Best 1:1 strains available?

Just be aware that a lot of the plants in an F2 will not be 1:1 like the F1 generation. It probably won’t take a much searching to find one, but there will be a range.


Can vouch for Canna-Cheese being not only a hardy plant and solid producer, but also an incredible high. It’s strong, heady, but the balance of equally strong CBD just takes it next level. Warm body, relaxed muscles, soaring mind. When I had Canna-Cheese was the fastest I ever drained my stash.


Yeah I don’t know why so many people want autos. It’s super hard to keep clones. What’s the point.


Interesting. I did not know that. Thank you for the info.
I knew the F2s would show lots of variation, but it didn’t occur to me that it would also effect the strains mix…which I should have realized.


I’ve grown some Dinafem 1:1 strains with good results. Early Amnesia CBD and Cheese CBD were both good. Gorilla CBD was not sexually stable so I don’t recommend that one.

Dinafem is currently out of business due to issues with the Spanish government…

However Dinafem invested in their own gas chromatography lab (The Dinalab) like a decade ago and it’s how they bred the CBD lines to consistently come out 1:1 from seed.

If I remember right, they let other breeders pay to use the lab to recoup costs of the lab, and Sweet Seeds (another breeder in Spain) used the Dinalab produce their CBD lines.

I’ve had good luck with Sweet Seeds autos and photos as have many other growers on this site and on AFN, and if I try to grow another 1:1 I’m thinking that’s who I would try.

North Atlantic Seed Co sells a lot of their seeds at a very reasonable price. I had a good experience ordering from North Atlantic and they have at least a few Sweet Seeds 1:1’s.


Thanks for the heads up! Subcool wouldn’t be thrilled someone feminized them but it was bound to happen (I would have been doing it if my seed run succeeded).


Excellent dude I appreciate all that. You sound like you’ve ventured down the 1:1 path quite a bit so I’ll take your recommendation. Which 1:1 from them would you recommend though?


Sweet Seeds took a lot of their existing strains and bred CBD versions of those, so honestly I would just do whichever one appeals to you the most.

Black Jack was a popular one of theirs for a while, and I know the guy from Useful Seeds used an elite Black Jack clone to make some of his strains/crosses. They have a CBD version of Black Jack that might be what you’re after.

3 Packs come with 4 seeds and 5 packs come with 7 seeds, so for Fem CBD seeds the prices really are pretty fair…

Looks like the only other Sweet Seeds 1:1 photo period that North Atlantic carries is the Cream Caramel CBD. Personally I would try a SOG of both if you are directly after a keeper 1:1.

Growers seem to like the Cream Caramel CBD:

Good luck whatever you decide, let us know how it goes.


PS I do think lab tests are important, and really the only way to know if you got what you were sold. I recently saw a Mephisto Canna Cheese that was claimed to be 1:1 test with almost no CBD on the Mephisto reddit which was disappointing.

The reason I chose Dinafem was that someone had posted a lab test with very close to the claimed THC:CBD amounts/ratios over on AFN about 3 years ago.

When I asked the Dinafem rep Mark about how likely I would get the claimed numbers for Amnesia CBD, he told me that:

95% of the time your going to get that 1:1 pheno mate. If I recall early ammo tests around 10% of both CBD and THC

I think they can have that confidence because they have (had) their own lab to make sure the breeding went the direction they wanted.

It might be worth sending Sweet Seeds and email and asking them what the chances are that you get the claimed numbers. They are usually good about replying to email, and have solid customer service. If they were using the Dinalab to develop their strains then I would think you can have a high level of confidence that you are getting what’s claimed.


Fucking excellent information man. Thank you! :pray:


Ended up going with the black jack. I appreciate all the vast input. Made my choice simple.

And thank you everyone else we appreciate it :pray:!


Good luck man, let us know how it goes!


I’m gifting them to buckaroobonsai. He helped me out with something big so it’s the least I could do.

So maybe we’ll see how they do in the next few months :sunglasses::+1:


Very much appreciated @CARE_giver and thanks to everyone for the great info :pray:


Blessings to you in your journey my friend. Hope you find some relief from those beans. I’ve been seeing more people around here doing projects involving CBD rich cultivars. In addition to the Good Medicine taken to f2 by @nube (currently being taken to f3 by @LegsMahoney ) @lefthandseeds seeds has some projects, as well as @bunny .


Happy to send more F2 of bodhi’s Good Medicine (Harlequin x Appalachia) to @Sebring for people to grab from him for free. I have several big bags of those seeds left - just gotta find the time to pack them up!

Yeah, I totally agree. The Good Medicine F1 ranged from 3:1 to 1:1 to full THC when bodhi had them tested, so you’re pretty likely to see a wide spectrum with potential for good CBD content in any of the resulting F2 seeds.

The GM F1 are not high THC, yet definitely feel good weed that tend toward antidepressant effects that would be good for anxiety, depression, and PTSD, but are not generally body numbing meds. My favorite pheno doesn’t get me high. Now that the pandemic’s over, this is GREAT party weed. And, best of all, those seeds are free!

My perspective is grow a few, pick the one(s) you like and keep 'em around. Don’t expect to find forever keepers in any F2 if you only pop 1 or 2 seeds at a time, but I bet you’ll find something you like in a dozen, and then you’ll have a dozen left over from the pack to gift to friends.



That is great to hear, everyone needs some CBD in their life honestly. I know Sebring is pretty swamped and looking for help, so I will just throw it out there that me and the wife would gladly help get these in the hands of people interested/in need. No hard feelings at all if you want to go another route, just extending a helping hand :+1:


Busy man this must be why you haven’t gotten back to my PM. Hope you get a break from the working man’s grind soon :pray: Godspeed brother and thank you again for F2ing these genetics, I have a lot of people around me who could use it


They’re going out today. :slight_smile:


That is awesome! I think a range is kinda nice because you can pick what works for you. It probably a nice high total cannabinoid strain and 3:1 might be nice as well.


Suhweeeet! Now we just gotta wait for Sebring to makes his way back; I’m interested to get to know him.