Beam me up, BOG! (Sour Grape)

your in coco so yes they will need a light feed solution.i was doing around 300 ppm for 2 weeks and then feed more each watering until you reach your desired target to what they seem to like.

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Fantastic, looking forward to watching. Regretting not picking up some of those when they popped up. Good for you, 13/13 :+1::+1:

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Just mixed up a gallon of nutrient water.

1 gallon distilled water in a 3 gallon pump sprayer.
Added 2ml botanicare Cal-Mag, shook and let sit for 10 minutes.
Then added 2ml Dyna-Gro Grow, shook and let sit for 20 minutes.
Tested Ph and it came out to 6.3 which is where @vernal likes to keep it.

I don’t have a PPM or EC meter at the moment but I will next week.

I’m also gonna be taking @204medismoke advice and getting a couple bags of cannacoco for when I transplant into the 3 gallon pots so I don’t have to wash and buffer any more coco bricks lol. I also ordered a Bissel air purifier with a HEPA filter and carbon filter which arrived 2 days ago and have been scrubbing the air in the room 10x an hour, that’s mostly for smell for in the future when I have to have the tent open tending to the garden.

The seedlings themselves are doing just fine, mostly just waiting for the coco to dry out a bit before I water.

I also upped the light intensity from minimum to 25% and also lowered it a couple of inches just to get a feel of how much light this strain prefers.

Temp cruising at 78f and humidity is at 75-80%

Edit: I’m gonna be feeding with full strength Cal-Mag after this first watering because I’ve noticed through my own experience with these LED’s and other evidence on the internet that LED’s make your plants uptake more Cal-Mag and also coco locks in calcium and magnesium so you need to add additional Cal-Mag every time you feed. This is very different compared to organics. It feels like I’m more in control, though


how strong is that hepa filter for odor control ? if its not good i would return it and get a 4 inch spider farmer kit and use someones promo code which will come out to the same amount and will come with controller that will be much more useful to u in the future and can be used as an air scrubber also.

find another 10% coupon code online somewhere


The filter works, very good actually. I can have a jar open in the room and the smell is gone after 5 minutes or so

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ok sweet as long as it works its always nice to have a air scrubber. especially during trim time lol

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Yes exactly lol maybe now the whole neighborhood won’t know what I’m up to.

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So my seeds came in lol I got to thinking about Greenpoint last week and decided to go check out the place that it all started for me. Sure enough they had a reverse auction going on and I got the pack of Cowboy Cookies for $14 and some change :drooling_face:

Next I wondered on over to GLG and ordered some Flashbang from @hammerheadgenetics, I was on ICMAG a couple years ago and saw these for the first time on his perpetual grow and absolutely fell in love. This is my first pack of Hammerhead Genetics and I’m stoked, they’ll be my next round for sure. I also picked up a pack of Deep Line Alchemy 11 from Bodhi and also got a pack of Dragon’s Milk (first Bodhi packs ever, shocker, right?)

This was also my first time ordering from GLG, and I cannot be happier with how everything went. In fact, they gave me more free seeds than I actually even ordered. I’ve never gotten free seeds before 🥲

From Bad Dawg we got Super Lemon Putang x Run Away Bride, Sunshine 4 (Bodhi cut) x Bye-Ya (Gage Green), and a tester pack of Purple Northern Lights Haze x Run Away Bride #8. Next we got a 5 pack (6 seeds as tradition) of Hammer’s Orange Cookies x (Snowman x Bio Diesel) and last but certainly not least, we got an 11 pack (13 actual seeds) of More Cowbell from Bodhi which I’m VERY excited about also.


Glg always hooks it up on the freebies. I think the guy who runs the bank is bad dawg genetics

Makes sense lol I’ve always just used SHN so this was a new experience for me

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Dcseed exchange is another good seed bank to use. He always throws in freebies too

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nice seed haul. couple interesting ones

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GLG is run by brothers… Bad Dawg page is 1 bro. The other runs the GLG page. Its a good seedbank :call_me_hand:


Glad to support family owned businesses 🫡

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Just came home from work and watered the babies

Lights on:

Lights off:


Color looking a little light, idk guys.


Anyone know what’s going on here?


Looks like seedlings growing, lol! But on a serious note, the most common mistake I see at this stage is overwatering, I’m not saying that is what’s going on but definitely be watching for it. I use a little sprayer to just wet around base of the seedlings myself, I wouldn’t soak the whole cup. :sunglasses:


I think earlier was the third time I’ve watered, I use the same method as I did for soil. I pick up the cups and see how light they are lol old school tek for the win. I also use a pump sprayer, I just spray for 5 seconds on each cup and let it soak in and come back a few minutes later and see how heavy they got. You can also feel where the water is in the cup. I shoot for the center of gravity to be just in the middle, not too high. That’s the sweet spot imo unless I water to runoff which in organics I tried not to do.

The GG#4 x Stardawg had the same leaf thing going on and I didn’t know if it was from the Chem genetics or TMV, luckily in that case it was genetic. The light yellow streaks and spots on the seedlings were what I was worried about and just wanted to know if I should be worried or not


Yeah I noticed the sprayer drops on the cups in your earlier photo and thought…oh good! But they actually look great man, give plenty of LITFA, they’re doing fine.