Beacher - some past grows and future

Ya sometimes it’s more like a chore though. I’m looking forward to picking a couple keepers and not having so many thirsty mothers around. Then I’ll start more seeds and do it over again lol


Haha you’ll get bored of the simplicity


The g99s and friends are at day 51 now. I found a tiny bit of PM on a couple plants 6 days ago and sprayed them again with potassium bicarbonate. It had been 12 days since the last spray, and it was only tiny amounts in hard to reach places.

I’m hoping this spray will take them through to harvest which will probably be around day 56 for the guavas. As you can see they’re falling over from their weight I’ve given up on the staking for this last week…i really love this strain!

The small plants on the shelf are maturing nicely too, I’ll probably give some of them an extra week though.


Tonight I found small amounts of pm on this #7 guava 99. I trimmed off what I could find, but I think I’ll harvest it tomorrow. Its actually pretty ripe for day 51, about 10% or so amber.

Its a shame because I was thinking this would be my keeper pheno, it yields big and requires no staking, but it seems like it might be extra susceptible to the PM. None of the others have any hint that I could find tonight…


I harvested the two Dark Sparks I had in my veg room last week. They were smaller but fared much better than the ones under the 600w. More dense nugs that are really frosty and smell incredible


Do you wash your leaves with plain water a day after spraying with the bicarb?

I used it on a plant with PM big island sweet skunk, 2-3 days after spraying its was like worse than before, so I trimmed every leaf off with it on and sprayed again, it was the only plant of 5 that had it. I ended up stripping every leaf off that plant before it had finished lol. I think now that the bicarb was slowing drying out and leaving a white residue that looks just like PM.


No I just leave it on there and haven’t noticed any residue. It does ‘burn’ the pistils and turns them a dark brown, and might cause a bit of leaf burning as well but it really doesn’t seem to slow growth down much if at all and doesn’t seem to effect trichomes ether.

I mix 3tbsp potassium bicarbonate, 1tbsp vegetable oil and 1 tsp dishsoap to a gallon of water.


I was using straight bicarb and water, no oil or dish soap. I am glad its working out for you, PM is a real pain in flower.


Oh man I know it lol. I think the only reason I’m seeing these small spots on the one plant is because I missed those hard to get spots when spraying…

I’m going to make some LABs (lactobacillus bacteria brew) and try that next. Hopefully between that and pb I can keep things clean. I think putting them into flower totally pm free will make a huge difference too, these had issues from the start.


Yeah my Island sweet skunk had it before it went into flower, they were all crammed into a small space in the summer and the leaves were so big in the first 4 weeks that no air movement was getting inside the plants until I defoliated a bit and saw a horrible mess of PM all inside the plant.

Are you doing the milk Labs or the organic Rice, Sugar and Pink rock salt type?


I was thinking the milk kind because I didn’t know there were other options lol. It seems to be what most smart people on here are using too.

And ya defoliation is key, I’m usually pretty casual about it but went ham on these to keep them open. I’m going to move towards a few giant colas style of plants instead of bushes if I keep having issues.


I have done both types the Rice sugar and rock salt is faster and less messy. I still have about 4 liters of the milk one left, only used 2 out of six liters in a year. You dont need much, I use it to PH down my water as well as all the other things its for. It only takes a couple of weeks for the rice version, which doesn’t need to be mixed with molasses.

Heres a link you can check it out.


Nice thanks. Do you water it in and/or spray it? I’m hoping it will really help the pm and just make the plants a bit happier.

Also do you dilute the labs liquid to use it or just straight up?


The milk labs get split 75% labs to 25% molasses and then you can reduce it down in your water I use a 1/4 cup in 5 gals.

The rice one I use in spray because its less messy, without the molasses, and doesn’t block up my spray nozzle. I also add it to water at a 1/4 cup per 5 gals of water. I don’t notice any difference in affect between the 2. I also use the rice one around the house, in my bins, toilet as we have a septic tank, and sinks to kill off bad bacteria and the smells they make.


Wow so pretty diluted then, I can see why people say a batch lasts so long. Thanks :+1:


FYI, you can keep the milk version in the fridge for three months without adding the molasses.


Well i spotted a tiny amount of pm creeping in on a couple of the g99s so i took them all down. The sog style clones are still going for some reason they’re not showing any signs.

These came down at around 52 days. Not ideal but they were actually pretty ripe, most showing about 5-10% amber trichs and lots of cloudy. They were nice enough plants and decent size, but as theyre drying I can see they’ll yield way less than the last round of this strain…oh well I’ll live lol


Nice work! How much are you guessing it weighs

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Probably around 8oz for the 4 guavas, i was expecting them to be much bigger :expressionless:


Too much larf on those last plants and not enough airflow, so I’m going to be much more liberal with pruning on these next ones. I hacked them way back, trained and sprayed with potassium bicarb. These should go into flower in about a week.