Beleaf- the woman abuser

And multiverse beans made a post on Reddit:

It’s impossible to keep up with the social media and such from all these companies; I’m just trying to share the ones I see to save everyone a little time.


Nice… MVB has always been cool with me!


@CocoaCoir you’re a legend sir or ma’am :pray::pray::pray:

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Imagine if he got a hold of her now…holy smokes…she probably wouldn’t be breathing. …and the fucked up thing is that he would blame her.


I’m not convinced by the ethos drama. I looked into it when I first heard the story, and the court case documents are out there to be found.

From what I remember reading from actual court case documents, he left his dog with his ex who mistreated it and pretty much let it starve to death. I think that whole story has gotten blown out of proportion as far as I could tell at the time. Colin wasn’t even around at the time, and there’s no evidence I remember seeing of him throwing dogs off balconies, etc.

We have to be careful just taking what people say as gospel.

Obviously this beleaf situation is a lot more clear cut with the audio available. I doubt it was ai faked as someone posited, as he later apologized for it.


Dude needs his ass handed to him , plain n simple


Heritage seedbank will be selling until stock is gone and wont be restocking.
Neptune seedbank will just discontinue everything.

Universal seedbank won’t be removing anything.


Man, what a douche!
I hope you found a way to get that fool back.

I have mostly dealt with great people in the community
and I must have a second sense for avoiding the douche canoes.
I had a personal beef with Karma G for a while, but I got over it.
I had bad germination rates on a pack of Ghostrider. I informed him on IG about it, he agreed to send another pack and then he ghosted me when they never arrived.

This B-Leaf idiot looks like a fool, so I never ever considered him, not to mention his genetics look like the same ole hype train.

Shunned by the community will be a great start for this guy.

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Fair enough there. Still seems like someone I wouldn’t wanna monetize, regardless :sweat_smile:

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be careful getting him taken off storefronts, if he can prove you directly hurt his business they can take it to a discovery phase and i highly doubt anyone in this community wants that.

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Anyone can do that anyways.
Discovery works both ways, I doubt he wants those videos made perminant public record via the judicial system.


Still up for me… Looks like he just removed Beleaf from the breeder list. Search Beleaf and tons come up still.

(edited because it had the intended effect)

It is on video. I am not misrepresenting anything.

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where is the proof of him beating her? there is a sound that could easily be him hitting the steering wheel or something.

either way hes not important, and people like that tend to drag others down with the ship. the ship is sinking i dont think it needs any help there.

mike from eg is the one accused of wrongdoing here who matters. there are much larger implications there in terms of how much money moves based on his genetics.

That’s an understatement. This situation is all over Reddit and IG. Several seed banks making public statements so soon. He really screwed up man


I dont know a person who wouldnt ask for this after hearing that shit.

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I wonder what his next move will be? How will he deflect and pass the blame to someone else…will be funny to watch him squirm.

I can hear him bitching out loud in his living room about how she destroyed him…lol…he destroyed himself…rasta


CHI TOWN SEEDS removed them also


You are :100:% correct!!! “Queen :honeybee: has been a Volunteer Counsulor for Hope and Justice Project, a Domestic Abuse Hotline/Agency for 20+ years. There are Horror Stories galore. I could elaborate on something that occurred when I was 12 or 13. I’m the only living witness to how my Father, two Uncles and a First Cousin dealt with two local “Riff-Raffs” who molested two female First Cousins. In my opinion, a Male forfeits the Title of MAN upon abuse of a Female, instant cancellation of the “Man Card”!! Now I’ll take a deep breath, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: