BeagleZ Corner

That SCBD is a nice score!


The vinegar might have been exactly what was needed to make more calcium available to the plants in the long run or something like that. It also shows how robust organic soil is!!!


Thanks Homie! Starting to get exciting

yeah, im prob going to flip this week. Just finished a fresh batch or unripe blueberry FFJ this morning for stretch and I’m pretty keen to get that in the spray bottle.

:eyes: that’ll be something to see! Are you running more than one or one big monster?
I have a cut coming my way as well so I’d love to see some updates on that! Keep us posted


A 4x4 of her will be nuts just trimmed up a plant that was about about only 25 percent of a 4x4 yielded super nice smells so good berries pine with like a beautiful fabric softener smell :drooling_face: she’s a real nice one :blush:


Starting to look beautiful and lush again :blush: going to be trying to find a female shakedown for next cycle real excited to see how that one ends up for you


It’ll be one plant in one earthbox.

Speaking of one earthbox, wouldn’t it be crazy to have 4 earthboxes, with one plant. Graft/fuse 4 plants stalks together, but keep the roots and canopy separate things. So each “strain” would have its own earthbox and 1/4 of the tent, but in the eyes of the law, still just one plant because there is only one stalk


I’ve heard of people grafting all their keepers to one stalk, it might have been here somewhere. It’s one of those random things floating around my head uncategorized


Happy ferment Friday Fam!

Got the ladies all trimmed up for flip. Going to go for it tonight, tomorrow will be first official day 1 of flower. :hugs:

Going to give the bed a dose of JLF tonight with some added SEA. 125 ml per gallon. Will also prob chop and drop the cover, top dress with some EWC and mulch with something I’ll find around the yard.
Foliar is going to switch to Bloom. Unripe blueberry and WCA to set the flowers.







Have a great weekend everyone!

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


i will never forget being introduced to the fruit cocktail tree. had lemons oranges limes and grapefruit all on one tree. i am sure it is possible with our stains if you are good at grafting. cannabis cocktail. :thinking:


What up Fam,
Day 25 flower update.

So long story short, I’ve been dealing with mealy bugs.

Was about to do my update a couple weeks ago and noticed one. Closer look and they were all over the place. Guessing they were down in the cover crop and when I chopped it they escaped.

Day 6 of flower I seriously lollipopped the girls. For the next week I hit the hard alternating between neem and a OHN/LV mix. I also combed them several times a day with the needle nose tweezers.

Operation mealy bug genocide set the stretch back about a week I’d say.

I also noticed a decline in the rove population, guessing they were effected by operation ant genocide a while ago. Anyway, harvested a worm bin to get a fresh dose of nemotodes and roves. Added that, LAB and some IMO4 and it seems we are back on track once again. I haven’t seen any mealies in a few days.

So, here we are, hopefully back on track again.




PineApple #1

PineApple #2


Going to do one more good defoliation so I can get another good look and open things up a bit.

Guess it wasn’t that short of a story.

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all! :sunglasses:


Looking good man - they really recovered well from the defol and treatment. The pineapple1 has some cool looking leaves!


Yeah, I was worried for a few days there but we pulled through @ramblinrose! :sweat_smile:

PA1 is really shaping up to be the monster of the run. Serious branching and bud sites everywhere. Ill have to get some closer up shots of her structure, pretty impressive. She def has the long skinny sativa thing going on in contrast to the PA2. I love seeing such a difference in expressions in the same cross, pretty cool they are next to each other.


Man there coming back with a vengeance looking good in there sorry to hear about the mealy bugs also will be hitting you up sometime this week to get your info to get you a flip of some pagoda f2 and some pinesoul x pagoda if your interested can’t wait to see how the shakedown and the rest turns out for you!


Mealybugs are aphids?


Yeah the few plants I’ve grown with that kind of structure tend to be giant yielders. One Lemon Lotus comes to mind, as well as the blue dream cut. I’ll be curious how they turn out - haven’t seen much from the Lavender lemonaid male yet. Should be a bigtime stinker.


I dont think so, maybe related… I did have a bad aphid outbreak on my honeysuckle this spring though hmmmm :thinking:


Ahh yes! hah hah I was thinking of mealy buggers the little bugs that look sort of like that, except they eat aphids. And turn into lady birds. Officially “Mealybug destroyer” if you look it up. I wonder if a syrphid fly would take out mealybugs? Pyrethins would probably nuke them heh heh I usually just wash crap like those mealybugs off if it’s indoors while the clones are small.


had mealy bug attack a few years back on our house plants. it was all but impossible to get rid of them. they killed some of our 30+ year old plants we loved. orange tree, pony tail palm , massive jade plant. it was awful. we lost and had to throw out a lot of plants to get rid of them.

we would treat them [ tried them all] think they were gone then a month or two later they are back. i hope you have better luck than we did. did not know about nematodes back then, but would say they would be best bet to get them below surface larva or eggs.
hope you got em but keep an eye out for them 1-2 month out. good luck.

not sure about that but don’t think so. they are fuzzy little white bugs with web like stuff on the plants.

you did great on the plants, they are sure looking happy!


Hey hey Fam! Sorry for the lack of updates, this summer has me spread thin. Anyway, here’s an update for day 50ish of flower. Honestly I haven’t taken any notes this round so I’m just going by post dates :roll_eyes:

The LJ is finishing fast and expect to chop her in a week or so. Drippin with trichomes. Just a touch of foxtailing starting but other than that, a fine specimen. One of those plants you just want to eat, delicious looking :yum:
Really excited to have this cut as a baseline for my own hunt. Thank you again to @CrunchBerries passing this on to me. And to the mysterious @Higgins of course.

Pretty disappointed with this OM4. Yield is way low and bud development is sub par. She’s the only gas in the tent right now though. Everything else is fairly sweet. Will have to search more through these seeds.

ShakedownStreet is looking really nice. Maybe my favorite plant this run. Structure and bud ratio are great. Starting to get chunky, still throwing plenty of new pistols. She’s got a few more weeks at least.

PineApple #1 is the beast of the run. Tons of bud sites, tons of branching. Buds are already super dense but still stacking a bit. She is by far the tallest so getting a bit of light bleach and clawing on the tops. I’ll sacrifice them for the greater good :crazy_face:

I will dim the lights around day 60 anyway

PineApple #2 is somewhat disappointing as well yield wise. Although much better than the OM4, it is a stark contrast from PA#1. Really nice looking plant though, prob would have been better if I didn’t cut them so much early flower.

Group… that LJ stands out in the middle there






That’s all I got for now. Hope everyone is enjoy the summer!

Y’all be good, good vibes y’all :sunglasses:


Hell yeah! I was just thinking about your garden!! Looking good buddy!!