Beacher - some past grows and future

I put mothers in both my 5 gallon buckets and they are loving it. Green and no nutes at all. I added Bokoshi and some Bio-ferts…then pure rain water. No issues…I layed the roots right on top of that SCOBY. 10 days huge improvement. Fungus gnats don’t care for it haha They are deep green under white light…I fkn hate fungus gnats PM and any other critters around my plants more than i hate kombucha! I’m into fungi bacteria’s yeasts NO VIRUSES haha

I was thinking there must be a wash you can do on clones to clean them when they come into your room…


Sorry Mongo can’t tell ya either way on these.


That’s really cool, but also gross haha. Weird to picture roots growing into that slimy scoby and sucking like straws :drooling_face:

My grow boxes are all in the same room and I do my clones right in my veg box, so basically they’re all in the same situation. I think I’d need to sanitize the whole area to finally eradicate this crap.


You’ll get’r done I’m sure of that and i just do what the plants like…they like poop too…like in a tea for breakfast! They start praying to the light God’s after…weird!

After you get’r all cleaned up fk you’ll feel deadly after…even you’ll be breathing better done there! hehe

I was thinking your plants will end up with rashes and you get the breathing problems…mold spores and shit!


I’ve been sitting on a couple packs of their Northern Lights for a few years now. I started a couple a few years ago and they looked great, but I had to cull them to make room.

I admit the Nirvana reputation was a big part of the reason they were chosen for the cull. Perhaps I made a mistake, lol.


@beacher I got a bucket of paint you might wanna own, heavy mold and mildew here, 70 year old house, I can’t say enough good things about it. It works 100% as advertised.

It’s also bright white reflective :grinning: keep your stick on the ice.


Oh I’ve used my share, believe me haha. I don’t think it would stick to old, damp, crumbling concrete…I guess I could try a small patch and see if it takes though


The Blackberry Breath and Orange Goji testers are now on day 37. They’re all growing nicely with no issues, maybe a bit N heavy from the mega crop. BBB on left OG on right.

The BBBs are just incredibly frosty


These are the Guava 99 cuttings that I rooted a couple weeks ago. They’re in flowering now in the same room as the others with a 400W HPS over all of them for now.


I vegged these for about 2 weeks with no topping then flipped them. The stems are fattening up nicely I’ve been aggressively ‘massaging’ them every day. Here’s a couple at day 8 of bud.

I snapped this one right in 2 with my ‘massaging’. I masking taped around it and left it for a few days and it bounced back…its quite fat and bushy now it looks great

Here they are all together…too much empty space to justify using the 600 for now.


Whataya normally get offen from that size.?
1/4 to a 1/2 dry?


Those are in small solos, I think they’re 12 oz cups. Usually about 7-14 grams ya. It’s how I’ve been testing new strains lately to not use up too much space and resources, then I’ll run potential keepers again in some real pots.


I like your style…be so much easier with clones. I like clones…


Ya after screwing around for so long I now stick with a basic system. Clone every seedling at like 4 weeks old, put the clones into flower in small cups off to the side for sexing/dankness assessment and keep the original alive.

I don’t kill a mother until I’ve dried, weighed and smoked the clone a couple times…sick of wasting space on stuff I don’t like and losing things I do like haha


they call that experience…got some good genes there


Sounds like the Aloha white widow


I’d love to try it again and see how it stacks against modern strains.


I’m jealous, would lo e to grow a monster outside


It got ripped off so no more monsters at this place for me sadly.


Fuck I wish I did the same. Maybe I will learn my lesson one day.


Here are the Blackberry Breaths and Orange Gojis at day 44 now. BBBs on left OGs on the right

The blackberry breaths aren’t getting bigger as quickly now but theyre getting more dense for sure. They’re so frosty. This is the #1 pheno which I’m pretty sure will be a keeper for me. Great structure and it reeks of blackberries. Tons of crystals and its starting to show a bit of purple in the top bud

This is the #6 pheno. A bit runty and doesn’t have an overly strong smell, but its the frostiest of the 3. Fan leaves are dusted nicely