Beacher - some past grows and future

Well whatever grew in there is likely anaerobic so exposure to light and air should kill it off


I just sprayed the plants. Since the fungus canā€™t live without them, once their habitat is destroyed, they die. It stinks for a bit but I use the extraction fan until the sulfur crystallizes.


Ya my basement IS the habitat lol, I assume the mildew lives on the organic matter and moisture on the concreteā€¦the plants are just an added bonus for it.


naw, that organism canā€™t survive without itā€™s host to parasite on.


Could be, I canā€™t really get any real information on that either way but my basement is definitely loaded with spores. Iā€™ve literally never had it once in many grows in many environments. I freaking HATE this stuff, Iā€™d rather have mites any day lol


naw mites are shitty. My prediction is, the powdery mildew came in on a cutting and has been kicking around ever since. That fungus was the subject of a study on destroying it and how it lives. The fungus loves it dry because it survives off the plant and max plant transpiration = max fungus growth.


Iā€™ve had it here before from seed and started again with new seeds since. My basement has channels running through it that carry water to the sump hole. Thereā€™s almost always a bit of nasty standing water in some of them, Iā€™m pretty sure all sorts of spores proliferate in this waterā€¦you can even smell it sometimes

I knew it would be an issue after the first time, so I built all my rooms elevated up off the floor and intaking warm, clean air from near the ceiling. I also installed a cold air return to mix the basement air with more fresh air from the house.

Anyways itā€™s been an ongoing thing to say the least lol. Iā€™m hoping between changing my growing style a bit (way more defoliation, better plant spacing) and LABs/potassium bicarbonate I can at least manage it. If the labs donā€™t work Iā€™ll be onto the next thing, likely sulfur or an essential oil blend.


GSC and friends are at day 21 in the bud room now. Theyā€™re looking good and liking the new feed regimen so far. I feel I may have gotten a bit carried away with the defoliation, but Iā€™d rather yield less than have the PM come back and potentially lose everything. Iā€™d also like to see how fewer large branches end up yielding vs the mostly untrimmed plants I usually run.

Iā€™ve been spraying every 7 days with lactobacillus serum, and so far not a hint of PM anywhere. Iā€™ll continue once a week for a couple more, but then Iā€™ll get a bit more daring and see if anything shows up after leaving them longer.

The 3 GSC phenos, and my FGxJS (front right)ā€¦its gonna be a big one

Hereā€™s the orange sunshine Ā® and cackleberry (L) in solo cups. I keep them up on paint cans off to the sides a bit:


My two Mephisto autos I got from @machamillion at day 49 from sprouting. One is 24 karat, and one is beary white X 3 bears OG but I dont know which is which lol. The left one is taller and a bit more vigorous, the right one is a bit sensitive about watering.

Both very nice, compact plants with a great structure and starting to have some nice sweet smells

The bigger left one is starting to get some nice frost, also showing a hint of overfeeding


Veg room is nice and busy. I have all my Blackberry Breath and Orange Goji seedlings, my guava mom and moms of the plants in bud. I also have clones of all the BBBs and OGs that are starting to root now (day 9). Iā€™ll be sexing them all in my other flower room ASAP when theyre all rooted.

Also once the dome is empty Iā€™ll take 9 cuttings off my g99 for a SOG style run in the other bud room.

My double orange goji seedling is really thriving. I got viable clones of both so weā€™ll see what they turn out to be. If ones male and ones female maybe Iā€™ll flower them together in the same pot for a weird inbred seed run haha


Whatā€™s this FG strain you speak of?

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Itā€™s the mystery male from way the hell up in my thread, I called it fryguy lol. A really beastly outdoor plant my buddy did that had exactly one seed in over a pound of bud that turned out to be a male šŸ¤· :thinking: :question:

It was huge and a really strong racy buzz. It crossed well with the jungle spice, one was a bit tiny and this one I kept was really nice with a huge top on it. Really looking forward to seeing what it will do in a big pot like this.


Thatā€™s fun! It looks like a beast! You donā€™t live by any hemp farms do you? Where Iā€™m at, I think thereā€™s enough stray pollen coming from hemp farms that I could create some 1:1 seeds just by growing outside. :joy:


Nope. Thatā€™s why itā€™s such a mystery lol. I was so excited to find that one seed assuming the plant had spit a banana or something. I mean it HAD to be female, right? Nope freakish super vigorous maleā€¦

All the seeds Iā€™ve tried of it so far have inherited some of the vigor and the trait of making big knuckles at nodes after topping.

The runt smelled exactly like jungle spice with a nice balanced buzz, this one is more hashy/sweet and sat leaning.


Farmer would probably let you harvest a bit of pollen


True, or just wear a wooly sweater and stand by the field for a while.

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Love that god bud manā€¦ heard it can really get tall outdoors. Iā€™ve seen pix of a guy literally standing under one giving it a trim. Iā€™ve ran that stuff for a few cycles awhile back.

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Looks almost exactly like the screens I built. Iā€™m adding them to the tent this weekend along with a couple Octo improvements. Iā€™ll post pics. I am a huge DIY guy and hate to spend money on something I can make.

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Which breeder was your godbud from? Mine was BC bud depot, ok but not what I was looking for. Iā€™ve smoked godbud from others that was just amazing.

I also DIY most stuff, usually out of a combination of cheapness and ease of using stuff I have around lol


Iā€™m not sure what breeder it was from. I just scored some cuts from a friend.

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