Beam me up, BOG! (Sour Grape)

So lucky. I held onto lifesaver seeds and after at least 2-3 years they didn’t work out

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Big time lucky lol

best advice i can give you is stop spending all your money on beans. those come in spades on here lol. put all that money into environment control and shit you need. like pre buffered coco so you didnt have to break your back rinsing and buffering that brick :stuck_out_tongue:
your gonna be like some of these freaks on here with like 20k worth of beans in a mini fridge ! lol


I’ve stored my seeds in the fridge since the beginning of the year, is their a better way though? is storing in the fridge bad?

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Everytime one opens the fridge to choose/take out the beans, moisture (condensation) will build up nevertheless in and around the container that it’s being stored in. Something to take into account.
Any cool and dry place should suffice.

My beans are being stored at 30c/86f, 35%rh in an air tight container with dessicant. Any cooler would mean the fridge for me as I live close to the tropics.
I’ve been storing in the fridge earlier tho.

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im confused they were in the fridge no?
what is properly?

All depends on the environment you live in. I don’t risk it, so i just store mine in the fridge in a box within a box. Only time i open my storage cases is if i get a new pack/s in or i pop a pack. For long term storage, fridge is best. It’s a more controlled environment.

No they were in a metal box (not airtight) in a warm room. I always thought the freezer for super long term, fridge for semi- long term, and room temp for 6 months or less. But idk lol I’ve had success either way really.


thats great they all germed but it got me worried for my seeds in fridge , i was thinking you said you had them in fridge, i must of read it wrong
but all in all im toking and watching you out i got some sour grape f2s from @DougDawson
im curious about bogs gear but i got to stay on track with my comitments and wait to grow mines

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Bogs gear is really fun to grow. His genetics are very easy to grow @amumayuk

What are some brands that have prebuffered and rinsed ?

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@Cyr_grow man carefull your hurting my arm there :rofl: :rofl:

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Let’s put it this way. My first strain i ever grew was bogs sweet Cindy. 15g pot and pulled an hp. Granted i had 7 years under my belt of horticulture practices (spray tech).

Highly suggest pulling the trigger on growing something of bogs if you have any of his stuff. @amumayuk

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My first “strain” ever, well, from a breeder, was Tomahawk from GPS. It was some gas, idc about what they say about Gu~, separate the art from the artist lol


not his directly but i trust that doug did them honor from what i read on here

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cannacoco mo-koko and mother earth comes in pure coco or 70/30 coco perlite. those are prob the most popular i have seen in the shops where i am.

Vader from Oceangrown uses all Cannacoco products, seems to be good shit

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I peaked into the tent before I left for work and they’re all above ground and doing great, any advice on feeding seedlings? Do they even need it rn?


All 13 are present and accounted for, had to do a little open-seed surgery on the one in the very front. I’m so excited for the grape terps :drooling_face::drooling_face: I just hope it actually tastes like grape lol


That’s some impressive viability, great job! :sunglasses: