BeagleZ Corner

Great job! Love the dry tent setup. What RH are you aiming to keep it at?


Thank you @syzygy!
58-62 rh, 60*. It’s staying pretty steady as of now, was worried with how packed it is.


Very nice. My drying tent is still sitting here in a box lol. I need to start making room for it and getting it up tonight and tomorrow so I can hook up the thermometer/hygrometer and smart plugs to my Home Assistant automation flow along side the other tents. Just the dry tent and 2x4 tent left to get dialed and the hard part will be out of the way. To be honest ever since I got a few other tents automated, I feel like I am cheating or something. Usually I had to refill humidifiers every day, but some can go for 5 to 30 days now.


Hey @BeagleZ is that a dehumidifier in your dry tent or a portable AC?


That’s a 3-in-1. AC, dehumidifier, and a fan I think. I keep it on AC setting mostly as I don’t really see a difference between the AC and dehum


nice, so you have that venting outside the house then?


Eventually. It vents to another room in the basement and then gets vented outside via bathroom.


nice, ive been spending some time here looking at how i could get one of those thigns and set it up to vent outside. wheels are turning.


Sometimes I wish my wheels had breaks


Same dude, it never stops I’ve probably got like 3-4 projects for improving the grow space in varying degrees of completion going on at all times. I guess it is nice to always have a project that you can jump into when you find yourself with some free time. Which is rare these days


Ride ‘em till the wheels fall off!


Ok y’all, let’s have a little recap.

Overall really happy with this run but plenty of room for improvement.

VPD was pretty much dialed in the entire grow. Really happy with the AC infinity components. Having the the same fan and filter for intake and exhaust is working really nicely.
Love the integrated sensor and control, just wish there was WiFi for the box.

Still getting used to the new light. I got the medicgrow right before I flipped to flower.
This next run will be a test of lessons learned.
The penetration is no where near the CMH so it is important to keep the canopy as flat as possible. Also trimming will be a top priority.

The trellising worked and didn’t work.
My first layer was great, gave sufficient support for the developing branches. Where I failed was the second layer. Waited too long to begin tying in the support lines and things had started falling badly already.
Hopefully @bassman5420 and I can work out a set of spreaders to make that job easier for the next run.

The bed performed beautifully. I found only 2 dry spots in the corners as I was digging the bed out. The bottom was not compacted nor water logged or soggy. Roots had actually grown through the bottom that made a really cool pattern. Pic to follow.

Biology was also in top gear. A lot of mycelium pockets and worms, oh my the worms.
The critter balance is off and I need to work on that. The rove beetles are by far the biggest population. I’m hoping that digging out the bed will knock them back a bit. I migrated a ton of mites from the worm bin into the new top layer of soil. Also picked up a fresh log of oyster straw mulch today while dropping off the soil sample.

I went ahead and decided to get the soil working while I wait for the soil test. I put 2 cups of gnar bar and some kashi and watered in with some rootwise to get things moving. I figure that won’t be too bad to calculate back into the mix once I get the results. New cover crop also was sprinkled in.

I got concerned at the end about the floor temps. That has been remedied. The insulation and flood tray are now operational.

Will for sure be getting a bigger tent for drying. This 4x2 will become clone/mom tent. The set up is working however just a little too tight for my liking. I am rotating and switching position of the racks daily. I miss my 3x3, will prob go with that again.

The StrawBerry Temple.
2 pheno found so far. Pine/lemon extract and sweet and Frutti.
Both develop really chunky buds and get heavy fast. Early trellising/support required along with pruning. Heavy branching, no need for topping.
Pine pheno is sturdier than the Frutti. Developed slightly larger buds overall.
Frutti pheno is very floppy. Dense buds and tight clusters.
Zero sign of naners on either.
Both exhibited droopy fan leaves throughout the grow.
The nose on these are different to be sure but both are loud and complex. Stem rub is the same in both :thinking:
Really impressed with these beans, I’ll be keeping it around a while for sure. Can’t wait to do a smoke report.

This was a fun run, a lot of tinkering with the new gear and adding this and that’s. I’m looking forward to a more relaxed cycle this go round as I feel I’m now pretty well dialed in for what it is. Plenty more grand plans in my head for the space but for now I’m going to sit back and enjoy applying the lessons I learned.

Here’s a pic of the roots that were growing under the bed. Looks like a city roadmap or a circuit or something. Thought it was rad…

Welp, I’m sure I forgot about half of what I wanted to tell y’all so might be updating here and there as the thoughts trickle back.

Stop in and say hello, I’ll just be sitting here watching the grass dry :rofl:

See already editing…
I’ll be introducing the new ladies in the next day or two :blush:


That root picture looks like the Borg took over the root system lol.

Ya man we can get you lined out to max that canopy EZ PZ. I have been thinking about adding a few things into the kit possibly. The spreader/supports, some training clips to help shape plants while they are smaller, cola clips for when things are get heavy in flower you can clip the colas to the trellis if they are wanting to wander, a trellis net or 2 that are sized for the tent its going into and zip ties to throw it all together. May be a bit overkill, who knows. I will think about it more and make a post in my diary about it I am sure, along with making a tutorial video since my 4x4 will be empty soon, so I can cut down the existing pole material I am using in there and fit it to a new custom spreader set and get some recordings.


Controller 69 WiFi version is supposed to be released in a couple months. You could replace your existing controller with the new one if wifi means enough to you to replace the controller.


What’s up fam, happy Sunday!
Lots been happening in the corner the last few days. Got everything sorted for the next run.

Emptied the bed, put the insulation down, then the tent spill tray, then the flood tray. Bed went back in the tent and got filled back in with the top soil on bottom and the bottom soil on top. Hoping to not mess with this bed again for quite some time.

Took a soil sample up to get tested and should have those results this week. Also took a sample of my last batch of EWC to get tested.

To get the soil going I put down 2 cups of gnar bar and some kashi and then some new straw mulch.

Happy to report I have not seen a single rove beetle flying since I put the new mulch in. Maybe they needed a better habitat.

Tent reset…

Some good action already from the gnar bar/kashi combo. Love using these 2 together, really pops off the growth…

Now I’d like to introduce the ladies. This will be a Twenty20 run. Have 2 HotMess and 2 HindSight. Both fem photos.
This will be my first fem seed run.



All together…

Anxious to get the test results back and get these babies in the bed. I am interested to see how the light does in veg, this will be the first full cycle run with the Medicgrow.

The dry tent seems to be working ok, it’s a little small and the AC is moving the air a bit too much and low hanging fruit seem to be drying faster than what’s up more at the top of the tent.
Thinking about biting the bullet and getting a bigger tent today. Rotating the racks is helping a bit but not as much as I’d like.

That catches us up for the week.
Have a great day y’all!


So Purdy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I had some fun running Twenty20 but never inside. I’m excited to see the frost!

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Looking good brother!


Why did you remix the soil?
Would’ve been fine if you just kept topdressing.


I wanted to put the insulation and flood tray under it. Felt this would give it more airflow and less of a temp drop in the winter time.
This is the first full flower run I’ve done in the bed during the coldest months and felt it got a little chilly.
Not planning on messing with it anymore @Rogue :+1:


Decided to spend $5 on hangers instead of $300 on a tent today.
Like the arrangement a little better now and they are up higher in the tent.
Will do for this run I think. Re-think for next harvest…