Beacher - some past grows and future

Maybe sort of lemony and pungent? It has a really unique smell and taste, the flavor is hard to peg for me. Really enjoyable smoke.

@Shadey ya I sometimes wonder if my issues are caused by something similar…temp or humidity changes. Past like 10 days into flower the only thing I’ll spray is labs and it got these ones through so I can’t complain. I hit me every week.


My humidity has been an issue as well. Guessing a lot are having the same problem


Lately I’ve been (yet again) rethinking my nutrient schedule. The treble super phosphate i got is unsuitable for my purposes, i think its too slow to uptake and caused some strange issues with the plants…possibly from salt accumulation. Its really not made for this application, but was worth a shot i guess lol

I’ve been feeding my small tester clones only my veg mix (mega crop with epsom and calmag) for their entire lives. They’re at day 50 now and they’ve looked more or less perfect throughout flowering, maybe a bit too dark (N) but really they’ve done great.

This is the first real sign of deficiency I’ve seen in them. Its shown up on most of the OGs and a couple BBBs in the last few days. I think its a mild potassium and calcium deficiency. Its so minor at day 50 that I’m not particularly bothered by it.

Going forward I think this blend will be my ‘base’ that I’ll use on all plants veg or flower. From weeks 4-5ish to 7 or so I’ll give sparing doses of bud boom (high PK) occasionally. Weeks 7+ I’ll lower the mega crop down quite a bit to lose alot of the N and supplement with PK to 80% or so of full flowering strength.

It would be so nice to be able to keep everything fed and vigorous with the stuff I have now and not going overboard with supplements etc. I’m really impressed at how well mega crop has done with these plants the extra cal and mag made a giant difference. My veg plants have been doing great on this blend too.


If i had to guess, I’d say it’s too much K causing Ca deficiency. PK boosters especially can be death for calcium. Ask me how i know :joy:


That’s definitely a possibility. Even though these got no PK boosters mega crop is still damn high in K. Maybe it’s piling up in there, tbh I haven’t checked the runoff from these once I really should before I flush or change the blend.

And ya I’ve been there with pk supplements, I gave up on koolbloom after frying several plants with it.


my friend decided that doubling the amount of PK boost during the grow was a Good Idea™. Then he complained about how he got a single pound of weed under 2x1000hps. I wonder what his hypothesis was anyways? You definitely have to be judicious with that stuff. Once he was giving them PK boost in veg phase I was like WTF are you hoping to achieve? He couldn’t tell me what he thought it was going to do.


Lol that’s shooting yourself in the foot right there. Did they show signs of being overfed? I really have trouble sometimes determining if I’m overfeeding or under…time to get back to basics


he had 2 of the plants stop growing. That’s not a good sign! Told him to leach the nutrients with a 25% solution, and restart their growth. Since he didn’t understand how a 25% solution was going to uhhh be the solution, he did nothing. Instead of looking up nutrient leaching to figure it out. Usually I notice the plants get a “claw” like leaf when they are near the edge of overfeeding. Serious nitrogen depletion can be the sign of pk overdose. I think you could probably leach with distilled/dehumidifier water as well.


Those poor things, fed to death like the guy in the movie seven haha


How much calmag & epsom do you add to the Megacrop ?


.5ml calimagic and .5gr epsom.


lol I have many other breeders with lot better them meph. are you on IG?


Ya I have an account on there for looking at weed pics. If you could recommend any comparable or better auto breeders (that actually have seeds available lol) that would be great. I’d like to dip my toe in that world a bit :thinking:


Blackberry breath and orange goji testers are at day 56 now. The BBBs are pretty close to done, I’m seeing a bit of amber on all 3, the OGs probably want at least another week.

I sprayed them with lacto a few days ago after spotting a tiny amount of pm on a g99 in the same room. I’ve never seen a hint of pm on any of these testers, which I guess indicates good resistance.

BBB 1, 3 and 6. All nice in different ways but 1 is a standout. 6 is a bit smaller but incredibly frosty.

This #1 is going to be a keeper for sure. Its big, vigorous, frostacular and actually smells like blackberry jam. For a bonus its starting to go a nice purple now too.

I took a bottom sample nug of this and goji 5 and this one was like double the size and alot heavier/denser. This thing will be a monster when I let it loose in a real pot.


A couple guava 99s at day 24. I should really think about how I’m setting up the plants for these pictures more lol…

I spotted a tiny speck of pm on one of these a few days ago and sprayed the whole room with lacto. Tonight I saw MORE appearing again. Not alot but enough that I’m pissed off haha. I’m going to spray the g99s with potassium bicarb tomorrow. I hate to do it, but I can’t let the pm creep in this early and clearly the lacto wasn’t effective.

I’ll leave the small OGs and BBBs alone to finish up, theyre showing no signs of it. Sadly I might have to accept that the g99 does not have good pm resistance and therefore might not be ideal for my current situation.


I am still getting abit on my Caramel Candy Kush atm, I went over them with some water and Hydrogen peroxide mix last night, instead of the labs. See if mixing up the treatments helps.


It seems to. I’ve been rotating sulphur, potassium bicarbonate and lacto. I only spray sulfur in veg and generally stick to lacto only in bud, but I’m spraying the g99s with the potassium bicarbonate tonight.

It’s freaking heartbreaking to spray these beautiful plants that look so perfect for 4 weeks in, it’s gonna burn the pistils and probably slow them down a bit.

Why did I spell sulfur in two different ways? Lol


Hedging your bets. One has to be right :slight_smile:


Because depending where you are in the world, it has a different spelling, it’s either, sulphur or sulfur :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And liters or litres, a good way to detect Brits … :stuck_out_tongue: