Beacher - some past grows and future

My experience with them is more or less the same as what DJ Short said about them. They can produce a population of seeds with a higher percentage of females and don’t seem to cause any intersex traits.

“Resin males” seem to throw pistils a lot. I haven’t noticed that resinous males produce more resinous offspring than non-resinous males, so I don’t necessarily seek them out.


I think the assumption that a lot of people operate on is such that “a male plant that produces pistils is more likely to produce female progeny that produce male stamens”. But this very well may not be true, we don’t really know if intersex traits go both ways yet.

I suspect it might, but the whole feminized seeds are more likely to produce stamens in flower is a whole separate argument. It might not even apply to this question, there’s so much we don’t know about the plant. I wish this plant was as studied as any other ag crop.


Ya I’ve read a bit about this and it seems to be rather confusing 🤷

Keep in mind I threw this thing from 9pm ON - 9am OFF (inside in growroom) into 6am ON - 7pm OFF (outside on porch), which is just about the most stressful thing you could do to a flowering plant lol. Not to mention the drastically lower temperatures out there…

I haven’t seen anyone have any herm issues with orange goji and alot of people are growing it which leads me to believe it’s pretty rock solid…would males be different for some reason?


I guess really it’s moot because it’s the only male I kept and I won’t have another one for quite a while, so if I want pollen it’s gonna have to be Mr Jenner :neutral_face:

I suppose if I see this happen when I flower it out in proper conditions I’ll know to be careful with the offspring.


If you’ve ever grown a hybrid with bubba kush, then somewhere along the way, there was a male with pistils. It’s really not uncommon. Jungle spice males throw mad pistils, and I’m still waiting to see a nanner (stamen) for the first time in at least 25 females. My tent doesn’t even zip and leaks light like a motherfucker.

I can only speak to my experience, because I’m not doing any kind of research, but I just haven’t seen it.


That’s very reassuring, thank you. I didn’t realize it was such a common thing. Jungle spice is another strain that tons of folks have grown on here and I’ve never seen anyone mention a single hermosa lol

Here’s a probably stupid question, have they ever pollinated themselves? Mine seems to lack any calyxes so I don’t think it’s the same as a female throwing out viable male parts.

Edit: post 666 woooo :imp:


I never grew one long enough to be sure, but I will say that they don’t seem to wither and shrink like a pollinated female pistil, so I would doubt it’s possible.


Someone on here asked me what I thought the source of the powdery mildew is a few days ago and it got me thinking. I ripped everything organic (wood) out of the basement when we moved in…except for 2 things. An old CONCRETE sink on wooden legs, and an old shelf. They both had their legs sitting in the channels for water to drain through and showed significant rotting. I ripped them out and it was a very familiar smell while i did…that musty ‘mold’ smell. Maybe this will solve my issue?

Heres the sink halfway removed. I had to break it up with a sledgehammer and take it out in chunks. Why would anyone make a sink out of concrete?? The best part is I’ve never used this sink once, it just drained to the floor so I have to put all my wastewater into buckets and haul it outside.

The legs were quite rotted. They had been sitting in this stagnant water channel wetting and drying for years

The shelf next to it was in the same shape. I don’t understand why they built them to sit in these channels vs LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE BASEMENT lol, but i gave up on trying to understand why people do things long ago :expressionless:


The Blackberry Breaths and Orange Goji testers are now at day 30. They’re doing great considering they’re in 12oz cups under ~50W of SILs and getting fed my veg blend of mega crop.

BBBs on left, OGs on right

These BBBs are some of the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown. They even have alot of crystals on big fan leaves which is super cool haha. The #1 BBB smells EXACTLY like blackberry, its pretty uncanny


Tomorrow will be 56 days for the big plants. They’re showing more deficiencies than before, but still nothing to be too concerned about. I don’t think the treble super phosphate is a suitable P source for me, its made to break down over time and I think its accumulating salts in the soil. No big deal as I’ll start flushing next watering in anticipation of taking them down at roughly 9 weeks.

