BeagleZ Corner

Ha! That’s funny, didn’t realize that


The thing is… it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to apply the hydro/nute way of thinking to a no-till setup.

Apples and oranges. Pears and bananas. Pineapples and coconuts.

The whole point of no-till is that you don’t need to worry about anything, just throw seeds and a wide diversity of organic matter at it and it sorts itself out. There’s a whole galaxy of creative intelligence that cooperates in living soil. It’s been like that for millions of years and hey… it created us. All we can do as humans is make crosses with what is given to us and manipulate in a rather limited way for the time being. I don’t see us create entirely new species of fungus out of thin air.
So have a little faith in what sustains all life here on this planet.


Hydro and nutes is for people who love to do unnecessary work and spend lots of money they don’t need to spend. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Same goes for compost teas and all the rest of it.

I’m not against any of these things and if you’re having fun with it, great!
It all contributes to the global pool of knowledge and experience.
My point is that you can be super lazy and still get good results.


I’m getting there @Rogue. I still like to monitor things and make sure I’m on the right track.
But I totally agree, my goal is to get the point where I can relax and let nature take its course. I still like to have a little illusion of control right now though ;), but I’m working on it.
I didn’t want to disturb the bed either but since I felt I had to I thought might as well take advantage and see what’s going on down there. But as the hours go on I’m figuring the test really doesn’t mean shit cause the girls are damn happy as far as I can tell.

Big update coming tonight or tomorrow.

Stick around please @Rogue, you keep me grounded :slight_smile:


Hmmmm, what’s going on today in the corner…


If you are looking for an easy grow, earthbox is where it’s at. I love mine and want to get more.

You will love them………if that’s what’s going on.


I definitely see an earth box in my future at some point


Happy Sunday Fam!

What a weak!

My bed taught me a very important lesson, that is to trust her. Stop second guessing my role in this process and let her take the driver seat.
I’m really impressed with it, took some pretty hard up babies and turned them around in a few days.

The IMO is taking root hard, the new mulch layer is already one connected organism.

The rovies are staying where they are supposed to be, I think they were missing their home. Toward the end with the ST run the mulch layer had completely turned to castings and they had nowhere to hide I’m convinced.

Let’s take a peak,

She is the fastest to show sex, hairs already quite visible. Color is almost entirely returned to normal and she’s trying to branch a bit…

A crazy leaf…

My close second favorite currently, may take number 1 spot, time will tell.
Fat leafs, nice tight internodes, really interesting stem rub and the branches are like pencils, super strong.
Seeing signs but no hair yet on her…

My favorite so far. Tall, nice legs , and curvy.
She has been the fastest growing since sprout, ready to run from the get go. Think I’ll get some Jurassic park size fans on this one.
Color is 95%, still working on a few tips.
Just started throwing hair out this morning…

The runt of the litter. She has always been behind the others, even germination.
She does have the best branching though with a really nice stem rub.
There are a few spots left from the necrosis but she is 100%. Even showing a little extra effort this morning trying to catch up to her sisters. Also just beginning to throw hairs this morning…

A new guest, AWKID FireOnTheMountain.
Really looking forward to what she has in her. This came as clone from my buddy at the local organic supply. She is recouping really fast but still behind the others as she was still only in a solo and really struggling. She was neon lime green when she went in…

I was feeling a little left out and I’m going to want more of the ST sooner rather than later so…

I think I know what I’m getting into here and yes, I’m expecting it to be a total shit show!!!
Already count a good 30 decent tops.
So strap in y’all, this will take off hopefully in about a week. I need to get a new circuit run so I can plug a CMH back into the wall.
The plan is to scrog the 2x4 with this one plant.

In the box currently is
-1 bag of BAS light, I wanted 3.0 but sadly this is all the store had left in stock. I know, I have it rough :wink:
-4 cups of my EWC loaded with life of all kinds.
-.5” layer of veteran crab compost on top with a heavy dose of GnarBar, a sprinkling of kashi and cover crop. Watered it all in with some LABs and RootWise.

@CrunchBerries has given me a few tips already on the box and I may be dumping and re-layering if I feel froggy today.

Anxious to see first hand the horsepower behind these things.

The ST is hanging out, prob another 3 days till we get proper snap…

That’s it from the corner for now, thanks for sticking with me this week y’all while I ran circles around in my head. I’m back on the ground @Rogue :slight_smile:


Epic! Should be fun to watch the EB start pumping. Damn you got some AWKID genetics going hmm? Jealous!


This is a pic of the mom…


Hell ya, I dig it!


Poised to blast off in there man, looking forward to the show :v:t2:


You are going to be in trim jail for days with that one! Ha! Looking forward to a tasting.


Outa likes :heart:
Soon buddy ol pal!


Smooth runnings!!!


Last minute additions to the wife’s V-day flowers…

Will this get me a pegging @Pigeonman ?:rofl:


ASK HER! :rofl:


She better give you a rimjob, at least.





:joy::joy: I’m going to use that one!!