Beacher - some past grows and future

I’ve been having ongoing nute issues. Nothing crazy, but just never had been able to really ‘dial in’ the megacrop…I was looking into switching to another brand but after figuring things out with a nutrient solution calculator I’ve settled on a really nice recipe for veg thats very simple (MC, calimagic and epsom).

I also learned that my ppm meter is a POS that just has its own random conversion ratio, I’ve likely been underfeeding this entire time. My new solution comes out to over 1300 ppm on this meter, but the plants clearly love it.

@paintedfire420 explained alot of this stuff to me, theres some great info on this in his threads.

Heres the mix i’m using and comparisons with jacks (3-2-1 i think?), pure mega crop, and nutri + 2 part


Now I need a bloom formula. A mix of mega crop, cali magic, epsom salt and a bloom enhancer I have called ‘bud boom’ gets me really close to what I want, except too low on P.

Does anyone know a supplement or source of pure P thats relatively cheap in Canada? I’ll have nutes for years if I can make this work lol


Glad you got the PM under control, When I made my Labs with milk the curd was huge, I did 6 liters of milk. That smelled great as well I gave it to the dogs though, I wasn’t risking it myself lol


Lol probably a smart choice…did the dogs live?


Check out plant prod there mj formula might be what your looking for . There finisher has low nitrogen and high phosphorus and mag .
It’s new to me but so far liking it I didn’t buy the veg but got the bloom and the finisher @$75.00 for a 15 kg bag the price is right .
Plants aren’t complaining so that has to account for something. Also very stable 2 days in the mix tank and drops maybe 30 ppm with no shift in ph . Earlys garden centre has it and I’m sure others are also carrying it as it’s manufactured in Ontario . Tea spoon per gal with my 240 well water brings me at 700 ppm and ph of 6.2 .


yeah they loved it, I had about 3-4 lbs of it. It was like a giant wheel of cottage cheese lol.


Nice could be a viable option I’ll check it out. Thanks! Good to see stuff thats made in Canada too…

@Shadey I’m separating mine off tonight, I’ll eat a hunk of it for science


Are you not going to sprinkle it on fries, and then smother it in gravy?


I’m afraid milk and derivates are not healthy for dogs :sweat:, I can give mine a small portion of cheese or a spoon of milk, but no more.

My breeder told me of a friend who discovered his Great Dan eating a 4 kg cheese. He let him finish it and next morning he found him dead.

Sorry for the story but it’s better to know this things, they depend on us so we cannot fail them … :dog2:


That’s good to know for sure.

I tasted a small chunk and it’s pretty good actually. The consistency is really nice, similar to a Bocconcini or maybe ricotta. A bland flavor like regular curds but a bit more of a sour taste to it…it could be good on a salad


powdery mildew is a parasitic organism that thrives off the micro climate of the plant. In order to kill it completely you need your plants in containment then spray them a couple of times in veg with sulfur. Once your plant is crystallized with sulfur, which is toxic to fungus - then the parasite will die. Things like potassium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate will control, but not kill the fungus. The fungus is host specific, in that it can only thrive on cannabis plants. Well…for the most part.


Good to know, thanks. I’ve just hit everything with lactobacillus…from what I read it also colonizes the plants leaves that forms a beneficial relationship and will prevent PM from taking hold. If this doesn’t work sulfur is on my giant list of things to try going forward haha

The problem is my basement is a musty environment that’s probably loaded with spores. I’m pretty sure even if I started everything fresh with new seeds I’d still end up infected, so I need something that will offer ongoing protection.

I also sprayed lacto in trouble areas of the basement (wet/smelly) and they do seem to smell noticeably less already a day later :+1:


I think I would be dead after eating 4kg of cheese lol.

I just sprayed my plants this morning with Labs, its gone bad, the whole basement reeks like a sceptic tank. Just went back and sprayed everything with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to kill the stink. Going to open another batch once the HP has dissipated and hopefully that will clear the smell as well.


Well if you smell something that means you haven’t got the wuflu stretcher|nullxnull . When I bleached my tent after the spider mites infestation it smelled like my old school swimming pool, so I bought some rosemary oil, it keeps bugs aside and at least smells like fresh country! :sweat_smile:


Gross, did the solution smell or the smell came after spraying?

@George I love that clean chlorine smell…wish I had it in my basement lol


Spores and shit will be wiped out by the sulfur. In my operation, the mildew was everywhere it even contaminated the plants that were resisting it at first. Each leaf was infested. I got “defender” from safers, it’s a sulfur sludge. Sprayed that twice during veg and I never saw mildew again. That was a decade ago :wink:


Ugh that sounds familiar. Did you spray your grow area too or just the plants? I’ve thought about a sulfur burner but the air is shared with our house and too worried about contaminating the house

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About 30 seconds after I finished spraying my tent, when it was too late :frowning:


That sucks, maybe a nice febreze foliar spray would help…if only things were that easy


Yeah its subsiding a bit now, or I am going nose blind to it, the test will be if the misses comes down here, probably get a thick ear for causing the stink lol.

I may try Georges oil idea, I have some aromatherapy oils somewhere.