Beleaf- the woman abuser

I’m going to add this observation, then he’s erased from my thoughts. I listened to the Audio, EACH time he “struck something”, you heard her INSTANT reaction, either verbally or by wimpering. He even said, “I’ll hit you again”, so what he hit/struck is UNAMBIGUOUS There is NO “benefit of the doubt”…NONE!! I don’t normally go this route, but I’m making an exception: CERTIFIED/VERIFIED A$$HOLE!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That would be comedy

'Your honor, my disgruntled exceedingly young ex-lover ex-employee publically posted a video of my abusing her"

‘I then figured that I should publically post a video admitting to the abuse’

‘I’ve been told that domestic abuse is bad but I had my reasons’

‘and I am a social media influencer, anyone discussing this is defaming me’

Didn’t hear that, did he actually say that?


I think the defamation part was supposed to be people on here calling him an abuser, and contacting seedbanks and telling them that he’s an abuser and they shouldn’t sell his seeds?

A couple problems… here are the elements of a claim of defamation a (non-public figure) plaintiff needs to show under common law (thanks Legal Information Institute): a false statement purporting to be fact, publication or communication of that information to a third party, fault on the part of the speaker/writer amounting to at least negligence, and harm to the reputation of the subject of the statement.

There is communication to a third party, and harm to the schmuck’s reputation, so we can put those aside and look at the other two elements.

The audio recording appears to capture the subject threatening physical violence, and perhaps employing physical violence, against an employee/paramour. On the face of it, calling the subject an abuser does not appear to be false.

Even if it is in fact false, in that the recording somehow did not capture the truth of what occurred… there doesn’t appear to be any negligence involved… even in this thread people attempted to corroborate that the person recorded is this person. People who run banks who may have interacted with him appear to have accepted that he was the person recorded. I gather from what people have posted that he hasn’t denied it’s him, only that there’s more to the story than was captured. A reasonable person could conclude from the audio that violence was being threatened, and may have even occurred.


and then there is the alleged other video that shows him striking her. i saw a link to it i thought but haven’t viewed or listened to any of them.


They locked it because a moderator was advocating for BLeaf, and slapping asshats on everybody that was complaining.
Strange days indeed…


Which moderator was sticking up for beleaf? @willie

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It’s still up…just locked.

Got a link?

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Oh, I thought you were talking about a mod on here

This was a wild ride.

Big thanks to the moderation team!


He’s on pause not banned yet, but if he came back under a different username that’s a bannable offense itself. I don’t think you want to be suggesting TOS violations to other users


dont care what you think honestly

It was good til someone came in here talking bout medman being a doxxer


If we’re gonna keep doing this, I’m gonna make sure this gets locked

The song they made about him and opening his eyes under water and messing up leaving live on with his lil friend poking out omg whoever did it did that in a few hours and it was great. There’s actually a few songs about dude.

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The 2000s lurker in me is forcing me to be in before the close

And a bump for attention for this guy being trash doesn’t hurt.


This part has been bothering me since he posted it, I wonder what he meant by this? Could you touch on this? @Northern_Loki


You don’t have to care what I think, just some friendly advice to another user. Sock accounts are a pretty serious annoyance to this sites users and admins and are taken seriously, quickly. I don’t know what their attitude or interpretation of TOS is for what you’re encouraging another user to do, but I would personally think it’s a community guidelines violation to be stoking conflict with moderation and suggesting attempts to evade a mod timeout or ban…


i stopped taking him serious when he defended burner like they were lovers lol. dude liked to always play devils advocate and defend scumbags. seems his dad musta left an impression on him