Beleaf- the woman abuser

In my experience this is often projection and can be telling about a person. Devils advocate sometimes is repping the devil themselves


agreed and how he tries to use his life as sympathy card makes it even more gross.


I have 2 daughters, so that recording hit me extra hard. If I ever heard a boyfriend talk to one of them like that, holy fuck…I wouldn’t be posting on og…I’d be posting bail.


Poor Bodean (site staff) having to lock a thread until other mods log on because one of his own moderators was doing a whatsboutism…

Gonna be a shit day for those mods and admins I bet


With threads like this I think I’ll just sell me TV


One more time


AMEN…pass the Collection Plate!! I can’t understand why more Male Family Members don’t rectify the situation when it involves their Female Kin. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I could spend today analyzing the clip in ableton and comparing it to stock sounds of similar things happening. I’m not going to do that.

And one time for GMO v3nding an assload of snips of chimera and white truffle for domestic violence donations.


Things are getting shady in the island of Oklahoma. That video is gold. I can’t stop laughing :joy:


If it wouldn’t have went around the forums/servers as a download file it would have a crazy view count


That gave me pause for a second, it’s obviously intended to be upsetting and create doubt to say that publicly. The thing is, that’s what a lot of people end up saying as they burn out on a forum, sparking paranoid conflicts with other users and the site mods and staff. I was just reading this about Medman over on ICMag, he got his last ban there because he went off claiming he could find someone from their username and that Karma wasn’t securing the site. Karma confronted him directly and basically told him to shut the fuck up, and confirmed that he had no real understanding of site security. I have no love for that sites ethics but I do think Karma is more on top of shit than MM.

Which leads me to my real point here- this site is run by LJ who is an IT professional by day, and it experiences pretty few problems which makes me think that everything technical is a well-oiled machine behind the scenes, at least as far as I can tell.

I’ve never seen Shade demonstrate a solid understanding of cybersecurity, so I don’t take his worries as valid without seeing some sort of corroboration.

Shade seems to have some sort of complex hero/persecution thing going on that I won’t presume to understand, but the paranoid ideation is pretty consistent in his words here recently. We had a very strange conflict a month or two ago that was pretty inexplicable to me after generally liking some of their posts before that. I have seen their content on this site slide pretty hard recently, becoming less grow oriented and more personal and conspiratorial, I know they just came off a multi-week pause related to the conflict with me where they attempted to make personal threats to me in DM because I disagreed with them in a public thread.


@Cyr_grow it was BH


Yeah it was rather easy to see his machinations.


I definitely agree with this and I’m out of likes, but him attacking Lemonade Joe and how this site is ran etc isn’t fair to LJ.

I’m a supporter, so I obviously value what Lemonade Joe does quite a bit and all the other mods as well, I would gladly give him more than the $20 tier at Patreon that I currently am subscribed to

Mods have been dealing with a lot of BS recently so thank you very much @Northern_Loki


Im a mod on Growbuddy on reddit, and after it went down there was some rando(I believe it was dude on a burner) talking about how the girl deserved it, and “putting a bitch in her place” kinda talk. Cant say if it was Beleaf or some enabler. But man it was disgusting someone would run cover for that scumbag.


My buddy said Twiiter/X is RIFE with stans defending Boomshakalaka, or whatever he calls himself. Biggest reason I don’t waste my time there


Reddit is full of trolls and bots but it is still the best place to get information. Theyre about to do an IPO though so who knows how long that will last. Try “any search query” and “reddit” and youll usually get the best information because google is shit now. I can’t go to r/BayArea because it is only a tiny sliver of the Bay Area and it is hella cringy.


I wanna short reddit from the top. Lol…I was booted off many years ago and they have my ip flagged or something. They’re waaaay to woke over there. Not to get into politics…but the reddit mods are on major power trips. I hope their ipo dies at open…lol.
Long story short, I dislike reddit. No offense to anyone on reddit…it is a good source of info…and often entertaining…but still hope :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:


Closed as promised. Will re-open if there are new-worthy updates, ping the moderation teem.