Beacher - some past grows and future

Talking about the FGxJS last night reminded me that I wanted to try pollinating it with the FG male pollen that i have in my fridge. Its almost a year old so who knows if it will take, but I hit a small branch last night to make FG x (FG x JS), which i assume should be even more like the original male? I also hit a GSC with the pollen as well.

Heres the FGxJS out of the box (day 21), just a really great and beefy structure to this plant

3 weeks in and I can already tell that this will be the biggest cola in the room


I got a bunch of cuttings from my g99 mom…I’ve been letting her get a bit wild lol

All cleaned up, now i won’t have to water the frigging thing every day


I tried something a bit different for these cuttings. Rather than using my usual solo cups I used plastic shotglasses full of coco. They’re clear so I covered up other shotglasses with electrical tape that they can nest into.

I want to use these cuttings for a SOG style grow in smaller pots, so if i used solo cups I would have found myself waiting for them to root well before i could transplant (or trying to pull them out). I’m thinking they’ll fill these with roots quickly to make a little ‘plug’ that I can then transplant into whatever. They sure are cute either way lol

Here they are in the dome with the few remaining BBBs and OGs that haven’t rooted yet…they should be showing tomorrow. I also put one g99 in an oasis cube for a comparison.


Blackberry Breaths and Orange Gojis are now in the second flowering room for sexing. A couple slow rooters are still hanging out in the dome. I didn’t have the heart to put them under the big light so i tossed a SIL LED fixture in there.

I’ll be culling the males and letting the females finish to try and pheno hunt. The G99 clones will be going in here shortly after rooting and then I’ll bump the light up to the 400W


My treble super phosphate came in the mail.

Its in hard pellet form, i think its made for lawns and gardens. I emailed them just to confirm that this stuff is suitable for food/weed crops. When I soak the pellets in water they mostly dissolve but they leave a cloudy, powdery residue behind. I think I’ll presoak a bunch and strain off the solids then use it like that…I’m not sure how I’ll figure out dosing yet


Definitely let’s us know when you figure out the dosage. Annnnnd is that a gallon of paint in the previous post, hold’n it down?

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Lol ya I use paint cans alot in my gardens… mostly just as stands for shorter plants. They love the fumes too!


Stoner jenga is universal
Gaia green dry amendments come in these little 12 inch pails. Stackable and sturdy. I use them a lot


2 for 1 there, gotta love it haha


Nice, no N or K.

I was curious about the elemental ppm.


Ya it’s a beautiful thing, eh? Now I need to figure out how to liquify it and how much to use from that point


I like how you did your floor I think I’m gunna copy u when I move the moms outside


:sunglasses: some things don’t change.


You need to put up a little stripper pole in there.


LOL it does look like a strip club.

@Heliosphear I’ve noticed in the past that almost every grow has a milk crate involved somewhere, it’s looking like paint cans are pretty ubiquitous too haha


My Blackberry Breath and Orange Goji cuttings have been in flower for 7 days in this pic


A couple males are showing but most are still holding out. I think I’ll be able to discern most of them tonight.

BBBs on the left, OG on the right

Here are the two clones from the double Orange Goji seedling:

And here are the originals from seed. The one with the white tie is 6A the ‘dominant’ one, the runt is 6B. I’ve been training them to keep it a bit fair and now the runt has overtaken its sibling lol

I’m really happy they’re both viable and I get to see them bud side by side


My budding plants are at day 32 now. Looking great so far, I think my new nute blend is working well for them.

FGxJS - i think this one is going to yield really well. Cool wild looking growth pattern and its very frosty already. The smell is very boring though lol


GSC1 - very stout plant with a nice sweet/hashy smell. Chunky


GSC2 - this will probably be my keeper. I just love the smell its very fruity, almost like Hawaiian punch. I think it takes after its durban parent alot more than the others

GSC3 - meh smell and a structure somewhere between the other 2. So far my least favorite…


And lastly my two Mephisto autos. One is a 24 Karat, and one beary white x 3 bears OG. Your guess as to which I mixed up the seeds. They’re at day 61 from sprouting, and I’ve just given each one a good flush. I’ll probably harv them in like a week

This first one is a chonker for sure…just one fat rocket ship cola. It has a more mild sweet smell.

This one is shorter with more small nugs, but still very dense and frosty. It has a really nice candy/bubblegum smell to it.