Beacher - some past grows and future

Here’s orange goji #5. This one stayed very short and looked kinda weak at first but its slowly been filling out to be one giant omni bud. Its incredibly sticky. I don’t know what these ogs smell like its almost like an incense or something and it changes all the time lol

Here are the 6A and 6B ‘twins’ from the double seedling. 6B was the runt but is quite a bit larger now. They both have a similar smell.


Here’s a couple of the guava 99s at day 14. I’ll need to stake these soon which will suck in these small pots…


first i have seen of anyone actually splitting a double. Would you have any idea if either ‘favors’ a parent? The reading I have done says one of them is a duplicate of Mom


I’m not familiar with the parents of this cross so it’s hard for me to say. They definitely each have their own unique character so not real ‘twins’…I was kinda hoping one would be male and one female for some weird incest seeds haha


I have never tried orange goji but would love to at some point. Hear everyone talking about so often


Ya I’m really excited to try it. Lots of pro growers on here saying how much they love the smoke. It sure smells good!


Had a tough time with the 23% ers. tried two and they were all deformed and shit so went back to cbd kush from dinafem. I will try later in early summer.
I have lots of mephisto beans…
Glad you enjoy the smoke.


They’ve cured up really nicely, great flavor from both of them. I’m really impressed!

Are there any other auto breeders you’ve tried that have quality comparable to mephisto? Are most autos in general that good now?

If I could get consistent seeds of something of comparable quality to those 2 I’d seriously consider just switching everything over to autos. They sure are fun to grow.

Too bad about the CBD ladies btw. They were all pretty trouble free for me, but I’ve only grown a few. Probably some nicer phenos in those seeds though.


I’ve been chopping the plants from my first flowering room over the last week or so. I spotted the tiniest bit of pm on GSC 1 and 2 so I harvested them at day 58. They were actually ripe enough for me, some amber trichs but not tons.

It was the first sign of pm i had ever seen in this room, so I’ll take that as pretty succesful. There was no sign of it on the other plants.

GSC 1 was a big yielder. A mild fruit punch scent. Big nugs but not overly dense. This one also always took forever to root (like 12+) so it can fuck right off…CULLED lol. A nice enough plant overall though


GSC 2 was my favorite as far as taste and smoke. Very fruit punchy with something like cherry. A nice up punchy buzz too. Dense nugs but yielded the worst of the 3 and was too finicky about nutes in flower…also culled


GSC 3 was the biggest yielder by far. Nice dense chunky buds that were super easy to trim (bonus points for this lol). Its got a nice deeper flavor like cherry and/or licorice. I’ve kept a mother of this one.

These were all fem Girl Scout Cookies from Monster Genetics that I won in a raffle on here btw…great beans :+1:


Heres the cross I made of my mystery male x jungle spice. This one was the biggest of the plants with some monster colas. I took it (and the following two) down at day 70.

This plant is a breeze to grow and has some really interesting traits…lime green and lemon yellow color tones, killer shape and buds, seemingly good pm resistance, and really ‘springy’ happy looking trichomes lol. A nice upbeat sativa leaning smoke thats quite potent.

Sadly the flavor on it is subpar. Its just like a hashy ‘weed’ lol. There are very subtle hints of the JS in there, the other runt pheno of these seeds had a really strong JS flavor. I have more of these seeds I’ll try again someday.

I also hit a branch of this with the year old ‘mystery male’ pollen and got exactly one viable looking seed…wooo


The orange goji twins are still coexisting in their original tiny pot. They actually don’t drink much more than the regular plants I started at the same time.

I actually took a clone of both of these a day or two after this pic…I’m going to put them in the hempys I just emptied out

A couple of my latest clones rooted in like 8 days nicely, but are showing this extreme yellowing. It sure looks like nitrogen def to me, but its strange theyre given full strength nutes just like their parents. I flushed them with some fresh veg nutes. I’m sure they’ll bounce back but its an annoying delay.


Oops almost forgot these last two lol. These were both mother plants that had been in solo cups for a couple months before i flipped them. They kinda got tortured throughout flowering, i just kept bottom watering them with whatever nutes were available that day. They also tipped over alot lol

They turned out pretty nicely considering, I wanted to run each of these once more to have a stash

Orange sunshine day 70. My only female, kind of a finicky plant with nutes and takes a while to root cuttings also. A creamy orange smell and taste with an ass kicker sativa leaning high.

Cackleberry day 70. This is one of my favorite plants to smoke its got a really nice tangy taste thats very distinctive and pleasant. A happy fun uplifting buzz also. A tough plant to grow though it had constant nute issues for me in veg and bud.


You definitely have the skills brother. Nice job.


Absolutely incredible! I hope I get the same punchy buzz and cherry punch flavor in my grow. My old Irish garden hat to my heart, congratulations on a breath taking harvest across the variety surf board. This was fer sur a 10 star fish finish.


Thanks ya paddy bastard lol


Well done, nice variety you got going


Nice looking harvest there beacher, I found some PM on the Caramel Candy Kush in flower, thought it was thrip damage until I got it under the scope. I think its because the heat has jumped from 12c the last 3 days to 28C and the night time temps are still low causing the RH to rocket up at night. I sprayed them tonight with some LABs and raised the temps for nights to 22C and hoping that will solve it.


I dunno if I’ve asked you yet lol. What kind of smell did your cackkeberry have while growing?