Best Fertilizer?

I was happy with some natures living organic soil amendment. It is super stinky stuff, like walking past a sewer plant. It’s super rich and all organic. Happy with how my plants turned out but I’m still sort of getting acquainted with indoor growing. Going all organic I would advise to maybe have on hand some yellow sticky traps and/or any other organic deterrent to eliminate or get the upper hand on gnats. Best luck with the food for plants that you choose!!


I am an organic grower…I will mix super soils etc…it is a lot of work and juggling…a few grows ago I fucked up…I know, I couldn’t believe it myself :joy:…I used a very very hot batch of soil I usually cut down with promix, but put it straight in the buckets and it was a little wet…my problems went from bad to worse as they struggled a few died before I figured out what happened…I was busy at work…so I decided to just use a few bags of happy frog, some more pertilite and just top dress and water with Gaia Green 4 4 4 and 2 8 4…it went very well…simple and happy with results…I take the used soil right back in the crate, wet it and sprinkle bokashi on it and leave it until next cycle.
So I am running Dr Earth this time…4 4 4 and 3 9 4 …it is half the price of Gaia Green and we shall soon see the results…so far in veg they are happy.


I use the Mills lineup and Dragonfly earth medicine teas. Earthworm castings as well.


I’m running advanced. Earth juice is good. Cheap. Jack’s 321 that is very cheap. @ReikoX and @lefthandseeds are the best I know here about this. They do make their own soil.


If its not already been mentioned take a look at “megacrop” it’s not 100% organic I don’t think but it’s a 1 part nutrient you use through both veg and bloom. If you search here on OG “Megacrop” there is plenty of grows that will show the results.

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i also use it on outdoor plants and house plants, they have it at my local nursery and home depot, it cost about $1 to grow a pound haha



Love your screen name…

How often do you apply it and how much do you use?

Only the “basic feeding schedule” part, I’ve never done it exactly like that, but in the ballpark!

this is dry fertilizer you sprinkle and work in the top of your dirt, then add a 1 inch mulch layer if you can (leaves, hay) pretty much a handfull of the stuff every 2 weeks, i used to overthink this way too much



About how many worms would you put in a bucket of dirt? (35 lbs of Tidy Cats comes in it… I think it’s a 5 gal, bucket).

Do they survive the adding of fertilizer or do you use them in place if fertilizer?


I have been using these for almost 20+yrs. and I have been very satisfied with the results…


I have worm farm compost bins that I collect castings from for my veggie garden. For cannabis when first mixing up soil I like to add castings as part of a super soil mix. I don’t add worms directly to the pots but end up with plenty in there from the eggs in the castings. To many worms in a container can quickly make the soil have poor aeration due to the compacting nature of fine castings. When I remix and amend my soil I pull all the big ones out and throw them in the yard. They definitely live threw fertilizer but I use organics not sure how they would respond to any heavy load of synthetics.


The worms are fertilizer producers, no need for any synthetic fertilizer if you have kitchenscraps. Horse manure you can get for free from anyone in the neighbourhood with a stable. They’re happy to see it go!

If you don’t wanna mess around with manure you can stick to kitchenscraps and grow in a stacked pot setup. :+1:



I tried what you (and many others suggested) about using Dr E… here’s a result… Meet Lady Gaga:

Did I do ok for a newbie who doesn’t know her a&& from her elbow??


I’ve been using 2 part mega crop on all of my plants with botanicare cal mag. I have 2 25lb bags. Part a and b. I’m never going to run out :rofl:


hellz yeah congrats!! dr E is mvp

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The single part megacrop is awesome also. My only issue is storing it. Most of my best grows have been via megacrop. :+1:


Ever grow weed… On weed?


I love the stuff. Just decided to get 2 part… I store it in Rubbermaid containers to keep moisture out…its done the best for me and my plants :upside_down_face:


General organics is a fantastic option for a whole like but I don’t use the humic they have I use
Ful power is the best bottled fulvic
Hygrozyme is solid

any beneficial Bacteria you like the sound of
I’ve been using orca


Wow, that looks so good! :drooling_face:

Cat litter boxes? Those the 40lb ones and how much do they hold soil wise? Can I see the bottom of one to see how many holes you put in? Looks like I might have a new reason to keep my cats area clean haha Thanks :sunglasses: