Beacher - some past grows and future

Very nice man :heart_eyes:


So I was right, they were mostly showing sex tonight. Results are:

1 - M (?)
2 - F
3 - M (?)
4 - M
5 - F
6A - F
6B - F

So both of the ‘twins’ are female…should be interesting


1 - F
2 - M
3 - F
4 - M
6 - ?

Hopefully 6 will be one more female for me to try. Pretty good numbers overall, I think I’ll keep the nicest orange goji male for some future projects.


I’m pretty sure this is the beary white x 3 bears og. Looks like the 3 bears my buddy’s been growing.


From looking at their 2019 strain guide I think this one has to be the 24 Carat. 24C has Sour Boggle in it which would be the bublegum smell. ^^


I love reading your grow log @beacher !

So informative, and easy-read :slight_smile:


I think you’re right, nice! Sour boggle sounds awesome and I’ve never tried it before, looking forward to smoking these :sunglasses:

@Kayoes thanks, I’m glad you enjoy it!


Very nice Beacher, You will like the smoke from those. My guess is the shorter one is the 24 k. its 100% indica and I believe the bw x 24 is 80/20. Enjoy.


I think you’re right. They both smell amazing and I’m looking forward to smoking them, my girlfriend is also excited to try them…she doesn’t pay attention to most plants but really likes these two.

How did the CBD autos work out for you?


I took the larger Mephisto auto down today at day 70. Its really big and frosty. It has a lemony smell with slight pine.

I’ve been seriously enjoying the smoke from the other one that I took down earlier, it tastes like peach drink and is just a really nice buzz. Hard hitting but not overwhelming. I’m really impressed with the Mephistos and am going to order some seeds from them for sure. Apparently they’re pretty in demand…the site is sold out for now


My Guava 99 shotglass clones didn’t fare so well. I actually lost a couple which I haven’t had happen in a long time. I think the main issue was I had to ram the coco down so much to get the clone to stand up in there that I think it really jacked the air/moisture ratio in there.

They’re a bit hurting but picking up now, they’ve been out of the dome for about a week and are now drying out daily.

I was hoping to have 9 of these, but I ended up with 7. Although I probably won’t use these in the future it was awesome to have these little rooted ‘plugs’ that i just popped into half gallon pots. CUTE!


The veg room is a bit busy atm with all the GSC, blackberry breath, orange goji and other random moms, as well as the 7 g99s fresh into their new homes. Soon enough I’ll be selecting a couple keepers out of these and wont have to do so much fucking watering lol

Seriously…it never stops


Speaking of the Orange Goji and Blackberry Breath the small tester clones are at day 18 of budding now. They’re still under a mere 60W of SIL LEDs but they look pretty great and are finally starting to bud up.

BBB on left, OG on right:

This orange goji #5 has a nice structure to it, I think it will be one solid cola

And here are the orange goji twins (6A and 6B). The taller one on the right is the 6B ‘runt’ which has now overtaken the dominant plant. Its starting to overtake it in the veg room as well…cool stuff


GSCs n friends in the bud room are now at day 42 and looking pretty great. I’ve been hitting them with the Treble Super Phosphate in addition to Mega Crop with Bud Boom and epsom salt. They seem to be responding well, I might be seeing slight nitrogen and maybe calcium deficiencies but I’m not too worried at this point.


Looking good! That mephesto is a fatty nug! And those 4 in the homedepot bucks look like some big fat plants man!

hope all is well with you and the family.


Thanks man, that thing blew me away for an auto they’re really doing some crazy stuff with them now. Everything is good here, maybe starting to get a bit stir crazy haha…is your house destroyed yet from all the quarantining?


I haven’t given autos a fair shot in a long time. Doubt I will for awhile I’ve got to many photos to run. Speaking of which I failed on popping those haze beans you sent. Just couldn’t get a single one going sorry.

My family is well. Nobody’s left the farm but me in 44 days haha. Kids have destroyed the house yes. But I keep fixing it so they can tear it down again. Vicious cycle. Seems like our area though is slowing down which is good to see. Maybe we can get back to some type of normality soon.


Ya it seems that way according to old Uncle Doug lol. Sucks about the haze seeds but I kinda expected that tbh, none of my old stuff has popped for me yet either. Oh well thanks for trying :+1:

These BBBs are starting to have some interesting smells already. Nice easy to grow, complaint free plants too.


Good forewarnings. I have a few to try as well. I’ll just go straight to the DMSO method.


Ya I think the nuclear option would be necessary for them…good luck!


Very mold resistant as well. Great outdoor strain for our climate.


Mold resistant is music to my ears lol. Would you call the buzz more Sat or indie leaning?