Beacher - some past grows and future

Lol cant win em all, but you still got a half lb


In the veg room now I have some mothers, a few autos (earth lover CBD and mephisto beary white and 24 karat). Along the back are 12 seedlings I just started - 6 Blackberry breath f2s and 6 orange goji. Iā€™m excited to try both of these!

This is the Earth Lover CBD auto. I think its around 6-7 weeks from sprouting now.


I chopped all my tester clones last week. They were all between 58-61 days at harvest and most were pretty well done except the FGJS1 which probably could have taken another week.

Only a few of these 8 were showing very minimal PM which means that either these strains are more resistant than the g99, or that the more open sparse style of plant allowed for more airflow and lightā€¦or both i guess lol. This is a trait Iā€™ll have to start watching and selecting for going forward.

First up are the 3 Girl Scout Cookies feminized from Monster Genetics. I won these from a giveaway from @George_The_Vault thanks! Iā€™m impressed with these. All consistent and easy to grow and no herms. Iā€™m running larger versions of all 3 again and will pick a mom after this round.

GSC #1

A bit smaller buds and a bit less dense, but this plant had a cool mutation of growing 3 buds at each node. A nice sweet/sour floral scent. Mostly cloudy w ~10% clear and 10% amber. MINIMAL PM.

GSC #2

Slightly smaller buds that are very dense. An interesting cherry/licorice/fuel smell. Same trich ripeness as #1 and NO VISIBLE PM

GSC #3

Good sized dense buds. This plant faded really nicely with purples and oranges. A fruity coffee/chocolate smell. Mostly cloudy trichs, with a bit less clear and more amber than 1 and 2. NO VISIBLE PM.

These freebies were nicer than most of the seeds Iā€™ve paid for in my life, well done Monster Genetics! :+1:


Next up are the 2 Cackleberries. Thanks to @MomOnTheRun and @ModicumGenes for f2ing these. Itā€™s an interesting strain with a distinctive look and smell.


A smaller plant with smaller very dense buds. A bit runty and kept having rust colored spots on some nugs. A spicy smell with butter and fuel. Mostly cloudy trichs w ~10% clear and 10% amber. NO VISIBLE PM.


A nicer example than 2, bigger and chunkier and no nute complaints/rust spots. Spicy chocolate orange smell. Mostly cloudy with ~20% amber trichs. MINIMAL PM. Iā€™m running this one again.


Next up are the crosses I made Mystery Male x Jungle Spice.


Very dense nugs and a BIG topper for the size of the plant. Definitely showing some traits of the father. A nice fade to yellows/purples in the last few days. The smell is underwhelming, but niceā€¦smells like hash and soap. Mostly cloudy trichs w ~20% clear and littler amber. NO VISIBLE PM. Iā€™m running a big one of this again shortly.


This plant was runty and kinda ugly. A mild smell, very similar to the Jungle Spice momā€¦sweet and floral. 25% clear trichs, little amber. MINIMAL PM


Lastly is the single Orange Sunshine female I got. Thanks to @50State for these :sunglasses:


A smaller plant with distinctive conical ā€˜eggheadā€™ shaped buds that are super dense and frosty. A sweet/pungent orange rind or vitamin C smell. Mostly cloudy and ~40% amber (QUICK). NO VISIBLE PM.

Iā€™m running this one again also. I havenā€™t smoked it yet, I have a feeling its going to be really potent.


My next round have been vegging in their 2 gal hempys for a couple weeks now. I put them into the big room under the 400MH and will probably flip them in the next few days. Running all three GSCs again, the MMJS1, and in solos the Orange Sunshine and one Cackleberry.

Due to the PM Iā€™ve been heavily defoliating these and will try for less branches with larger buds. Hopefully this will allow for more airflow and light and less PM issues.


Veg room is getting pretty busy again. I culled a few moms, but lots of stuff to replace them. The small seedlings are Orange Goji from @50State and Blackberry Breath from @Mongobongo. Theyā€™re a couple weeks old and Iā€™ve just bumped them to full strength nutes.