Still looks like nitrogen and phosphorous deficiencies to me, but its hard to say for sure


I’m taking a break from my phone and other electronics. This is the first time I’ve looked at a screen in 3 days. Its nice to get away but I do miss my hourly OG fix haha. I think I’ll continue like this for a while then eventually get back to more productive activities on my computer only…I’m so sick of looking at a stupid smartphone all the time I might just throw the thing out.


@OleReynard @beacher you guys ever try Nirvanas WW? I’m not sure who they stole it from :joy::joy:but man is it ever delicious. It’s a manga rose x Kerala I kept it around for years. Big fat yields.

Plants are looking great @beacher damn those BBB are just impressively frosty. Are you planning on keeping the green pheno or purple pheno?

I hear ya on the Smart phone. I’ve left mine plugged into the wall. Like a rotary dial phone haha


Powdery mildew and wood molds are probably not related, they just both happen to like more humid and stagnant environments.

If you’re getting PM, it’s either already infected the plant, and you’ll need a systemic to eliminate it, or you’ll need more airflow, defoliation and possibly dehumidification of your basement going forward. PM spores are in the air most of the year, they’re just looking for the right conditions to germinate. Every single time I get PM spots it’s due to keeping plants too close together and not defoliating the inner canopy creating pockets of humid stagnant air.


Thanks. This has been an ongoing thing for a while. I defoliate so much its kinda ridiculous, tons of airflow, humidity and temps are good etc. I also spray weekly with a rotation of things which does keep it in check, but I know it will show up again if i stop. Also, I agree that mouldy wood should have nothing to do with it, but who knows lol. I’m glad to get that junk out either way!

@Mongobongowe used to have a widow cutting from like 95 or something that was a huge yielder and very nice smoke. Could have been from nirvana, but I never knew.

So far I have clones of every BBB pheno…I’ve learned my lesson on that haha. I’ll wait until they’re done then compare yield, smoke etc and pick from there. The blackberry smell on the #1 sure makes me lean towards it so far!


I’m running this right now. It’s a few weeks out but she smells amazing and looks like she will be a yielder.


Nirvana was always known as the ‘cheapo knockoff’ breeder, but I read so many good things about their strains. I’ve yet to try any personally but it’s good to know they’re producing good versions of some classic strains.


Definitely can hurt to clean up that stuff. I would suggest a thorough cleaning with vinigar.


Or a flamethrower lol. And ya if not anything else my lungs will thank me for not breathing that crap and I have some extra space.


Spray everything with kombucha…everything! Lift the lights and spray away…do it every 3 days for a while or till its gone. Plus the plants will love it. Create an environment that PM does not live in…change the PH. If your spider senses there is PM spray…mother plants love the SCOBY from making your own kombucha. Plus its great to feed to both you and your plants.

Could try and then come back and say…I tried that and it didn’t work! I use it…i dump it straight into plants! Bugs and shit DO NOT like kombucha…plants do!

Organic teas also help…flora sprays. I was reading last night plants communicate with each other. They also have fungi and bacteria on the leaves and roots. Plants are cool…

These are only suggestions…also your grow kicks ass bro. Nice little set up you got going on. If moisture down there is an issue put a dehumidifier down there…could also spray EVERYTHING with KILZ paint. Depends how much energy and cash you wanna through at it and how long you plan on being there.

What does kilz do for mold?

The EPA registered active ingredient creates a mold and mildew-resistant film that protects the primer film from mold and mildew growth. KILZ MOLD & MILDEW Primer will block most medium to heavy stains including felt marker, grease, ink, pencil, tannin and water stains.


Interesting, thanks. My girlfriend used to make that stuff I always found it gross and the mother was just disgusting to me. When she stopped she threw it out so I took a huge bite off it to gross her out haha…not worth it

I’ve been spraying with lactobacillus serum which I think is a similar concept. Similar to everything else I’ve tried it works for about a week then the borg shows up again to assimilate :robot:. I guess kombucha should be next on the list!

And yes I’m strongly considering a full sanitization of the basement with concrobium or bleach or fire lol…thanks for the info!