Beacher - some past grows and future

The flowering ladies are at about 3.5 weeks now. I have 2 phenos of the girl scout cookies…#1 which stretched LIKE CRAZY and has thin sativa-esque leaves. Despite the stretch they’re stacking nicely already so it could end up being a good thing. The #3 pheno has much fatter leaves, it stretched quite a bit but not nearly as much. It also has way fatter stems and looks like it will be a good yielder.

The two jungle spice and one JSxblack domina didn’t stretch much at all. They’re all happy stout plants with broad leaves and look like they’ll chunk up nicely. One has a real sweet candy sort of scent already.

These (crappy) pics are from a few days ago, so right around the start of week 3…

They’ve gotten a bit taller since, I’ve got my light almost maxed out to the top…its pretty damn crowded in there, I’ve done some mild defoliation and staked the GSC 1’s since then so its a little less chaotic. So far so good!


This is the male from earlier in the thread. I flowered it to get a bit of pollen a long time ago, then I chucked it out on my sun porch to ‘reveg’, but it just kept flowering endlessly. Its probably been going for like 3 months now and its starting to do some weird stuff I’ve never seen before.

Its making these strange circular leaf type things around the flowers, they almost look like pea pods or something. Its pretty cool…anyone ever seen this before?

What the heck is this??? :fearful:

Its also making these small round leaves, which I’ve also never seen before. I think its a bit confused lol

I used some of the pollen I had saved in the fridge on one branch of a GSC and one branch of a JS a couple days ago. It looks like it took as the pistils have changed color and are receding…these will be the first seeds I’ve ever made!


On the veg side I’ve got these Guava Hashplant x C99’s from @paintedfire420 seedlings going. As you can see they’re a bit floppy lol. I’ve since made them little wire stands and put a fan on them to toughen them up. They’ve also stacked a few new nodes since these pics.

I’ve got a few ‘leafhoppers’ on them. I’ve never even seen these stupid things before, but there aren’t many. I just kill them by hand and they seem to be dwindling. I think I’ve kept these a bit too wet…

I also got some mites in my little mother box. I’m glad I’ve been too lazy to finish my new veg room, as they would be down with my flowering plants and I probably would have lost everything. I sadly had to kill some DBHPs and a couple other things off, but I still have lots of seeds and can start fresh on those.

The ones I kept I hacked down to one tiny branch each. I’ve been blasting them under the shower daily for a week or so now, and I spray the box with 99% ISO alcohol while they’re out. Believe it or not it seems to be working perfectly, I haven’t seen any sign of them in days but I’ll keep up with this regime for another week or so to be sure.

I got them because I rooted a couple cuttings in water next to some houseplants, then brought them into the box…ROOKIE MISTAKE lol. I’m damn lucky it didn’t get alot worse on me


Bugs suck. That is a crazy way to get them.

Your room, though tight is looking good. Glad the bugs aren’t in that area! :v:

That weird plant might be hermie?


Have you scoped those round leaves? I’m very curious.


Nah it’s definitely a true male, it’s just been flowering for waaay too long and must be confused lol

@Howard.Crane I’m guessing you mean with a microscope (durr), but what would I be looking for?


It’s so awesome to see you cracked some of those Guava x C99 Beacher :slight_smile: :pray:

Super funky reveg male there!


Very nice stuff @beacher! Just got a chance to look through your thread, can’t wait to see how the next few rounds turn out!


Never seen leaves like that, definitely weird looking. I hope you got all those mites killed off.

My C99XGHP looked similar but not as tall, until I topped them at 6 nodes and put them under stronger light, then they started to thicken up on the stems. I also only use half a pot of soil in a pot, when I put seedlings in, then if they stretch to much, I fill the rest of the pot up a couple of inches at a time. They develop roots higher up, and you dont have to support them with sticks.


I’ve seen similar weird leaves when revegging females. I believe that’s all that’s happening here.


That’s a good trick!

@ReikoX ya probably something like that, he refuses to reveg though :thinking:


Reinforcement knots much like gussets in structurally built buildings.
Since plant was topped , the lower branching has to be able to carry the load.


That makes sense. I’ve noticed only some plants do it, generally ones with beefier stems.


I hauled the plants out a couple days ago for some defoliation, staking and to rotate their places in the room (i try to do this once a weekish). Got some better (still crappy) pics lol

Here are the 2 GSC phenos - #1 on the sides, #3 in the middle. #3 is like 8 inches shorter and alot fatter, it has a stronger smell too…i think it will be my keeper unless it sucks or #1 turns out crazy

Here’s a GSC1, a Jungle Spice x Black Domina, and a Jungle Spice. The JSxBD is quite a bit shorter than the JS, but looks like it will fill in nicely. The JS has a great, fruity smell to it. I have another pheno of it in the room too that looks very similar, which surprised me for F2s

Here they are all in the jam packed room being way too tall and hot lol


Here’s a branch of GSC1 that I pollinated with the crazy male from earlier in the thread. Looks like it took and I’ll get a few seeds out of it…my first seeds ever :sunglasses: I hope to dig through them and try and find something like the plant the male originally came from. I also pollinated one branch of a Jungle Spice and it took as well

Two autoflowers from Mr Sparkle. One is a Dark Sparks and one is an Easy D…they’re very similar. They’re about 6 weeks old now so they should be done in a couple weeks. I put them out in the sunshine all day then back into the sun porch at night or if its raining. Really nice colours and smell to them!


So my 2 autos from Mr Sparkle got pregnant from being left in the sunporch with my mystery male. I honestly didn’t even think about it, duh, but I’m glad it happened because it should be a weird/interesting cross. Giant old school sativa + small purple grapey autos…who knows how this will turn out. Here’s some preggo pics:

It looks like some of the seeds will be purple!

These are the first seeds I’ve ever made, I think I’ll try and breed with them to select for the mystery male.


My Guava 99s blew up in the last week, so they’re finally big enough to clone and sex. @paintedfire420 thanks again for these, they’re super vigorous plants and already reeking in veg. They got off to a slow start (I think I overwatered a bit), but they’re just blowing up now…I can’t wait to bud them out.

Before their haircut

Beautiful clones, these should root quickly without issue. I only filled the solos like halfway to save on coco, I’m just gonna chuck them into my bud room for sexing as soon as they root and then kill these clones off. I’ll bud out the female mothers.


My two outdoor plants. BC Bud Depot girl scout cookies feminized #1 (left) and #2 (right). I put them under some cattle fencing for a screen, it worked really well.

I think they’ll start stretching really soon, so I built a second layer of screen overtop and around them. The #1 is gonna be a monster, I know it stretches ALOT


They all look great Beacher. Your C99xGHP look nice and short, mine stretched a lot more I was worried about the lights being to low. I will lower it a bit on the C99X Doc Hols.


Great job bro those look nice and squat compact growth! I can’t remember was it the 1 or 2?