The two in the larger dark pots are 24 Karat and Beary White x 3 Bears OG Autos from Mephisto that I got from @machamillion. Theyā€™re starting to twist up now and should be nugging out very soon.

The big auto in the back is a now ripening Earth Lover (CBD) from @Sebring

Then I have a couple small moms, clones in the dome of everything in the bud room, and a larger g99 mom in the tan pot. I want to grow it out a bit then take 9-16 clones from it to run SOG style in my second flowering room.


I would like to suggest using LABS in between runs after doing your cleaning maintenance. So basically make a labs foliar spray down everything let dry. And once or twice in veg spray a labs foliar on the leaves and this has kept PM non existent for me since I started using it


Nice, I will be following along especially on the Bw x 3bog. Good luck

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I fermented some LABs serum, it seemed to go fine and looked just like all the pics Iā€™ve seen but it smells super bad. Like rotting cheese and/or sulfur. Iā€™m worried it might be contaminated and kinda worried about using it and introducing some new pathogen into my roomsā€¦I think Iā€™ll probably have to try again with a fresh batch.

By spray everything you mean the room, fans etc? I definitely want to try it as a foliar and maybe soil drench also.

@machamillion cool Iā€™m excited to see some mephisto strains in action. I mixed the 2 up and donā€™t know which is which thoughā€¦total stoner move lol


Iā€™m excited for you to see the beauty of the BBB. She stands out from the crowd in full flower.

Things are looking great man. Hope you and your family are well. :v:


Sorry for the late response but to me when i make labs it should smell slightly or faintly like sour milk when itā€™s about to go bad. It shouldnā€™t smell like spoiled milk that is completely bad. As far as is it wrong Iā€™m unsure. I would need to know ā€¦how you did your rice wash? how long did you leave the rice wash out to get inoculated. And what type of milk did you use? And what temp did you let it ferment at and how long on it?

As far as spray or foliar its 10-15ml to a gallon in warm purified water. And if cleaning between use it like bleach spray and let it sit and wipe droplets. The labs will live on the surface and eat anything in its path.


Well Iā€™ve got a new batch started Iā€™m not going to take my chances with the stanky one. I left brown rice in water overnight, then let it sit for like 5 days which I think was too long. Then added store bought homogenized milk and left for another week.

Iā€™ll mix the rice water with the milk as soon as I detect a sour odor this time. Should the rice water be uncovered for innoculation? I have a paper towel over it.


Thanks man, theyā€™re getting beefy now I should be able to clone and sex them pretty soon.


Usually i leave it open with the paper towel screwed with the ring of the lid with out the middle. And put it some where warm you need 80 degrees. Iā€™ve made my most successful batches during the summer. The once you have the perfect batch you can just buy more milk and use the original to make more by putting a little of the original on the milk and it will become a new batch of labs.


My first flowering room is on 12/12 now with the GSCs and friends. Theyā€™re at day 4 in this picā€¦theyā€™ve since been defoliated a bit. Iā€™m switching to the 400HPS bulb tonight, and will bump up to the 600 in a week or so.



My Orange Goji (left) and Blackberry Breath (right) seedlings have taken off now. I hacked them way back to allow for more air and light penetration. In the next few days Iā€™ll clone them all for sexing.

The orange gojis really reek in veg, which is usually a good sign. I also got this double OG seedling. The runt actually seems viable, Iā€™ve tied it over to get more light.


I chopped this Earth Lover CBD auto on Mar 20 at 68 days from sprouting (68ā€¦so close lol). These autos have a really nice structure to them and are super easy to grow, a very sweet bubblegum smell too.


I sprayed every plant I have with potassium bicarbonate a few days ago. I havenā€™t seen a hint of PM anywhere in about 2 weeks. I think my defolation and spraying efforts are paying off.

I also made a second batch of lactobacillus serum, its pretty well done but Iā€™ll leave it until tomorrow. Iā€™ll be spraying and watering with it on all plants and hopefully it will be a final nail in the ol pm coffin lol

This batch doesnt have the blue cheesy smell, it actually smells like a nice ricotta or cottage cheese. Iā€™l definitely be eating some :thinking: