BeagleZ Corner

Garden is looking frosty, very nice. How much longer do you think you will let them go?


Beautiful! Hopefully the OM4 smoke is nice to make up for the tiny buds… that was one I was excited to see finish.
Based on its (lack of) popularity I’m guessing the Chem 4 didn’t yield much, but it had to stick around this long for some reason…


Sweet! Garden’s on point!

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Thank ya thank ya. Seems like it’s been a long road this run.

The LJ will prob come down in a week or so. The recommend is 60 days on that one, might take it a few more days but she seems to be on track.
The rest will go longer, prob start taking them around day 75ish I’d imagine but the ShakedownStreet might go even longer than that. Time and trichs will tell.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not any less excited about it ha. Smells great and I still believe there is great potential in the cross, the hunt continues.

My thinking as well

Appreciate it!! We’ve seen better runs for sure, with the mealy bugs and heavy haircuts and whatnots, but I think we are back on track.


Nice batch of plants @BeagleZ . I usually run multiple strains too. I grow mostly for me and the missus so variety is essential. Mostly sweet with one smelling like gas. Nice. I love how the different terps mix.


Happy ferment Friday Fam!

Quick Day 65ish update.

LavJack got the chop last night at a solid 5% amber. Really really looking forward to this one. The trichome coverage is pretty insane on this plant. The pictures don’t really do it any justice.

Pretty damn complex aroma to her. Hard for me to pin point anything right now.
Buds are nice and solid, super sticky. Reminds me of my black raspberry a lot structure wise.

Everyone else is chugging along. All have settled into senescence. PA1 will most probably be the next to come down maybe next weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


The pics look pretty good to me haha. Craaazyyyyy…

I forget (because you barely ever post anymore haha), but is this the cut that’s been going around or is this from some seeds you sprouted? Either way, I’m stoked for you. I thought the sample I tried grown from… Was it Nobody’s cut? I can’t remember haha, but I thought it was very good weed.


Yeah, I got it from Crunch who got it from the source.

I know…. This summer has kicked my ass. Shuffling kids, and I also started way too many projects and I’m just overwhelmed. Once the move fell thru I began trying to fix/start all kinds of things and my adhd doesn’t allow me to complete a single one of them.


wow :star_struck: that is :fire: looking for sure.

will have to keep an eye out for some LavJack beans.

stellar plants / grow as usual.

i will have to source a cut i guess now that i read your last post.


Maybe that Lavender Jack’ll help you focus haha.

I kid, but I really could see it being beneficial to somebody with ADHD for sure.


Looking fire my guy! That lavender jack cut looks insane, hopefully I can find a similar pheno in these 18 beans I got left, if not hopefully in the f2’s I have planned lol. That shakedown street looks amazing too, well all of them really, but those two are standouts imo. What kinda smells are you getting from the shakedown and pine apple? I have a pineapple in flower now and it looks pretty different than yours, I wanna say it has a nice lime candy type smell w some underlying funk. It was slow in veg and didn’t stretch too much, bur looks like it’s guna be one of the better yielders this round, kinda hard to tell at this point but has stacked pretty nice. I’ll post a pic when the lights come on. She looks like she’s got atleast another 3 weeks, somewhere around day 50 I believe, I’ll have to double check


I’m kinda a self diagnosed adhd, and TK feels like diet adderall for me. Helps me focus and zone in on what I’m doing.

I KNOW TK is floating around them. I think @CrunchBerries has it. If not, I do and I’m close to them.


Thank ya thank ya, really excited to try it!

That would be great! I will let you know in a few weeks :slight_smile:

Thanks bud!
The PA1 is straight pine, like fresh sticky christmas tree pine. The PA2 is more similar to what you have it sounds like, also did not stretch very much at all.
The shakedown has a acetone thing going on.
How did that BalckRaspberry do for you?


Both look really nice, definitely frostier than the pheno I got, I think they other 2 might have been males or damped off, I can’t remember, life’s kinda been a blur lately, alot of fuck shit I won’t get into, but I’m in a better place now, atleast mentally, which is most important. Due to said fuck shit, the last round that had that clone suffered tremendously because of it and I didn’t get to experience the what shes actually capable of. That being said, she was still the terpist of the batch and the one that got smoked first lol. I still have a clone of her so she’s definitely getting a redemption round after I chop these that I have in flower now, that and one of the metal skunks from that round too that did really good considering how neglected she was lol