more mildew smells. I started sprinkling alfalfa meal around in the corners and damp spots. Try it and see?


Huh that’s interesting. I tried an apple cider vinegar mix for a while and it didn’t really help at all, on the plants at least maybe the stuff on walls behaves differently.

I’m curious why alfalfa meal? I would almost think that any organic matter like that could encourage further mould growth. Definitely lots of damp spots in my basement haha. Maybe I’ll pick some up and give it a shot.

And ya I’ve been going light with the mega on these because other autos I’ve had showed nutrient excess even at lower levels. I think being in the ‘big room’ with the big light kicked these into high gear and hence they’re hungrier.

Thanks for the tips!


Because I used it as a starter for the compost. My thought was that it had changed the biome in the basement. It was in the summer though. I have had to re-apply both but it keeps the air healthy and the smell of PM away as long as I do. It is a damp basement that leaks when there is heavy rain through a couple cracks in the walls.

I was using straight white vinegar and water. About a half cup in a gallon on any visible PM


LABs makes a great PM and Mould inhibitor, It kills off PM and other nasty bacteria, and is great in general for everything ,as a cleaner sanitizer. I make one with Organic sugar, brown rice, and Pink rock salt. The bacteria comes from the brown rice takes a week in a warm room around 80F. I can get the ingredient amounts and instructions for you if your interested. I make 5 liters at a time and once half is gone you add a little more sugar and salt and top it up, you can do this 4-5 times before you need to renew the rice.


That’s really interesting, time to start blasting some vinegar down there haha. Just to confirm you only spray that mix on walls etc, not on the plants right? Did you do anything to the plants themselves during this eradication phase?


That’s the live culture that organic folks give their plants, right? I’ve been eating tons of brown rice lately, I’d love an excuse to use it for something else besides eating haha

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Very nice @beacher The rooms are looking happy and healthy :raised_hands:


Things are loooking awesome!! That GH99 room will be amazing. I love love love that smoke.


there were no plants in the room. Empty basement except for a pallet a compost tumbler and a worm bin.


Quality Bud huh??? I gotta throw some down pretty soon too!!!


Ya the g99 is my favorite. Almost too racy sometimes, but usually just the right amount. I find mixing some CBD bud in with it gives me a perfect ‘get shit done’ kinda buzz.

@Jetdro you should you won’t be disappointed!


I KNOW…just been full up with my own shit lately.

Gonna run Jet Glue and Space Monkey next…might just add @paintedfire420 fire into the mix!!

The G99 is the one to run then you think???


G99 is my go to atm, as Beacher says it can get a bit racy if you over indulge, the more I use it the more I get used to it its like a racier GDP to me. Cant wait for the DHXC99 to finish.