BeagleZ Corner

Could maybe hang half of them on the other half of the coathangers so half of them hang lower.

A bit of string would have done the trick too.

I have hung a harvest on a string of paperclips.


Its chonk city up in that tent!


My thinking here is I can move them once or twice a day. Take the back one and move that to the front and slide the rest back one position.
The AC is on the right side of the tent so I want it to be modular in a way


Not as chonky as your tent @bassman5420 :yum:

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What’s up ya’ll.
No soil test results yet and the girls had to move. Deff showing signs they want a new home.
So I did a (hopefully) balanced re-amend. I altered my usual re-amend a bit to hopefully be a little less aggressive so I can adjust once I do get the results.

6 cups CraftBlend
4 cups GnarBar Milled
2 cups Alfafa
1 cup Neem/Karanja
1 cup FishBone Meal

Watered that in and let sit for a day.5

Tonight I did the transplant. I have cut out the bottom of one of my final transplant pots and shove that into the soil and then dig out from the inside. This gives me a perfect hole to drop the babies into…

Thinking mostly phosphorus and iron deficiency…

Gave them a bit of compost tea to water them in and give them a kickstart.

Going to pack a bowl and commune with the cannabis gods. Hoping the new shoes and re-amend will turn things around for these ladies.


considering their size,
they were just running out of space.

All is well!


Everyone is a bit perkier this morning :clap: will try to get a few pics in a bit.


Anyone know if you can edit the tags for your journal?.. I want to put a Twwenty20 tag now that im not running bodhi gear this cycle.

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Happy with the progress in the last 24hours. Everyone seems a bit more alert and I think some color is even coming back already.
Should be back to normal in a few days.

Gave them a little hair cut this evening.
Took off the lowest nodes and fans.



That’s all I got for tonight, good vibes all around!


You should be able to change the tags in the first post within a certain amount of time, after a while you can’t edit anymore, a couple of months I think.


Got my soil test results.
Some things are as expected and some things not.
What I’m not surprised about is how depleted the bed was considering the size of some of the ST buds.
What I am surprised at is the chlorides/sodium and salts.
I’m wondering if I need to upgrade my water filter :confused:


i had this same realization after getting my old soil tested. planning to leave the bins out this summer to get rained on to hopefully flush things and then re-ammend. its a bummer for a large bed like that though i would imagine.


I do have the tray under it now so I guess I could try to flush it a bit and see what happens. I sent it off the BAS to see if they have any advice on the buildup other than drowning everything.
We’ll see.
On a brighter note I havn’t seen a single Rove beetle flying around


thats some good news! let me know if they recommend any other remediation for the sodium, i’d be curious to know myself outside of just setting the bin out and letting em get rained on for a while


Will do Legs!

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I got almost the same exact results the last time I got my soil tested: high calcium levels, crazy-high sodium levels. But I just use ROLS; I’m not in a no-till situation like you. Probably a very similar soil mix, though. I’m thinking it’s from the kelp? Maybe? I use RO water, so I don’t think it’s from that. I dunno.

In any event, the place that I got it tested said the best solution would be to flush it with three times the amount of water to soil. Which is a lot of water haha.


Damn that is a lot of water. I’m realizing now that I need to drill some holes in the bottom of the totes that I have the old soil stored in right now


Yeah, I’ve always drilled holes in my soil bins. You definitely wanna do that, especially if you’re gonna set them outside and let them get rained on. I just did that, actually, when we got like three weeks of rain here in LA. That never happens haha, so I figured I oughta take advantage of it.

Dragging them back into the garage after getting rained on for three weeks was not fun, though. Great hamstring exercise, though haha. I might actually incorporate that into my workout routine haha!

Just kidding.


That is a lot of water, time for the XXXlarge shopvac :astonished:


This is cool to see. I was wondering about the dissolved salts too. Maybe there’s a correlation with the other elevated numbers like Cal Mag.