Beleaf- the woman abuser

i have never seen a better test of character than how people talk about or treat women. but in norcal pimping was made out to be cool, women were never called women where i grew up. and youd think that many people could not all be pieces of shit but low and behold they all were lol.


Hopefully this goes as far as him having his license revoked in Oklahoma. We can all only wait and see how this plays out. But I doubt any legal justice will come of this. But justice in the canna community is surely flowing right now


That’s out there NOW, just off the Street Corner or Local Stroll. It’s Online, Local Motels, Private Residences. Still the “old game”, only updated. The “Gangster Rap Genre” reduced Females to what is glorified today…sad!! To be popular, the young females bought into that self-demeaning sterotype. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know nothing of beleaf but was recently given a couple of their cuts - (not from OG). Haven’t flowered them yet, but I’m Just tossing them. :bowing_man::rage::fu: B :maple_leaf:


But do they breed with them like this?


I wouldn’t smoke that!


street justice is mostly online now. dude is fodder for hackers with morals and bills to pay.

i am down with making assumptions about most things but not this stuff. i get what youre saying but ive seen some sneaky fucks and we dont know the context. you dont know if she hits him, verbally abuses him. thats an assumption most of us have made.

I’m not making any assumption other than I highly doubt he wants discovery because of what it means for him.


What a POS clown; not that I would’ve bought his gear but I appreciate the heads up not to deal with a pussy ass woman beater.

Should try that shit on a guy his own size.

Then to listen to him justify and excuse it, like everyone does that in a relationship…

Somebody in OK grab him by the beard and serve up a few uppercuts for us :beers:


I would not condone this. Every breeder and “pheno hunter” has heard about this by now from IG.

boom fiya!!


colin still makes a lot of money lol unfortunately america doesnt care about the poor treatment of animals. but ya everyones a white knight for the woman who is abused so this guy is completely fucked.

sent me these
these poor plants are not responsible for the attitude of this fake white rasta


Phenohunter locked their thread. Kinda bewildered to see even a single post (seemingly) defending that shit, or saying “there’s two sides to every story” type deflection.

NOT HERE. We are pretty united in our disgust, and that’s a big reason I’ll never leave this forum


I’d feel the same way if it was a woman doing this to a man.


ive seen many abusive relationships that were mutual and could have easily looked like it wasnt from a brief snapshot. so ya man we dont really know do we? were all making assumptions here that seem pretty safe to me, but my main point is just dont venture into a realm where you are risking your own future by what youre saying. but ya call him a woman beater (just not in the context of trying to get him delisted), thats freedom of speech at its finest, just seen some dirtbags abuse the legal system to hurt honest people way too many times.

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Not all situations are the same. Not all couples are the same. I’m speaking on this specific instance. You’re saying from the clip that he didn’t do this? That he was just hitting a steering wheel or pillow or whatever else you said?


All due respect… a man never lays a hand on a woman. A man can defend himself by creating distance…

Verbal abuse from a woman would be even easier to avoid… simply walk.

Obviously a woman coming at you with a lethal weapon throws that theory right out the window.

I don’t agree with the assumption of not knowing context. Bottom line… he swung, struck, slapped… and that’s cause for an ass kicking.


That poor 18 year old girl was abusing him? Really…