Beebud's country living journal

Very nice. I like the variety. :+1::v:


After seeing her finished buds and what @rasterman has said about her, Mega Maide had to go outside!
Was in scrog so no structure pics to show, but the buds we can!


This Trinity has been a pain so far. Hopefully I can learn her. I shamefully failed her indoors so now it’s a mission. Even outside with some pretty nice dirt she is showing signs already.

This clone was fed maxibloom and calmag at 2.4 ec total. (5mg/gal calmag). And at that she will eat up a set of leaves and move on to the next in no time.
I added Epsom salt (on top of the above mix), and have got it to stop for the last few days. Before that those with spots would have been toast by now
Any feedback on Trinity is welcome.
Or anything I got for that matter!


I don’t know shit about anything, but, I’m under a suspicion that Maxibloom and calmag fight and mess shit up.

I was reading another growers’ journal the other day, someone who knows what they are doing, and they mentioned the same thing.

Let me go back and see if I can find the thread. I was yelling at my phone “I knew it was that damn calmag!”


Thanks, I’ve had issues since getting this new tub of maxibloom. Just hadn’t wanted to lean on that notion until I check my end on many fronts.
As for their calmag, it’s worked on my previous really good. But only two runs of 3 strains were maxi and calmag


It was @HolyAngel in the thread about nutes.

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Ah, the issue for me was running calmag with the maxibloom. Something with the calmag is throwing the ratios off and maxibloom seems to have enough magnesium as it is. It took me months of convincing, but finally dropping the calmag and epsom for solution grade gypsum, made a world of a difference on my end product.


Thank you for sharing this @HolyAngel there is something up and definitely helps knowing it may not be just me. :smiley:


Trinity was a pain for me too. It seemed to want lower light levels than everything else in the tent and ate the lower fan leaves almost non stop. The smoke is pretty good though so I kept her for another run.


Now that you say that on the light, I ran around 1000ppfd from late veg on… I’m sure it didn’t help fix the issue.

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I was running around 800 ppfd and it was showing light stress signs. I was also feeding way lighter than you at around 1.6 to 1.8 ec max. Hope you get some good buds off her.


Supposed to be 3 Gabagoo’s here. Now thinking an error on tags occurred. Two are around 3ft tall behind the third!
The only other seeds started at the same time were some CBD and Big Don x Vortex. I’m going with the Big Don here.
Can’t bring myself to break any of her sexy arms to help the autos, so there’s that.


Nice buds! 🪷

I’m smoking some Mega Maid circa April and it’s cured nicely. It reminds me why I hang onto it. Very pleasant and opiate -ish.

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Forgot about the three shots of vodka I dumped in my coffee. I’ll smoke it later and see if it still has that opiate effect. :pensive:

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She sure is a chonky girl. There is a lot of milky trichomes. Really looking forward to the smoke.

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Little stroll this morning.
Wedding cake hopefully won’t go any further into veg. She stopped in her tracks a good while back , and throwing single blades now. Got a young one in a tub as backup. Plus. Can sit on a pallet and take in the garage if need be to finish.

Dogwalker OG looking good

LA Pure Kush

Scorpion Candy
She is going to steal the show. Already over 7 ft and just a super nice wide beast of a plant. Had it not been for the reveg halt she would have went into giant status I believe.


Beautiful work. Dog has a cool structure under the sun, I’ve not seen her grow just like that. And that LA is a beast! I’d prune that girl hard man, I haven’t ever had any mold issues with her but those Bubba types come with stories of that being an issue. Throw some sulfur around and keep her as happy as she is now and I’d bet she’ll make a stellar harvest. If you can make it all the way that’s honestly gonna be a good outdoor batch, I feel like the LAPK’s terps don’t oxidize as easily or either it has a high sesquiterpene content but it’s hard to make her loose that musk.


Thanks, ya I really want to see those two hit the finish line in good shape.
Is why I still yet got to get Dog in a tub also like lapk.
Second round of sulphur coming. :grin:

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OMG you’ve got that scorpion Candy looking good. That’s a lot of plant.


Just a couple bud shots

CBD 20:1

3 Bears OG
I love this smoke. Maybe I should self one and keep a supply.