Beebud's country living journal

thought i was something playing with some 1:1 ICC auto’s here you are moved on to 20:1 what is the smoke like. looking for pain relief. really like the looks of that bat easy trimmer


Hey @thainer, the CBD works for my Dad with sleep and “some” relief with inflammatory bone/,joint issues. I chose it for no high for him yet plenty of CBD.
Mostly make oil for him but I’ve smoked it and it’s not too bad. Somewhere between floral and citrus on the flavor. Pretty smooth.
Hope that helps.


yes it does as this is my goal to find something with pain relief but not the stoniness had some surgery that went wrong in 2018 ended up with several hernias got a date for repairs along came covid and the 3 month wait turned into 27 months those several turned into one big one now i have a belly full of plastic mesh like i was saying been playing with these 1:1 ICC and really kind of liked it and thought i want more then your post showed up thanks for the reply


I selfed a branch last year and got a few left pm me your deets if you wanna run some of these. Hope you can get some relief.


3 Bears


Didn’t record start dates on all the autos going. So with the Mango Smile I went online looking at pics to get an idea. These weren’t anything like pics I seen and started to notice they weren’t doing any stacking at all and got concerned and got out the loupe. Holy cow lol yea they done by a long shot. No clear and a bunch of ambers, especially the top colas. The one on the back left is a bit too far gone.

Always something to learn. These autos have been good for that.
It will be hard to ignore the effects from low light hours on automatics going forward. I’m sure at least two of them will be good smoke.


I’ve done that too. Hopefully there’s not too much CBN in it.


Ok, this is the last of my dirt for the season. Getting late for mineral tubs so gonna try a few 5 gal.
Why buckets when I got the ground?
It’s getting late. They can be moved late in season. Don’t need a ton of dirt.
It’s insurance with mother nature as i can bring buckets and tubs inside this fall.
Dogwalker, Trinity and Chocolope are getting bucket insurance along with 3 Jack the rippers.
It’s going to be a race since they are seedling size now!

I’m up for the challenge to see what I can get out of them this late.


Current Chocolope outside is starting to take off.


self watering mineral tubs for the win have used this style for years saw some time ago a channel on you tube gardening with Leon he make water wicking tubs out of thing headed for recycle soda bottles big O drainage tube has got me threw many a heat spell it has helped with the come home from work to a wilted mess


Planned on taking this MB15 down in the valley for a reversal. Changing my mind now she’s looking pretty. Lol. Plus she’s in a tub what the heck may as well give her a flower go.


Nice. Yea these tubs are awesome. Definitely grow bigger plants than 5 gal for sure. I didn’t weigh last year’s in tubs but was plenty.
They are a perfect size for a tomato plant and produce great.


I couldn’t get away with that here, but I think I still have time to run some autos.


This will be the latest to date so all bets are off. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Chop day on the CBD.


Gorgeous buds!


Thanks @NugNurturer, best hobby known to man!

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Partial update. Sun started getting too harsh for more pics. Once buds get going I’ll pull out my DSLR gear. :smiley:
Group shot. Far right two are Hoku circles (boy & girl). Boy goes down in valley pretty soon. Back left are Sowah Males. Front MB 15. Still on the fence about doing a reversal. Would be weird in a way since I’ve never smoked it. But I didn’t see anyone doing it with this one so thought it would have high interest. What does my peeps say on it?

Chocolope doing great

Wedding cake starting to bolt


Absolutely agree There’s nothing quite like seeing those buds develop and knowing you’ve nurtured them from start to finish.


Well I say reverse!